Wellcome Collection: English Recipe Book, 18th century (MS6956)





To make quaking pudding

Take a quart of creame, and boyle in it a pritty quantity of cinnamon broken in small peaces, and some large Mace one Nutmeg sliced, let it stand all night then take tenn eggs, beat them very well, and put thereto nere halph a pound of sugar when the sugar is melted strain it then take a strong napkin, and with the back of a spoone spred sum butter pritty thick as far as the stuff will reach then put it in, and ty it close, and put in a pot of boyling water, and keep it boyling as fast as you can a full hour then take it up and pour on it sum sweet butter, and sack and sugar if you will have it green put in the Joyce of green wheat or spinage:

To make gelly creame

Boyle in Creame, Mace, and Nutmeg then take it of the fire season it with rose water, and sugar then let it stand till it be bloud warme then put in a spoonful of Runnet, and cover it, and let it stand, and Jelly:

Last edit over 2 years ago by Veena
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Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet


A good salve for any green wound

Take four handfuls of the herbs called clounces aleheath stamped, and put them into a pan whereunto add 4 oz of Turpentine Barrons grease halfe a pint of oyl of olive, wax 3 oz when Boyled to the consumption of the joyce which is to be known when the stuffe doth not buble at all then strain it adding therunto 2 oz of Turpentine let it boyle a little, reserve the same for ther use the which warm in a saucer dipping therin a smal tent which put into the wound:

For an [?] agow aproved:

Halfe an hour before the fit coms take a quarter of a pint of anisseed water the joyce of one lemon, as much peper as a thimbel will hold, put it all together drink it and walk a littel while, and go to bed, and sweat take it two fits:

To Preserve Mozellow cherries in jelly

Take the best Mozellow cherries you can get take waight for waight in double refined sugar pull of the stalks and stone them then take a bout a quart of green goosberys put them in as much water as will cover them let them boyle till the water taste as sharp as the goosberys then sever the water from them through a sive and take the clearest and wet the sugar with it then put in the Cherries, and let them boyle very fast till they look very cleare then take them of and if you will you may put them in marmelet glasses;

Last edit about 2 years ago by LoriF
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Last edit over 2 years ago by cwalsh


How to make couslip wine

Take to every galland of water 2 pound of sugar, and boyle it well, and strain it well when it hath boyled half an hour take it of and let it stand till tis cold then take of cowslips when they are picked, and brused a little to every galland of water one galland of the cowslips and put them into the water then take to every galand of water one ounce of the sorop of sitarn, and mix with est, and set on work as you do beere when it has worked tunn it up 20 days botle it up:

To Make Seed Cakes:

Take a pound of Flower very well dryed by the fire a pound of sugar and a pound of butter 6 eggs but 3 of the whites 3 spoonfuls of Rose water and as much Sack, and a peny nutmeg 1 ounce of carraway seeds beat yoer eggs and rose water and sack then mix yoer sugar and flower and butter together on a chafindish of Coales untill the butter is all melted then pour in yoer eggs seeds & nutmegs beat it very well together then put it into papers butter yoer papers before you put & it in & in half an hour or more they will be baked:

Last edit about 2 years ago by LoriF
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