



Status: Complete


A medicin for an ague quarterin or tertian

before the fit begins take a hen & keep it up till it has dunged & each
peice spread while it is warme upon a cloth or leather & apply it to
the wrists of each hand it will make them very sick the party had best
drinke cardus poset drinke in his fit if it cuer not the first tyme
aplye it 3 tymes


Take venice turpintin & put to it some sope whit peper beaten
wheat meale & tobacka & spread this on playsters & lay it to the
tow wrists this hath cuered all sorts of agues & hundreds of [pallors]

Another for an ague

if a man have an ague take the watter of a young maid a virgin & if
a woman have the ague the watter of a young man a virgen & boyle in it
some spriges of rosmary & a litle lemond pill at the begining of the fitt
about half a pint or 3 quarters of this may be drunke & hath cured

To cuer any ague

Take 3 red oynions old & slice them & put them & put them in a thin lawn &
lay it to the pit of the stomach & let it lye ther 3 dayes & 3 nights & then take it
off & bury it in a dung hill & the ague will wast as that rotts

To cuer an ague

Take 2 spoonfulls of damask ros watter before the fit comes the next fit take 5
Spoonfulls & the next 7 this has cured some

{9 }

A medicine for the Ague

Take toe or three Spoonfulls of the Juice of Common Ranke grasse
Leaveinge out the weedes and mixe it with an equall quantitie of
Sack with a little fresh butter made Luke warme, for a Stronge bodie
and for a Child, one Spoonefull of the Juice mixt with as much Sacke
give it in the beginninge of the cold fitt, it will make them cast &
purge if the first Takinge fayle, giue it agayne for it seldome
fayleth the second time

Another ffor the same

Take of wormewood & Rue of each a like quantitie & halfe soe
much housleck as of one of the other herbes beate them very well
in a wooden dish then take a peniworth uenice Turpentine
& beate it againe with the herbes, then take as much white fran-
kinsence as being well beaten to powder will make it thick as a
plaister then spread it one a peece of sheepes Leather and then
straw uppon it a little mastick beaten to powder and apply it
to both the wrists & if it be for a tender younge child, put a little
peece of tiffany betweene the wrists & the plaister to keep it from

To take away the heate

Take an handfull of the leaues of white stock gilliflowers strow
them with a little bay salte & bind it to both the little fingers
as soone as the cold fitt is past

Another Medicine for an ague for a child

take a live spider and put it into an hasell nut shell being
cloven & the kernell taken out, lapp it in a little peece of
silke sasnett & hang it about the neck against the stomack

A Medicine for a third ague

Take the Dunge of a black stone horse, & steepe it all night
in a pinte of stronge ale then streyne it and soe lett the
patient drinke it fastinge 3 mornings together & fast an
houre after it, this is good for the spleene in the side alsoe

A Diretion to kill a ague quotidia or tertian

{That ouer the
leafe hath
Relation to

Take halfe a dozen of the leaves of Azarabana[?] or fewer if they
be greate and bruise them in a wooden dish, then take a little
powder of licorish & punne it with the saide Leaves, puttinge thereto
a Little spoonefull of possett drinke, then streine out the Juice of the
leaves into a draught of warme possett drinke & lett the patient
drinke it in the morninge fastinge, and as often, as it shall cause the
patient to cast, lett him presantly after drinke a spoonefull of the
said possett drinke warme, & it will cause that which was ffirst
taken to worke the better & come up the esier

An aprooued drinke that cures all sorts of agues
unlesse the third day ague

Take of Dandelion elder budds and Nettle topps of each a like
quantity in all a good handfull boyle them all in a quart of
6s beare till it come to a pinte and so lett the patient drinke itt
warme halfe a pinte an hower before the fitt comes and [t]he
soe fast after it two or three howers


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