Early modern recipe books

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Wellcome Collection: Coley Family (MS1711 )

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give the Castor Oil cold drawn, which will bring off the Worms of Dead and is quite mild in its operation. The above seldom fails and if more worms come to life, it may safely be repeated at any time.

To dye yr linen Gown Yellow a quarter of an Ounce of Annotto, two penny worth of potash, put them into a Gallon of soft Water, let it Boil for five Minutes, then put your gown into this Boiling Liquor and let remain till the liquor becomes cool enough for you to rub it all over alike, then you may dry and starch your Gown the same as for Common washing.

To dye purple One Two Ounces of Logwood and one two Ounces of Allum, boil it together till it becomes a fine purple in one Gallon of water.

To dye Pink two Ounces of red Lake, two Ounces of Gum Arabick dissolved in three pints of warm water [sha?] the Liquor off and dip in the Gown

Last edit about 1 month ago by aeoliansquee
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Straw Colour dye one penny worth of Turmerick, two ounces of Allum boiled in two one Gallon of water, it must Boil five minutes before you dip your gown in.

When you wash your straw colour gown in dye it will Turn reddings, but by dipping in Cold water it will become straw again.

Treacle Beer

14 Gallons of boiling water, pour [?] four pounds of brown Sugar, with three Quarts of Treacle; mix all together Put two ounces of hops in half of the boiling water & let it infuse till [?] cold, & then strain the hops off & mix both liquors together, & then ferment in with yeast, like beer.

Tapiochoe - to be bought at Mrs Hays No-16 Abchurch Lane. 1-9 per pound - a nourishing Jelly. Put two Table Spoonfulls in a pint & a half of water, & let it simmer away to half the quantity. A tea cup to be taken whenever the patient feels low or weak - either with Milk, Wine, or Orange Juice mixt with it, in what Quantity you like. This receipt given by Mrs Champion Mrs [?]'s Mother

Last edit about 1 month ago by aeoliansquee
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For a Sprain Doctor Wards Receipt Soap, Salt, Allum, of each half a pund to be simmer'd in two Gallons of Sprint Water, untill it is half waisted, and bathe the part with it several times in the day as warm as the patient can bear it [?]

The follow receipt recommended by Mrs [Gerardof?] who had tried it with great success at a time she was not able to eat any solid food. Take the Lean part of a Leg of Veal without the least fat or skin, cut it in thin Slices, take a Couple of moderate sized Turnips pare and Cut them in Slices, and lay them a Layer of Veal & a Layer of Turnips in an Earthen Jarr, till the Jarr is full, then Cover it close & set the Jarr in a pan of Water over the fire, till the Whole is melted there must be no Water put with the Veal or Turnips. When the Meat & Turnips in the Jarr are sufficiently melted, strain it off - & if the stomach will bear it, take a small Bason of it - other-wise a spoonful frequently.

a Gargle recomemnded by Mr Colborne for Sour Throats Sage Tea, with a little Vinegar a little Honey & a little Brandy.

Last edit about 1 month ago by aeoliansquee
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Mr Halsell's recipt for Weak and Inflam'd Eyes - Take six ounces of rectified Spirit of Wine disolve in it one graehm of Comphire then add two pugils of Elden Flowers let it infuse twenty four hours shaking the bottle often - When you use it, pour a little into a cap dip your Finger in it, & Bathe your Forehead over each Eye brow, each Temple and across the Bridge of your nose - but not let it touch your Eyes - you may use it Morning & Evening,

Mr. Hom's receipt for an Eye Water - Take one ounce of white vitriol, three ounces of Bay Salt, pound it both very fine, put it, in three pints of running Water, let it boil very slowly, untill it comes to a quart, when it is Cold filter all it, through White Brown paper, then add to it, two spoonfulls of white Rose Water & two of Elderflower water - & with your finger gently wash your Eyes with it Every Morning.

Last edit about 1 month ago by aeoliansquee
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yeast to keep Boil Bran & water til it so the thickness of water gonel, then strain it thro' a hair sieve & sweeten it with coarse sugar, when it is new milk warm, put to every quart of this liquor a spoonfull of good yeast, pour it into a jug, set it before the fire to work, & set a dish under it ready to catch what works [?] when it has worked six or seven hours, set it from the fire & when the fermentation ceases, bottle & cork it up - it is fit to use the moment the fermentation ceases - To every quart of flour we usually put a coffee cup full of yeast, make the bread as usual with only this difference that as this yeast is slower in its operations, the bread must be made the last thing before you go to bed, & it will be ready for the oven early in the morning - in cold weather wrap it up the bread & set it in a warm place to rise = in summer it cannot be kept too cool N:B: Make fresh yeast before this is out, & the old will serve to work it it must be kept cool in wam weather or it will sour, it will keep 4 or 5 days

Last edit about 1 month ago by christina.jameson
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Mince Pyes

Take 3/4 lb of suet when it is pick'd Clean from the Skin, 1 1/4 lb of the inside of a Sirloin of Beef or Veal, 3 lb of Currants, after they are wash'd & picked, add 1/4 ounces of Cinamon 1/4 of an ounce of Cloves, Ditto of Mace 1 lb of Sugar, 8 large pippins, in a pint of Verjuice, 4 Lemons juice & peal, 1/2 a pd of Citron Ditto of Lemon peal, a quartor of a pint of Rosewater, 1/2 an ounce of Carraway Comfits, a small hand= full of Salt, the Spice & Sugar must be Sifted thro' a Sieve, & the juice of Lemon Strain'd[.] The Beef must be parboild, & when it is all mix'd put in 1/4 of a pint of Brandy & mix with it, when the Pyes come from the Oven put into each a Spoonful of warm Sack.

To Pot Tongues Salt yr Tongues lightly with ordinary salt, the next day with 1 ounce of salt peter, for 3 large tongues or 4 small ones, at the weeks end salt them again with ordinary salt and let them lye a fortnight then boyle boil them tender & peal them, take the root shins & the jelly part of the blade of the tongues. season them with Jamaica pepper beaten, put them in a pot with 2 or 3 pd of butter to 6 or 7 tongues so as to cover them well. lay the roots at the top of the tongues to keep them moist, covering them with double wet paper, lye them down. let them stand in the oven about an hour & half, then take them out, swill them in butter to wash off the spice & settlement, put them in the pot you intend to keep them in & after the butter has stood to be clear from the settlement, pour it upon them whilst it is hot & let there be butter enough to carry them of a convenient thickness.

Last edit about 1 month ago by christina.jameson
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A Decoction of the Woods Guaiacum Wood washed Three ounces, Raisen of the Sun Stone two ounce, Sasafras Wood shaved one Ounce, Liquorice root sliced half an ounce, in an English Gallon of water - the guaiacum and Raisins may be boiled over a grille fire, till about one half of the water be consumed, adding towards the end the Sasafras and Liquorice - The Liquor must be strain'd, & [suffer'd] to [put] for some time to settle - - an English pint to be drunk daily -

Last edit 7 months ago by Megan.andress
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(20) Cookery To make Scotch Scollops Take a Leg of the best veal cut it in thin littele Square bits well Cleans'd from Skin then take some bread and great very fine in a Dish then great some nutmeg and Lemon peall and Lemon Time chopt very fine a littele pepper and salt mix it togethere and take the yolk of a Egg and wash the scallops of over with your finger, with the egg Strew some of the Bread over it on one side then turn it and strew some on the other side till it is all over it to make your force Meat Balls take Suit and chop it fine likewise some some of your veal chopt fine mix it together with the [[remainder?]] of your greated Bread and break the yolk of an Egg on & in it roll it in to Littele Balls, to make the [govy] for them take Beef cut it in Littele Bits put a littele mutton and veal with it in a preserving pan then put a littele butter till the gravy is a littele Drawn and when it is Drawn enough Empty it out of the pan then put the pan half full of Watter put to it some pepper corns cloves mace and some sprigs of Lemon time let it Stue till the gravy watter Decreases then increases When you think it is rich Enough put it out in a Dish put some More watter to the meat and let it stue a littele then put all out of the pan clean your pan very well you must keep it cover'd to keep the Broath in all the time its Staueing, then to burn Butter a square of butter put it in [?pass] lett it stay till it is got brown then shake a littele flower in it to thicken it keep it sturing all the while, then put a littele of the Beef gravy in at a time till it is all in Still keeping it Stooing, then Add a littele wine and Wallnut pickle and powder of Mushrooms let it boil up and put it out and wash the pan with a littele of the Second Gray and wipe it clean [heat? heap?] the Scallops in and fry them in butter when thay are done wipe the pan clean and put the Gravy in and let it heat then put in the Scallops let them be in a sufficient time to heat them put it all out in a Dish put the force meat to it lay then bits of Bacon round the sides and send it to table

Last edit 19 days ago by christina.jameson
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To Stue a rump of Beef

Stuff the under part of the Beef with forced Meet made of greated Bread beef Suet Sweet herbs Spice anchovy with a littel Salt fresh oysters or mushrooms 2 or3 eggs beaten fine to mix up with the Stuffing then put it in a pot to Stue with as much watter as will Cover it some Whole pepper 3 or 4 Cloves a littel grated nutmeg a blade of mace take up all the Beef and take of all the fat and then put in a pint of Stale Beer with a Quantity of Strong gravy So let it Stue in as Small a Quantity o Liquor as posable it must be turned once or twice lay some crumbs of Bread brown strain the liquor and put in the Crumbs to thicken it let your gravy be then put in let it just Simmer then you may put Some oysters mushrooms and oxes polats

To Make a Fasting Day Soop

Take Spinage Chervil and Lettice Chop them a littele then brown Some butter and put in your herbs keep them Stuing that thay do not burn then have Boiling watter over the fire put to it a very littel peppr Some Salt a whole onion Stock with Cloves a French rol cut in Slices and dried hard Some Pistacio kernells, blanchd and Shred fine let all Boil together then beat the yolks of a Eggs with a littele white wine and the juice of a Lemon mix it with your broth and take a french roll and put in the Middle of your dish pour your Soop over it Garnish with Eight or ten poach'd Eggs

Last edit 19 days ago by christina.jameson
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(23) Cookery To Rost a Pig let the pig be dried well with a cloth after it is scalded Stuff the belly with a sprig of sage and parsley sow it up and spit fast it to rost as soon as it is warm / oven it and keep flowering it all the time as you see it want let it rost a hour in all or it will be sufficient for a medling pig A quarter of a hour before it is done cut its head of Allmost of and with all the flower of with a clean cloth then put some butter in a cloth and rub the pig well over with it when it is done put it in a round dish spit and all take the head quit of and cut the under jaw and cut the ears and put them in your dish one on one side and one on the other slit the jaw and do likewise cut the pig up the back and lay back to Back put the sauce under it

Last edit 19 days ago by christina.jameson
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