


Status: Complete

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/ From Decr 25, 1864 to Monday 2d Jany 1865
this does not include Genl Croxton of 25
Decr. It was Genl. Scroffield, Genl A. J.
Smith & others /

Genl Scroffied, Gen A. J. Smith, & [gap] was campt from
Warfields to town on the Pulaskie Turnpike. Some 40,000
soldiers from the 25th day of December 1864 to Monday the 2d
day of Jany 1865 in J. H. Thomas lots Rankins lots & woods,
my woods & Todds lotts & on to near Town. These soldiers took
10 large sows, weigh 300 each or more they were open sows 107
stock hogs fat & in fine order some would weigh 75 or 80 lbs,
some less, they would average over 800 lbs a piece. Killed 2
two year old heifers for beef, would weigh over 300 each. Also
78 head of sheep worth $500 each, they took & carried off about
brick from my kiln. John Francis & William Matthews
present & saw them halling them with many wagons

/ See a list of these damages made out / Cedar rales / Lipscomb & Harris
Genl. Croxton campt in my house, his head quarters on the night
of the 24th Decr, his army in the woods lotte, yards and all
over the plantation, took every available thing they could get
hold of. The burnt cedar rales 16,440 See Harris & Lipscomb
a certificate of the number of rales, they took my Mule (back
part of the hen house broke open the door, broke open the Smoke
house, took about 5000 lbs of salted Meat, Bacon, they took
all my Corn, took our Teaspoons, killed & took the last turkey
& some shoats.

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