City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Henderson & Locke


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405 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Mar 2 1888 Walter Beatty 1232 Fire 3.00 Washing hose no 1 Jno J Sullivan 1233 Fire 3.00 Washing hose no 1 Water Spring Hill Water Co 61 Water 330.50 Water month of Feby Madison St W N White 1549 Madison St Ord 839 682.50 Estimate for Feby Albro Gardner 1550 Madison St Ord 839 89.87 Surveyor fees Seventh St Albro Gardner 1551 Seventh St Ord 848 42.75 Surveyor fees Bell St Henderson & Locke 1552 Bell St Ord 887 82.12 Estimate for Feby Birch St Albro Gardner 1553 Birch St Ord 904 25.25 Surveyor fees Fifth St Albro Gardner 1554 Fifth St Ord 905 120.87 Miscellaneous The City Surveyor submits plans and specifications for grading and building sidewalks on both sides of Birch Street from Depot Street to Harrison Street; also for grad-ing and building sidewalks on both sides of Fifth Street from Union Street to Depot Street, together with estimates of the east of such improvements, and on motion the same are approved and ordered filed. The City Surveyor submits plans and specifications for a bridge from the south side of Jackson Street at its intersection with South Sixth Street, thence along South Sixth Street to King Street, thence along King Street to South Seventh, thence along South Seventh to Weller Street, thence along Weller Street to the bank, and the same are referred to the Street Committee with instructions to report at the next meeting of the Council. Ordered that the Street Committe be authorized to purchase another hose for the city.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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433 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Apr 6 1888 P E Barnum 1250 Fire 2.50 Hauling Hose Cart Wm Lukeman 1251 Fire 1.00 Hauling Hose Cart W H Clark 1252 Fire 4.50 Washing Hose Sullivan & Dunham 1253 Fire 6.00 Washing Hose Frank Fuller 1254 Fire 7.00 Clearing Alley Wm L Lindsley 1255 Fire 4.00 Hauling Hose Cart Sullivan & Beattie 1256 Fire 6.00 Washing Hose L P Ferry 1257 Fire 3.00 Washing Hose Dunham & Carroll 1258 Fire 6.00 Washing Hose H Fielding 1259 Fire 3.00 Hauling Hose Cart J H Bisher 1260 Fire 2.10 Wrench & repairs P J Emerson 1261 Fire 3.50 Hauling Hose Cart Seattle Lumber & C Co 1262 Fire 85.00 Lumber for Bell Tower #4 Water Spring Hill Water Co 62 Water 330.50 Water for March Madison St Imp Fund Ord #839 W N White 1556 555.00 Estimate Mch Work Albro Gardner 1557 40.37 Engineering Madison St Birch St Imp Fund Ord #904 Robinson & McClanahan 1558 50.63 Estimate March Work Albro Gardner 1559 30.00 surveying Fifth St Imp Fund Ord #905 W N White 1560 1087.50 Estimate March Work Albro Gardner 1561 74.50 Surveying Bell St Imp Fund Ord #887 Henderson & Locke 1562 320.74 Final Estimate Albro Gardner 1563 19.62 Survyors fees Vine St Imp Fund Ord #909 Albro Gardner 1564 80.89 Surveying Cherry St Imp Fund Ord #916 Albro Gardner 1565 48.62 Surveying Bell St Imp Fund Ord #917 Albro Gardner 1566 21.75 Surveying Depot St Imp Fund Ord #91 Albro Gardner 1567 129.48 Surveying

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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436 Parker and Orr Earthwork per cubic yard .38 cents Sidewalks per M [thousand board feet] $17.00 Box Drains per M [thousand board feet] $17.00 Clearing and Grubbing per acre $75.00 Ryan and Brannagan Earthwork per cubic yard .33&1/2 cents Sidewalks per M [thousand board feet] $16.00 Box Drains per M [thousand board feet] $17.00 Clearing and Grubbing per acre $100.00 Erdman & Lawrence Earthwork per cubic yard .35&3/4 cents Sidewalks per M [thousand board feet] $18.00 Box Drains per M [thousand board feet] $18.00 Clearing and Grubbing per acre $90.00 Henderson & Locke Earthwork per cubic yard .33&1/2 cents Sidewalks per M [thousand board feet] $15.50 Box Drains per M [thousand board feet] $17.00 Clearing and Grubbing per acre $87.00 Ordered that the contract be awarded to P Quigley and J M Quigley upon thier filing bond in the sum of $2000.00 On motion the Council now proceeds to the election of four police officers whereupon the following named are duly elected to wit: Edward Kinley E Briggs & J H Beano and W F Peer. The city surveyor submits his Estimate of the expense of clearing grubbing and grading 50 ft wide the Avenue around the Lake at $10,000 per mile. Ordered filed.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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447 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Apr 20 1888 Sewer Castings Bids for furnishing the City with Sewer Castings from Apl. 20th until October 1st 1888 were opened and read as follows: Washington Iron Works 5&1/4 cents per lb Allmond & Phillips 4 cents per lb Moran Bros 3&9/10 cents per lb Ordered that the contract be awarded to Moran Bros Bell Street Improvement Bids for grading and building sidewalks on Bell Street from 5th Street to Seventh Street were opened and read as follows: Henderson & Locke Earthwork per cubic yard 31cents Sidewalks for MBM [thousand board feet] $16.00 Box Drains for MBM [thousand board feet] $16.00 Clearing and Grubbing per acre $75.00

Green & Mount Earthwork per cubic yard 29&1/2cents Sidewalks for MBM [thousand board feet] $18.00 Box Drains for MBM [thousand board feet] $18.00 Clearing and Grubbing per acre $200.00

Ryan & Benjamin Earthwork per cubic yard 37&3/4cents Sidewalks for MBM [thousand board feet] $15.50 Box Drains for MBM [thousand board feet] $16.50 Clearing and Grubbing per acre $95.00

O'Day & Co Earthwork per cubic yard 32cents Sidewalks for MBM [thousand board feet] $16.00 Box Drains for MBM [thousand board feet] $16.00 Grubbing and Clearing per acre $135.00 Ordered that the conract be awarded to Henderson & Locke upon upon filing a bond in the sum of $1000.00

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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461 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE May 4 1888 Parker and Orr Earthwork for cubic yard .37&1/2cents Lumber per M [thousand board feet] $17.00 Grubbing per acre $100.00 Henderson & Locke Earthwork for cubic yard .43cents SideWalks per M [thousand board feet] $17.50 Box Drains per M [thousand board feet] $19.00 Grubbing per acre $125.00 Ryan & Co Earthwork for cubic yard .31&1/2cents Lumber per M [thousand board feet] $15.00 Grubbing per acre $91.00 O'Day & Co Earthwork for cubic yard .36&1/3cents SideWalks per M [thousand board feet] $16.25 Box Drains per M [thousand board feet] $17.00 Grubbing per acre $120.00 H F Phillips Earthwork for cubic yard .39cents SideWalks per M [thousand board feet] $19.00 Box Drains per M [thousand board feet] $24.00 Grubbing per acre $200.00 Ordered that the contract be awarded to Ryan and Co upon their filing a bond in the sum of five thousand (5000) dollars. Pursuant to law and published notice, the Council now proceeds to examine and equalize the assessment roll for the assessment district created for Ord 917 for grading and building sidewalks on both sides of Bell Street from 5th to 7th Sts and no one appearing to contest said roll and no objection being made to it on motion the same is hereby approved. The assessment roll of Bell Street ord #917 from Fifth Street to Seventh Street is approved. On motion the equalization of of the Cherry Street

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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