Pages That Mention Hastings
60 Columbia Oct 25th 1893 Town Council met pursuant to adjournment, Mayor Hutchinson in the chair. The following members being present, viz: Schade, Willacy, Voland & Sullivan, The minutes for the meeting of Oct 14th were ordered read and on motion approved. The superintendent on Town Water Company reported some bursted pipe and recommended that provision be made to repair same until new pipe could be obtained On motion of councilman Voland the supt. was empowered to purchase sufficient "tarred twine" to make such repairs as needed. The superintendent of Water Works further reports that uponexamination of copliant made by one Harry Finch he found that siad Finch house was connected with water main by an 1/2" pipe. Said pipe not being sufficiently large to supply water for the two families occupying Finch House. Also that A H Hepler had bought of the City 60 ft of 1/2 " iron pipe. On motion Mr Finch was exempted from paying for two families until the suppply of water was increased. The clerk was ordered to charge Mr Hepler 1 cent per foot for the 1/2" pipe, and render him a bill for same. On motion of Councilman Schade an ordinance No 35 was read pertaining to and providing for the levying of a tax of 1% on the property in the Town of Columbia for the years 1893 and 1894 The same was passed and the clerk ordered to post the same as provided for and required by laaw. He was also instructed to certify same to the Auditor of King Co. Mr Hastings the Town Attorney instructed the Council as to the requirements of the law regarding the registration of voters. And advising the Council accordingly. Councilman Voland then moved that His Honor the Mayor be empowered to provide a registration book & etc for the approching electin and a tax receipt book for the Town Marshall Carried. A communication from Mr J K Edmistonexpressing his willingness as a large holder of Columbus Street Improvements Warrants
62 Columbia Oct 30th 1893 Town Council met pursuant to adjournment, Mayor Hutchinson in the chair, and the following members present, Schade, Sullivan, Willacy & Voland The minutes for the meeting of Oct 23th and 24th were read and approved. A Communication from the City Counsellor pertaining to the registration of the voters etc was read and filed. A protest from A Houghston regarding the manner of the council's opening of a certain bid for the sidewalk on Angeline Street was read and passed without action. On motion of CouncilmanSchade the seat of councilman F Bond was declared vacant. The clerkwas ordered topost, according to law, public notices of an electiontobe held onthe 5th day of December next at which electionfive councilmen and a Town Treasurer will be elected. it was moved and carried that the town being 600 ft or sufficient 2 in iron pipe to lay new water main on Columbia Street It was suggested by counsellor Hastings and after some discussion order on motion of councilman Schade that a public meeting be held in the Town Hall the following Thrusday night at 7\30 o'clock for the purpose of discussing the advisibility of bonding the Town's indebtedness On motion the sidewalk on Columbus Street was accepted as campleted. The bids for the building of sidewalks on Angeline Street were opened. there being only two tendered that of J C Heuff and Avery Houghston was accepted as being the lowest. It was moved and carried that an ordinance be drawn that would rebate the tax-payers on Columbus Street the difference between the assessed amount of the grade tax and the actual cost of the work. On motion the council adjourned to meet upon the call of the mayor. Approved Nov 6th 1893 B R Shaw clerk C P Hutchinson
66 Columbia Dec 4th 1893 Town Council met pursuant to adjournment, Mayor Hutchinson Presiding. Roll call and the following councilmen present, Voland,Willacy & Schade The minutes of the last meeting read and on motion approved. On motion the Treasurer was ordered to make out the bills for water rent due and unpaid and send the same to the consumer. The residents on Columbus,Angeline and Americus St at half rates. on motion it was decided to give F E Scott the contractor on Angeline St one month more time to complete his contract subject to the consent of his Bondsman. Motionmade and carried to widenthe cross work on Winston andAngeline St from 4ft to 6 ft at an additional cost of one cent per lineal foot. Motion made and carried to give Mr.Hughston the contract of erecting the guard rail on Angeline St at 3 cents per lineal foot. Motion made and carried to allow the residents living in Angeline St to build a 4 ft walk across the street in front of Mr. Hastings' house. The report on the number of feet of sidewalk completed onAngeline St read and on motion the clerk instructed to draw warrants for the amount due the contrators. On motion F M Woodruff was appointed Inspector of the Election to be held Dec 5th in place of Louis Almquist resigned. On motion the clerk was instructed to draw a warrant in favor of Joseph Hellethal for the amount due him on the Columbus St sidewalk contract the same to be drawn on the Columbus St fund. Motion made and carried to adjourn to meet Monday night Dec 11th at 8 o'clock pm Approved Dec 11th 1893 B R Shaw clerk C P Hutchinson mayor
79 A communication from the Columbia Home Co read stating the amount due them for material furnished for sidewalk on Angeline Street and on motion ordered placed on file. Communication from Avery Hughston read giving a statement of the amount of work performed on Angeline St sidewalk and on motion ordered placed onfile. Communication from Joseph Hellenthal read demanding payment of warrants issued to him on the Columbia St fund read and on motion ordered placed on file. On motion Mr. Hastings was authorized to correspond with the partners holding a mortgage on a part of the property fronting on Columbia St in reference to taking up the warrants held by Mr Hellenthal. Motion made and carried to adjourn to meet Monday March 5th ad 8 o'clock pm or subject to the call of the Mayor Approved Feb 20, 1894 B R Shaw town clerk C P Hutchinson mayor
80 Columbia Feb 26th 1894 The Town council met pursuant to adjournment Mayor Hutchinson presiding Roll call and the following council men present - Groat, McKay, Willacy & Calder The minutes of the last meeting read and on motion approved as read. The Park committee report in writing and on motion accepted and ordered placed on file. The statement from the County Treasurer of taxes collected during the month of January read, also receipt from Treasurer Schade and on motion ordered placed of file. Communicatin from H H A Hastings in reference to the claim of Nettie Wood against the Town read and on motion ordered placed on file. Also communicationfrom Mr Hastings in reference to the colletion of street grade assessment on Columbia St, read and on motinlaid on the table until next meeting. The Bond and oath of office fo D C Brown read and motion of same accepted and orderd placed on file. Motion made and carried to post [?] the letting the work of finishing the grading of Angeline St until next meeting. Motin made and carried to instruct the City Attorney to draw up new Dog Tax ordinance making the tax $1.00 per dog. Motion made and carried to adjourn to meet Monday Mar 5th 1894 at 8 o'clock pm Approved Mar 5th 1894 [B R Shaw]] clerk C P Hutchinson mayor