p. 151




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to my terrified imagination as my future lord and master
it would be considered only as a very proper and natural
reward for my presumption.
But I am wandering __ Mr Murphy, you have set me on
the wrong track, what do you mean & There! I did'nt
mean to say that your coming in, was alone the completion
of my happiness, I meant to have mentioned, immediately
after, another event equally important which helped
materially to fill up the grand sum total of pleasure
so gratefully enjoyed in this one evening, when with
the very mention of your name, your great, all important
self was presented so forcibly to my mind that I could not,
out of common politeness, forbear to give you a passing
notice; so now stand aside, just for a moment if you
please and see who comes next. __ Now I have it!
You have thrown yourself back in the rocking-chair in
a very-much-at-home manner and I am standing
with my arms around your neck, and Harriet, Mary
Emma and Elisabeth Culbert are laughing and chatting
away directly in front of us, when the door opens
and admits a blue-eyed, fair-haired little darling, looking
as though she had but just recovered from recent illness
but her colour rises and her eyes sparkle as she returns
atus fond greetings ~ How much she laughs like her old self
Father's "bird"! how good in him to bring her home to - day
and he looks as pleased to see her here again as can be.

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