folder 18: February 1856



Needs Review

aware of - God! grant your next letter will give further assur ance of her doing well. You must one & all be perfectly certain she can come with safety before you let her leave Savannah Coming on board a Steamboat - landing at a houseless landing in the night - & having to ride three miles through the [damp?] will be a striking contrast to athe warm house she would leave As badly as I am off for money what would be its value to me if in trying to make their [bill less?] - her precious life is endangered As you & [Georgia] both say "in two weeks" from Saturday last I can again write both to you & her on the subject - If Butlers cold is better he is very conscious to go over on the Maine on Satur day - he has some business which really ought to be seen after before Planting season. If the weather is good he will put [John] & the buggy over & go that way - if not put all on board the St Johns & land at Brunswich. So for some days [Truddy?] & myself will again be alone. Thank god! I did hear from your dear Father yes terday. I was quite rich in letters. two from him yours - [Georgia]s [Lord]s, [Mall]s & [Tip?]s - I was very nervous the nearer the time for the Mail the more so I became. Before I knew that [the boy?] had got back - [Floyd] called to me & said here dear Mother are no less than two letters from Father for you. Depend on it I was quickly on my feet & met the dear boy on the stairs I do not think I drew many breaths [?] I had read through all those welcome letters. Your dear Father says the Legisla ture would adjourn before his bill could pass the house The legislature would meet in July - when he thinks it will he was to leave Austin immediately after the adjournment was to go to I do not know how many places & it was doubtful his being able to come home before first going to New York. I am thankful he was able to write to me. His being knocked about that wild country will be

Last edit 12 months ago by L.Vink
Needs Review

the source of much anxiety to me, he writes cheerfully - but it is his nature poor fellow to be looking always on the bright side He regrets your having gone to Savannah - earnestly prays your dear children may keep well & that you will soon return to me.

If they go on at this rate I hope the measles will soon be over - [Julia] broke out with it today. And I think another child is getting it [Christiann] & child doing very well, I must stop now dear [Tootee] until more light shines on my paper. I have just been to see the sick. [Christiann] & child are quite [brave?] - [Julia] sickening One little girl who I thought was getting measles seems to be a [worm?] case I hope she is better [tho?] still quite sick. On Sunday when [Butler] returned from his ride he told me [Mr & Mrs I H Couper?] were at Hamilton & he thought I ought to to over & call[?] - So after dinner he and I put on our things - & went over in the new carriage - [your?] [Butler] had ordered [Peter] to paint the pole & it was not dry. How fameliar every thing appeared - when we drove up to the doorgate I saw a woman cleaning a pot at the back door of the kitchen - I could almost fancy she looked like [Nancy]. but the yard or house steps did not look likeas when you lived there. [Balala] opened the door & asked us to walk in._ The room furnished with refuse furniture. A book case of the old fashion where your [hand?] one used to stand - a sopha covered with calico cover where yours stood. All nice & clean but it did not look as when you lived there. No dear [Tootee] no dear children to welcome us I felt that Hamilton had indeed changed [owners?]. [Carol ine] kept us a long time waiting - her husband was out - came in at last & made herself very agreeable. She said they got there on Monday evening - it was raining & [Portell?] ready to receive them he was very glad to see them indeed came there to meet them &c.

They were of course annoyed. They had to unlock the house & he [wart?] in with them & took his seat as quietly as tho he was one

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Needs Review

of the party ([Caroline] much annoyed) but then he staid [cha?] away quite at his ease - & there he did stay got his supper which he seemed much to enjoy. & remained so long after [Caroline] said she feared expected to sleep as well as sup there.

[Mr Couper came in as soon as he heard we were there & was very agreeable. They spoke of the utter heartlessness of that vile [Miller Grant] & his parents. After doing [them?] all the mischief he could by spreading disease among them - he writes to the [Grants] "he hoped they were all getting well over the measles - [Mr & Mrs Charles] wrote "perhaps it was very fortu= =[nate?]nate they had got so mild a kind of measles". [Miller] had eaten up all the fruit left after [Ginny]s party- [Fraser] was quite sick when [Miller] was leaving & [Mr Grant] gave him some money & requested he would send some fruit as soon as he got to Savannah - from the time he left to the day last Sunday not a word had been heard of the fruit or money -

[Mrs Couper] said [Mrs Grant] was getting better of the measles but was excessively nervous. but not more so than her daughter [Fanny] It was in going to [Fannie] poor [Mrs Grant] go the disease. She had not gone near [Fraser] - when [F?] was taken she never rested until her mother went to her [Minnie] was very sick - but better when [Mrs Couper] last heard from them- [Jinnie] had acted well her part & deserves high commendations -

The measles had gone through the family with the exception of [Rose?]. [Butler] offered [Mr & Mrs Couper] conveyance to C.P. By the way we invited them here - but they said they were quite comfortable at Hamilton - (had to go to C.P. Wednesday morning & returned to Hopeton this morning) [Mr Couper] in sisted on [Butler]s sending over your carriage - but for the same reason we could not use it they could not - so they had the new one [Moses & Aaron & Nepture] to arive. Poor [Floyd] to add to his difficulties run a [tack?] in his knee today it is very stiff - I am poulticing it - he certainly is a most unfortunate boy. & all from his own carelessness. I may not write to all of you by Tuesday Mail - If you are able be sure & see [Appy] the day your write - Kiss my precious grand children for me - My little pets how much I do long to see them. [Butler] & [Floyd] send much love to you [L.] [W.] & {John}. & my dear cousin also - I hope you may be

Last edit 9 months ago by L.Vink
Needs Review

21t Feb 1856

My dearly beloved Tootee

I did not hear form you yesterday & fear the cause! Florence in her letter of Monday says "we fear dear Cooney & Johny are getting measles!" Dear babes how miserable I am about them. God! protect them & restore them to health. If the suspicion becomes reality. I know my darling child how you will suffer. you & your excellent husband. To have 5 small children sick of so tedious & distress ing a complaint is terrible. When I had six of you all down with that complaint at one time. it was under much more favorable cicum =stances. I am stronger now dear Tootee that you ever were. Had my little patients in two large comfortable rooms & intelligent servants to assist me watch & tend them. I can but pray for my precious darlings & trust to the mercy of God! If your sisters have not left Savannah when you get this & desire the services of Clem =entine keep her to help you nurse your children until they are better. I do want her services- but could do without them for two weeks longer. & longer than that too if you need them my child. I know that it is selfish in me to say so- but I do most heartily regret your having gone to Savannah. It seems to me evil follows every visit you have made to that place. Gods mercy grant you may escape with this, as well as the others- that those precious little ones may all return to me in life & recovered health.

Florence writes so hopefully of being able to get home next Satur day. I shall not write to her or Georgia by this mail. If theydo not come & either Geo or Florence are willling to stay & assist you nurse your children - as much as I desire to see them let one or the [kno?] other stay. I know our dear cousin will render

Last edit 7 months ago by L.Vink
Needs Review

you every assistance but she is no longer able to [nurse?] as her kind heart would suggest. Still her being so near you my Tootee will be a great comfort to you & relief to me. I have 14 down with the disease as yet none have been ill poor little things they are all very quiet - fever for 3 days & then say they are better. I give a small dose of [hippo?] after that Aconite & [Pulsatiller?] - after the fever is over if the cough is troublesome Belladonna. Be most careful to watch the bowels - norunning must be allowed- I have checked all [disposed?] that way by Dovers Powders. Do not be alarmed or uneasy if there is want of appetite. I rather think few who have measles feel inclined to eat the first 10 days. It is distressing how hoarse all become. God! grant my dear child your precious little ones may have it favorably. I hope my sweet little Rosa may get over it as well as the [Christiams?] child. The mother still very hoarse & thin - but is every day bothering me for work. That which you sent one is finished & ready to be sent tomorrow. I had to guess as the size of the waist of the petticoats. I fear the [pantaletts?] will not be found to fit. If you will compare them with the old one you will per ceive they are shorter in the body. Maria says she "put in the tucks just as they were pin'd" I wanted to send you some oysters dear Tootee but Butler is not here to attend to it & the weather this morning was so rainy they could not be sent for. I hope to send some on Tuesday. If the girls come on Saturday Lord will come with them. And when he returns it would be a good chance to send your fowls if you want them. I have been look ing over my awful bills - how terribly cheated poor country folks are. Would you believe it. Anderson charges me (from Claghorn &C $2.37 1/2 a gallon for lamp oil & 1.25 per gallon for Machinery oil, so the oilcan of lamp oil was $13-13- Lard oil $7-50 and every

Last edit 7 months ago by L.Vink
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