


Status: Complete

Wed Oct 16 Splendid to day again. Dave [and]
John Struve hauled a load of straw and then
brought down the oats 81 bush [bushels]. Then they plowed
a place to bury the apples and potatoes and dug potatoes
the rest of the afternoon. I didnt do much
I am sorry to say. Will Case and his better half
were here on a flying visit to day. They seem
to think well of Colorado and wish they could see
more of it and so do we. I have got through with
Mr Struve and Dave is going to take him to town
to night.

Thurs Oct 17 Fine again. Dave went
down to Mr Covingtons and got our stray calf so
we have them all in now. Then he went to
see what he could do with Mr Larimers oats
and some of the apples but Collins is a very
poor market for anything that is raised by the
farmer. I worked at the apple business and
finished picking the janitings and buried the
Lawvers and the ganetings and churned etc.

Fri Oct 18 Clear but rather windy and
sort of cold and smoky. Dave finished gathering
the apples and we loaded up what he was going
to take to town and after dinner he went
to town and carried over the apples and brought
out Meda. I dug the potatoes West of the
Ice house and helped get the apples ready
to take to town and buried ten bushels of Ben
Davis apples and picked up most of the potatoes.

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