Page 169




Status: Complete


clouds. Getting down to Vérmező, the sunshine was
[strikethrough] already [/strikethrough] veiled by the smoke and at the Elisabeth
bridge it was dark like before a storm and you could
smell the smoke. More and more inside the
city the smell and darkness grew worse. The raid
seems to have been an exact, [strikethrough] scientific [/strikethrough] precision work, oil refineries
struck at the Csepel [strikethrough] region [/strikethrough] area, the junction
of the Bánhida powerstation hit at Kelenföld,
but some oilstorages too, because the fire
was just the same black and powerful, as
on the other places. The eastside [strikethrough] aim [/strikethrough] target I do not
know yet. Over our [strikethrough] region [/strikethrough] area sixty bombers
were counted, heading for Csepel. The [strikethrough] flack [/strikethrough] AAC
turned now inside the city, many splinters
had fallen [strikethrough] here too [/strikethrough]. [strikethrough] As [/strikethrough] Almost all the country
had been alarmed, [strikethrough] several raids ought
to have occurred, I am afraid Akarattya,
your friend’s gasoline works too. I shall hear
about this later [/strikethrough].

– Mrs Hermans, as a favour for me, did an
errand on the Swedish legation this morning
just after the raid. They say, I can go there

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