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Pages That Mention synapism

Barton, Benjamin Smith, 1766-1815. Benjamin Barton Smith notebook on materia medica circa 1796-1798. B MS b52.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

(seq. 335)

(seq. 335)


Materia Medica


we be able to manage the disease in warm climates. In my own practice I have always used it in some form or other and never knew one case where it proved injurious. Indeed I do not think we can manage the disease without it. I know it has been said to be injurious from the astringent quality, but this is idle theory. Of lately I have used it with Epicac. but not quite in the shape of Dovers powders, this powder however is an excellent remidy, both in acute and cronic dysentary, in injections opium may be given liberally every two hours or more with barley water, mutton, broth &c in combination with Kino it is an excellent medicine.

Cholera. In cholera opium is an invaluable remidy some writers assert that it is first necessary to wash out the stomach by some diluent drinks. Opium should be administered with a liberal hand, in incipient cases we should give six or eight grains in twenty four hours, or even in half that time, but if we use synapisms a smaller quantity of opium will be sufficient.

Tetanus. I can say nothing from my own experience, writers differ essentially on this head, some of them have offered important arguments on this subject, others quite the contrary. Bergius says that it is an invaluable remidy, and an anonymous writer

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 419)

(seq. 419)


Materia Medica


Dr Mead relates a case of dropsy of the ovarium with ascites which was cured by one tablespoonfull of an infusion of horse radish. In the Scurvy as in dropsy they must act be promoting an evacuation by the skin and kindneys, a strong infusion of horse radish may be given in water to the extent of half a pint two or three times a day, our plants are taken into the circulation for some of them communicate their taste to the flesh of Animals, a weak infusion of mustard in warm water sometimes checks vomiting. Perhaps it is most serviceable in arthritic vomiting, it should not be used too strong for it then might increase the affection. I think that a propper proportion is a teaspoonfull of mustard to a gill [4 ounces] of water which must be agitated and left to subside and the cleanest part exhibitted in a dose of a teaspoonfull at a time. They are employ’d with meal when powerfull effects are to be produced externally, two parts of Pulv. mustard seed and one of rye meal are mixed together with milk, the preparation to the skin acts as a rubefacient and excites great pain, if kept on too long it produces a separation of the epidermis, externally apply'd mustard and horse radish stimulate the system more quickly than cantharides and more quickly in dentition. I have removed convulsions by synapisms apply'd to the rist and ancles, and in convulsions in small pox

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 421)

(seq. 421)


Materia Medica


without depending on laudanum. I have kept of [off] paroxysm of epilipsy by this about two hours before the expected paroxysm. I have apply'd synapisms to the neck and found them better than blisters, in Scarlatina Anguinosa, they produce a separation of the gangrenous parts, they have been supposed to have some effect on the genital organs, restoring the venerial power, there are some cases of deafness in which these cataplasms to the ancles have done some good, they were cases of arthritic kinds and are sometimes relieved by cupping &c. But synapisms are of greater use in cholera Morbus we generally give laudanum with safety, but lately where the disease has been more violent I have apply'd synapisms and give opium in other forms, since adopting this practice I have never lost an adult patient in this disease. In vertigo I have used them with great advantage, and have experienced their good effects in my own person for I have frequently kept off the vertigo by this means, they are however often however precarious remidies especially when apply'd to parts which are affected with pain. I one saw a case of a violent pain in the kidneys which by the application of these to the seat of the disease was transplanted to the bladder, it was however entirely removed by applying them to the ancles, this may be said of blisters. In Arthritic Stranguary blisters are verry serviceable, but when stranguary is induced

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 423)

(seq. 423)


Materia Medica


by them I use synapisms and know of no remidy that is so effectual. I have known them in the case of a lady to remove this distressing affection in forty minutes, they have sometimes been employ’d to prevent the paroxysm of intermittant blisters have been used for the same purpose, but I think the synapisms better because they are more powerfull more uniform, and we can produce their effects near to the part, nor do they subject the patient so long as blisters, in retrocedent and irregular gout they have seemed to produce verry alarming symptoms. Dr Haller and others speaks of synapisms being efficacious to the sides in pneumonia. I have not follow'd this practice, but have prefered blisters.

Alicia. They are an order of plants less stimulant than siliquoso and allied by their medical affinity to the Assa. Foetida and Ammoniac they take their name from allium or garlic all the onions and garlic are included in this class, but I believe the garlic and the beats [beets] to be most worthy of attention.

Allium sativum. Or Common garlic this has all the properties that have been mentioned above as a stimulant &c, these are the largest in their root, its smell is pungent and resides in an essential oil, which is dissipated by drying &c, its activity is proved by its effects when apply’d to the body, if it is bruised and laid on the skin it reddens it, and if continued causes a blister, it is longer

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 497)

(seq. 497)


Materia Medica


in whooping cough emetics have often been found usefull. Dysentary Here I prefer the antimonial emetics, they have been used in Diarrhea but more of this herafter, in Diabetes emetics would be often usefull medicines, Dovers powders have often cured it. Dropsy I have not try'd them here, but I think in some forms of this disease they might be usefull, their puking does not diminish their diuretic effect, the squill often succeeds best when it is given so largely as to excite vomiting, of this however we shall speak more freely when treating of diuretics. The Kermes Mineral, has been used with great advantage in Hydrothorax. In Jaundice emetics have often been found usefull particularly when it appears to depend upon calculous cocretions of the billiary ducts, they seem then to act with the most advantage. In Phthisis Pulmonalis, emetics have been found usefull when the patient is in a warm bath, in Cynanche Trachealis, We employ bleeding, blistering, synapisms, and emetics, the latter in particular are indispensable, I use Ipecacuana and calomel, this is preferable to the antimonial emetics, the latter produces too much weakness, in Cynanche Maligna or Scarlatina Anginosa, They are likewise indispensable remidies, Asthma Turbith Minneral or Ipecac and calomel are verry

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
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