Pages That Mention Ellen
Mary Emma Jocelyn diary, 1851-1852.
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Friday.. Very cold but clear.. Commenced making up my new dress. Miss Mary Warner, Mrs Fitch, and Mary Reeve called, P.M. Wrote to William Gonsalves? in the evening.
Saturday.. Pleasant. Spent the day busily and pleasantly at home. Ellen Dickinson called in the morning. Mr Murphy unexpectedly arrived from New Haven in the afternoon much to Harriet's surprise and delight.
Sunday.. Pleasant. Attended our church all day. Father preached in the morning and Mr Picard in the afternoon. Spent the evening in pleasant and I trust profitable reading.
Monday.. Cloudy. Occupied the morning with my needle. Early in the afternoon I called on Mary Reeve and also on Mrs Tucker, an intimate friend of Mrs Leager She has just received a letter from Mrs Leager, in which one had been inclosed to me by Ellen, but for some reason, not explained, had been taken out. She is a very pleasant and talkative woman, and entertained me with a long account of what Mrs Leager had written. She also offered to enclose a letter from me in her own letters which she sends tomorrow. Kate Hudson made a long call soon after my return. In the evening wrote to Ellen Seager, wrote in my journal, and read the newspapers.
Tuesday. Clear, but very cold. Sewed all day without interruption. Mrs Beecher called about dusk. Read in the evening Folks say that this is the coldest day we have had in [three?] years.
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Friday December 26th Very cold. Busy in sewing. [?] Dickinson called in the afternoon. Mary Willet and Antoinette Shepard also made a long call. In the morning Mrs Evans Ellen Seager's cousin from New York called with a letter from Ellen to me. She had been at much trouble in finding me having first sent over a servant who being unsuccessful, returned and she then came over with it herself. She seems a very pleasant lady I have never seen her before. Ellen's letter was eight pages long, describing the voyage, her reception in England [?] with her mother she is now residing near Woolwich at her uncle's. They were [27?] days on the ocean during which time a very pleasing young gentleman on board fell in love with Ellen, and made her an offer of his hand, but she had left her heart in America, and he [sued?] in vain. She is homesick, and wants to see me and somebody [somebody is underscored] else very badly. Brother Jonathan quite [?] John Bull in her eyes, and she is so discontented that I think she will return with her mother as soon as possible.
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Wednesday Jan 28th Pleasant. I sat alone with Annie in the parlor quite a long time in the morning talking about Maggie. Sarah and I also practiced our music lesson Annie left us quite early in the afternoon. Sarah wrote a letter to her mother, and I wrote to Ellen Leajer?. In the evening George Hudson called for us and accompanied us to singing-school. We stopped to snow-ball each other on the way. Mary Reeves? came in with Natty soon after. Mr I. A. Warner behaved very impolitely indeed, and closed the exercises very abruptly. I think I can divine the motive of his conduct. George Hudson stepped up and told him his mind pretty plainly. We had a pleasant time returning -- more snowballing. All stopped at our house awhile. George remained some time after the others had left.
[side] Mary Reeves? called. P.M.
Thursday .. Bright over-head. Sarah made up her mind today to visit her friends in New York and accordingly Carrie and I accompanied her over. Sarah stopped to bid Kate Hudson Good Bye. we found the walking very bad there was also much in the river but we crossed without difficulty. We called on Annie, left Sarah at her uncle's and returned. Reached house in time for tea. and attended Lyceum in the evening. Prof. Anderson lectured on the Celtic Race. It was very interesting but I was almost too tired to enjoy it.
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no doubt very well plased with all this parade. Many of the young men of the place joined the [firemen?] for the sport. I was much amused to recognize among them several of my acquaintances. The [music?] was very fine, and on the whole the procession did honor to the young city. After it had passed Carrie and I staid some time of the Dickinson's.
Ellen and I called on Mrs Leackwood?. As we left the procession stopped at an open lot near 5th street and thirty cannons were fired. At the same time the bells pealed merrily. But the noise was deafening and we were glad to get home.
An ox had been purchased to feast the procession, and on Monday it was paraded through the streets, decked with flowers and ribbons, but last night while those appointed for the office were peacably roasting it whole, it was forcibly taken by a Band of five hundred rowdies, dragged through the streets, and otherwise maltreated, so of course to-day there was no roast ox to grace the occasion. Those who expected to get a mouthful were very much dis-appointed.
In the evening there was a grand supper of the Equestrian Institute. Five dollars a [ticket?]. Father and Mother attended by invitation. The Supper was followed by a ball. Carrie and I attended singing school for the last time I suppose.
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Tuesday, March 16th.. Went into Grand st of an errand, and called on Mrs Tucker. Sewed in the afternoon
Wednesday.. Rained in the morning and snowed in the afternoon.. Received a box from Mrs Leager and Ellen containing two very pretty boxes, crochet patterns a worsted pattern and letters from Ellen and her mother to Carrie and I. We were much pleased with them all. -- Mr & Mrs Hudson, Kate and Henry came over in the afternoon and took tea with us. Mr Murphy was also here and George He came in the evening. We had a very pleasant time both in the afternoon and evening. We had prayers and sing-ing together about half-past ten and soon after they left. Mr Hudson presented Father with a $20 bank note
Thursday.. Cloudy and damp. Wrote to Ellen Leager. Cornelius who has been complaining for the last two weeks was suddenly taken very ill with the rheumatism and the doctor was called. He was put to bed, the Doctor's prescriptions attended to and he soon felt much better. Sarah Wilde spent the afternoon here.
She has improved a little during her long sojourn from home but is herself still. She amused us very much Henry Hudson called and accompanied me to Lyceum in the evening. The Rev Mr. Pierpont delivered his celebrated poem on New England. It was received with much applause