Recipe book, ca.1856, UPenn Ms. Coll. 392

UPenn Ms. Coll. 392. Comprises culinary recipes for puddings, custards, pies, dessert sauces, ice cream, cakes, cookies, beef, fish, chicken, pigeons, tripe, curing hams, and several for Theo Hook's punch. Several items laid in including menus for large events, one for a "Vestry Supper;" one is a list of linens.


p. 41

p. 41

Mrs Jamerson's Drop cakes

Take three eggs, leaving out one white, beat them in a pint bowl, "just enough", then fill up the bowl even full, with milk, and stir in enough flour, to make a thick, but not a stiff batter - bake in earthen cups in a quick oven-

Last edit 5 months ago by emmabent
p. 42
Blank Page

p. 42

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Last edit almost 3 years ago by sabern
p. 43
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p. 43

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Last edit almost 3 years ago by sabern
p. 44
Needs Review

p. 44

A la mode Beef (White) Prepare your beef, & make a stuffing of beef & suet; chopped fine, grated bread, seasoned with salt, pepper, cloves, mace, nutmeg, and sweet marjoram, mixed with eggs, Put into your pot, six buscuits powdered, a large onion, some white pepper, cloves, mace, nutmeg, and a bunch of sweet marjoram, or thyme, and some salt; Fry a slice of beef in butter seasoned with pepper and salt, shake flour over it, and put it into your pot, with three or four quarts of water, when partly done, add in half of a pint of port wine - An hour before your beef is done, strain as much gravy, as you wish to use, and skim off all the fat: if it is not as thick then, as you like, boil in some browned flour, and butter. make force meat balls of part of your stuffing, and cut thin slices of lemon & add to your gravy, or as garnish to the dish - a large piece of rump beef, will require five hours slowly to stew.

Last edit 18 days ago by spaceloryy
p. 45
Needs Review

p. 45

Baked Fish

Skin your fish, and fasten the tail in the mouth, put a stuffing inside as for roast veal, put over it small pieces of salt pork, flour it, and baste it with butter, put in the pan, and over the fish, some salt, sweet herbs, pepper & two or three pounded cloves, put it in a deep dish with a rich gravy - a few oysters added improves the dish--

So bake a Pike - or other fish

Make a stuffing of grated bread, seasoned with salt, sweet marjoram, nutmeg, mace, and cloves, mixed with butter, and put it in the belly of the fish: Season the outside of your fish the same as the stuffing, rubbing it over with the yolk of an egg, and shake flour over it: stick lumps of butter all over it & cover them with with grated bread crumbs, bake from twenty minutes, to one hour according to the size of your fish-

Anchovy Sauce

Wash your anchovies; put them into wine, & water, with a little mace; when the anchovies are all dissolved, strain it, add a little butter, not too salt, mixed with flour to thicken it and add a few capers - serve hot-

Last edit 18 days ago by spaceloryy
Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 231 in total