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anoynt your hands with oyle of Cammimill or oyle of roses & knead it well with your hands & soe make it up into a rowle & soe ye rest when you lay it upp. This plaster when you lay it up putt an oyle paper or lether or both oyle your paper & lether ons a yeare that you kepe it in for it will keepe ye beter from over much drying & lay it out of ye sunne & it will last about 50 yeares you must spread this plaster upon lether being pricked full of holles ye knife that you spread it with must be warme.

The Virtues of this plaster followeth

it is good for old & nuw sores it dryeth it Cleanseth it breedeth good flesh it confermeth comforteth & healeth more in one weeke then any other in 8 weekes it will not sufer any sore to puterefey or curopt or any dead flesh to grow. Also for sinewes brused or cutt or pricked with a thorne or otherwise hurte it is exelent it drawes out of wounds wood or iron or lead & any other thinges it cuereth biteings of venemous beast it cane search all kind of boyles & impostumes to ripen & most Exelent against a Canker a thistolo ye shingelles or St anthons fire allso a present helpe to asswage all paines & aches & for all kind of woundes allso it is found a present helpe for bones out of Jont by laying 2 or 3 plasters at ye most it helpes in 4 dayes armed out of Jonte perfectly soe that ye partey feeles noe paine nor acth afterward you must not tent ym except they matter befor they come to ym or 2 plasters is sufenet to healle it or any other sore or swellings burst dead fleash it will not sufer any ille to bred.

An Exelent salve to cuer any wound or sore
Take a pinte of ye best salet oyle 2 peney worth of red lead & 2 peneyworth of bole armericke beate ym very smalle & put ym into oyle & yn boyle ym very softly untill they come to a salve

for a bruse
Take ye gall of an oxe oynions & fry ym with a quantty of sheeps suette & with a fine lining cloth apply it to ye soare.

A Receipt for a violent ache that is come with a heate & [Couto]
Take a good handfull of grene sage & as much of mammamile & as much of rose marey topes & boyle all this together in a pinte of aquavita upon a Chafendish of coales in a puter dish you must let boyle till ye hearb be tender & ye aquati consumed & when it is all most consumed putt in a quarter of a pinte of neatsfoote oyle & yn let ye partey greeved be fomented therwith & tye ye hearbes very thicke round a bout it & let it be aplyed twise a day to ye place till it be well.

A watter to Cleane an owld sore of ye dead flesh & to hele ye sore
Taka a quarte of smiths watter & aquarte of plantine watter & an ounce of mercuery putt all thes together & let ym boyle a prettey whille yn take it of ye fyer & let it stand & Coulle yn take a browne paper & put it upon a funerll & soe let it drope by litell through your paper into your bottell it will be 4 or 5 dayes a droping when you use it you must warme a littell & dipe linte & soe apply it to ye soare

A wound drinke
Take southeren wood wormewood buglice wugworte ribworte wood betenoy [Janacle] plantine dandilion white bottells branfell budes egeremony wild angellecow Comferey hawthorne budes mint scabous strawberey leaves [dase] roots housleck avens vilot leaves oaken leaves Cinckfolle of each one handfull ade to thes a pottell of white wine & a gallen of runing watter boyle ym all together till on halfe be consumed of ye licqor yn strain it from ye hearbes & putt into it a quarte of honey & soe boyle it againe resarve it in a glase close stoped for your use let ye paitent drinke 6 sponfulls at a tyme in ye morning fasting & soe last at night contieneue ye takeing of it soe longe as you see ocation
Thus cuers old sores wemens breast puterefeyed bones causing ym to scale it is good for aches in ye stomacke breakes & imposom stanches blud broken in body & causeth bloud to fall out of ye body wounded you must not give it to cuer a brest befor it be broke you must putt noe tent in it but aply a searcloth

A drinke to cuer an old soar
Take leaves of valleren red sage betoney a quarter of a pinte of hempseed red cabbage red brambles of vilots of plantine sinckfold sanick strawberes dovesfote woodbine Egeremoney Garden mader rootts Comfery roottes hasell leaves of every one a handfull kernells of hasel nutts halfe a pinte bruse all thes together yn boyle ym gently in aquarter or more of white wine & a good pinte of stronge bere till a pinte be consumed yn straine it & afterwardes boyle it againe softly ading ther to halfe a pinte of honey let it boyle as longe as it yeldes any scume yn take it of drinke of this warme tow or 3 sponfulls first & last & apply to this sore a litell linte diped in ye liqor

A Sercloth for a spraine
Take wax & dere suett of each quantety alicke soe much [ripen] as one of thes melte ym together in a skilet yn deep a pece of nuw [lockorn] as bige as ye sore & when it is allmost cold wrape it about ye place greived

A plaster for ye paine in ye Stomake
Take wormwod minte & Callamint sage & vinagar & stampe thes & [tort] white bread till it be browne & put ye [evu vries] ther of crumed small to t & make it all together like a plester & lay it to ye stomacke

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