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4 revisions
Jannyp at Aug 15, 2021 05:58 PM


-20- / oxen found / eating all the time, Jack & Caleb is cutting & halling wood to Tom. So is Sandford & there teams are so sorry the soldiers wont have them. Caleb & the Gards got our red oxen to day, tyed up at Mrs. Young, the overseers woman pretinds the soldiers give him to them. We are trying to hall wood for our fire. 1864 Dec Thurs 29 Guards / Bricks / Stray Bugga / Cold Wind / Cold Wind It was verry cold last night, we are trying to git wood, the troops are around us in a threatening atitude. Our Gards are fully able for there allowence which they receive & three times as much as they aught to consume, but We try to make them welcome. One has a diarea from eating. I went out to the brick yard & got the soldiers to stop halling off our brick to take to where they are making their winter quarters, between here & Town. I got a good old bugga & the soldiers braught it to the house & I gave them turnips for it. The owner can git it if he ever applies for it. The wind is blowing verry cold at 12 oclock from the N.W. freezing in the shade. The wind has shifted to the E. & S. E. but blows very cold Fri 30 Gard Taylor / Perkins & Wilson rested / Gen Scroffield / took my Brick This morning a verry cold easterly wind towards the middle of the day changed to the South, but very cold all day & cold rain in the evening. I went to Town and got John Taylor in the place of Perkins & Wilson. They are, Genl Scroffields, halling all my brick off to build Chimneys at or on the Tod lott, where they are making there winter quarters, John Francis & William Matthews seen them halling. Call Orr is provoric Martial & Commander


/ oxen found /

eating all the time, Jack & Caleb is cutting & halling wood to
Tom. So is Sandford & there teams are so sorry the soldiers
wont have them. Caleb & the Gards got our red oxen to day,
tyed up at Mrs. Young, the overseers woman pretinds the soldiers
give him to them. We are trying to hall wood for our fire.

1864 Dec Thurs 29
Guards / Bricks / Stray Bugga / Cold Wind / Cold Wind

It was verry cold last night, we are trying to git wood, the
troops are around us in a threatening atitude. Our Gards are
fully able for there allowence which they receive & three
times as much as they aught to consume, but We try to make
them welcome. One has a diarea from eating. I went out to the
brick yard & got the soldiers to stop halling off our brick
to take to where they are making their winter quarters, between
here & Town. I got a good old bugga & the soldiers braught it
to the house & I gave them turnips for it. The owner can git
it if he ever applies for it. The wind is blowing verry cold
at 12 oclock from the N.W. freezing in the shade. The wind has
shifted to the E. & S. E. but blows very cold

Fri 30
Gard Taylor / Perkins & Wilson rested / Gen Scroffield / took my Brick

This morning a verry cold easterly wind towards the middle of
the day changed to the South, but very cold all day & cold
rain in the evening. I went to Town and got John Taylor in the
place of Perkins & Wilson. They are, Genl Scroffields, halling
all my brick off to build Chimneys at or on the Tod lott, where
they are making there winter quarters, John Francis & William
Matthews seen them halling. Call Orr is provoric Martial & Commander


-20- / oxen found / eating all the time, Jack & Caleb is cutting & halling wood to Tom. So is Sandford & there teams are so sorry the soldiers wont have them. Caleb & the Gards got our red oxen to day, tyed up at Mrs. Young, the overseers woman pretinds the soldiers give him to them. We are trying to hall wood for our fire. 1864 Dec Thurs 29 Guards / Bricks / Stray Bugga / Cold Wind / Cold Wind It was verry cold last night, we are trying to git wood, the troops are around us in a threatening atitude. Our Gards are fully able for there allowence which they receive & three times as much as they aught to consume, but We try to make them welcome. One has a diarea from eating. I went out to the brick yard & got the soldiers to stop halling off our brick to take to where they are making their winter quarters, between here & Town. I got a good old bugga & the soldiers braught it to the house & I gave them turnips for it. The owner can git it if he ever applies for it. The wind is blowing verry cold at 12 oclock from the N.W. freezing in the shade. The wind has shifted to the E. & S. E. but blows very cold Fri 30 Gard Taylor / Perkins & Wilson rested / Gen Scroffield / took my Brick This morning a verry cold easterly wind towards the middle of the day changed to the South, but very cold all day & cold rain in the evening. I went to Town and got John Taylor in the place of Perkins & Wilson. They are, Genl Scroffields, halling all my brick off to build Chimneys at or on the Tod lott, where they are making there winter quarters, John Francis & William Matthews seen them halling. Call Orr is provoric Martial & Commander


/ oxen found /

eating all the time, Jack & Caleb is cutting & halling wood to
Tom. So is Sandford & there teams are so sorry the soldiers
wont have them. Caleb & the Gards got our red oxen to day,
tyed up at Mrs. Young, the overseers woman pretinds the soldiers
give him to them. We are trying to hall wood for our fire.

1864 Dec Thurs 29
Guards / Bricks / Stray Bugga / Cold Wind / Cold Wind

It was verry cold last night, we are trying to git wood, the
troops are around us in a threatening atitude. Our Gards are
fully able for there allowence which they receive & three
times as much as they aught to consume, but We try to make
them welcome. One has a diarea from eating. I went out to the
brick yard & got the soldiers to stop halling off our brick
to take to where they are making their winter quarters, between
here & Town. I got a good old bugga & the soldiers braught it
to the house & I gave them turnips for it. The owner can git
it if he ever applies for it. The wind is blowing verry cold
at 12 oclock from the N.W. freezing in the shade. The wind has
shifted to the E. & S. E. but blows very cold

Fri 30
Gard Taylor / Perkins & Wilson rested / Gen Scroffield / took my Brick

This morning a verry cold easterly wind towards the middle of
the day changed to the South, but very cold all day & cold
rain in the evening. I went to Town and got John Taylor in the
place of Perkins & Wilson. They are, Genl Scroffields, halling
all my brick off to build Chimneys at or on the Tod lott, where
they are making there winter quarters, John Francis & William
Matthews seen them halling. Call Orr is provoric Martial & Commander