Early modern recipe books

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Wellcome Collection: Coley Family (MS1711 )

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27 Pudings & To make a Plumb Pudding Take 3 pints of Milk & make it warm then Slice 4 penny=worth of french bread thin & pour yr. Milk upon it. let it stand till it is cold, then take 1/2 a pd. of Currants as many Raisins & a good quantity of suet shred pretty small, with 3 Eggs, mix this all together & break the bread well that there mayn't be any lumps, put in a little flour to bind it some nutmeg & a spoonfull of Orange water, then put it in pan & bake it

A Marrow Pudding Take a quart of Cream, boyle it with a blade of Mace, & a peice of Cinamon, when the Cream is cold put to it 8 Eggs leaveing out half the whites, then lay at the bottom of yr. Dish Sippets of White Bread & upon each Sippet a peice of Marrow, if you please you may add plumbs & Sweet meats, then pour yr. Custard over it

A Pudding Take 3 penny worth of Stale bread, grate it & put it thro' a Cullender. 6 Eggs 1/2 a pd. of Currants, 1/2 a pd. of Suet cut Small, a pint of Milk 1/2 a of nutmeg 2 spoonfulls of Orange flower Water, a Little Salt, sweeten it to y [r?] tast

A Six hour's Pudding Take a pound of Beef Suet Shred small, 2 pd. of Raisins Honed, a quarter of a pd. of Sugar, 4 Eggs, 4 Spoonfulls of Flour, Mix all together & boyle it 6 hours

A Rice Pudding Boy 1/2 a pd. of Rice in 2 qts. of Milk till it is as thick as hasty pudding with a Stick of Cinamon, pour it over 1/2 a pound of fresh butter & stir it till the butter is melted, let it stand till cold, put in the yolks of 10 Eggs & 6 of the Whites, well beat and Strain'd, 3 Naples bisketts Grated, 3/4 of a pd. of Sugar, stirr it well together, butter the Dish & bake it. you must scald the Rice before you put it in milk beastleastit should Curdle.

Last edit 19 days ago by christina.jameson
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(43) 24


A Trifle

Take a pint of cream & boyle it & when it is almost cold sweeten it with double refin'd sugar & set it in the bason you use it in put to it a spoonfull of a Runnet & let it stand till it is come lie a cheese you may perfume it with orange flower water.

A Gooseberry Fool

Take Gooseberrys & scald them till they are very tender in just as much water as will do them. when they are very tender rub 'em thro' a seive & to a qt of gooseberrys take 6 eggs whites & all. beat & mingle them well together & sweeten it. give it one scald & keep it stirring on the fire till tis thick. you may put a little rose water.

Jelly of Cream Take 4 ounces of hartshorn put it to 3 pints of Spring water. set it on a slow fire & let it boyl 'till tis a strong jelly, then strain it while it is hot. put in half a pt of thick Cream, 2 or 3 spoonfulls of Sack or Orange flower Water , sweeten it with loaf sugar to yr taste.boyle altogether & stir it 'till tis cold otherwise the Jelly & Cream will part then put it into narrow bottom Cups,'till the nex day. then take Cream Sack Orange flower Water & Sugar, mix it to yr taste & loosen the Jelly from the sides of yr cups & 'twill come out whole then put it into yrCream turning it upside fown, serve it up.

Orange Cream Take the juice of 2 lemons & one Orange sweeten it very well & put to it 2 or 3 spoonfulls of Orange flower Water, then take a pt of Cream & boyle it with some Orange & Lemon peal, sweeten it a little & let it stand till tis almost cold put yr juice in a broad shallow dish & then pour yr cream over it thro a funnel as high as you can that it may froth, if it be for dinner it must be made overnight.

Last edit 19 days ago by christina.jameson
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(67) 36 Preserves &

White Quince Marmalade Take one pound of Quince & 2 a pound of fine sugar pare & quarter them in a bason as you do them strew sugar upon them keeping some always on, keep some of the sugar to throw in as they boyle. When you set them on the fire put in 6 spoonfulls of Water boyling them quick, when they are almost enough put in 6 spoonfulls of the juice of quinces, let them boyle a little then glass them. If you put in 4 of a of a pound of Pippins to every pound of Quince it will make it look clear.

Red Quinces Quarter'd Take a pd of quinces when pared & cored, quarter them, then take the parings & cores, & put them in the preserving pan. cover them with water, boyle them till soft then strain the liquor & let it just boyle, to a pd of sugar a pint of liquor then put in your quinces & cover them very close, set it over a gentle fire & let em simer till they are very tender.

Quince Cake White & Red Take quinces scald them till they are a soft as codlings, then scrap the pap of them to yr core & colour that you would have red with yr juice of barberries, then take yr weight of yr quinces in sugar damp it with water & boyle it candy high, then put yr pulp to it, set it on a ston fire when your sugar is disolved take it off & stir it till it is almost cold then drop it in little cakes on plates & dry them.

Last edit 19 days ago by christina.jameson
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(69) Preserves & To Preserve Oranges

Take the best Spanish Oranges to every pound allow a pound and three quarters of duble refind sugar have them very thin lay them in watter 3 Days shifting the watter every Day Set them over a fire in a good deal of Watter Boil em till thay are so tender you may with a Ease run a Straw through them for fear the watter should Boil away have good quantity ready boiling to throw in when occasoin thay will not boil under 1 or so hours when thay are boild make a hole in the top and take out as many of the Seeds as you can Stuff em full of the Sugar finely Coat have a Score of pipins siliced in to watter boild and the Liquor straind from them then 3 pint of the Sugar been left of sulling the oranges put in the pipin Liquor scum it and let it be cold then put in the Oranges set on the fire let them boil a pace prick em with a bodkin and Store in the other part of Sugar by [degrees?] a pint of pipin Liquor to a pound oranges boil till your oranges look clear and the Liquor will jelly your surest way with the oranges not to Break is to Tye the oranges in muslain cloth

To clarify Sugar

Take loaf Sugar dip it in watter and put it in your pan let it just heat to disolve the Sugar take it off beat the whittes of Eggs acording to the quantity of Sugar beat them to a high froth and stew them in the sugar set it over the fire and let it Boil till you see it clear then take it off and lit it stand untill you see the scum stiffish then skim it of as hole as you can that the Bits may not Swim about it, it must not be stew'd before or when it is Boiling when you have done this it is put on aprycots plumbs Barberrys or any thing of this kind

Last edit 19 days ago by christina.jameson
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To Pickle Barberrys

Take the Barberrys on the stems lay them in a jar then take soft watter and make it partly salt but not strong enough to [beau] a eggs put a few of your worst barberrys in it and let it boil up a littele then take it of and and strain it through a seive let the pickl stand till it is cold then pour it on the barberrys, mind to keep it under the pickle or they will mould and spoil fast on them down close

To Pickle Onions Draw the onions at Michaelmas and let them lay a month out of door lay them two days in salt and watter change them every day then boil them in fresh salt and watter fit to blanch then dry them as you do them in a cloth then pickle half whitte wine and vinegar the pickle must be stilled with the spice and put to them when cold.

To Pickle Mushrooms Take the little button mushrooms about the bigness of your finger ot thumb and wash them very clean in two or 3 watters with a pice of flanell then having your salt and watter ready boil'd put them in and let them boil about a minute then take them of and lay them in a dry cloth untill cold and dry them put them into glass jars and fill up with the best distel'd vinegar and power a littele sweet oil when it then tiy it down with a piece of bladder ans some lether over that

Last edit 19 days ago by christina.jameson
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(104) June 27. 1794 Mrs SteadOrange SyrupTo one quart of Orange Juice, and one pint of lemon juice, add three pounds of loaf sugar- beat & sifted extreamly fine- then put in the sugar by degrees - and stir it very well tofether, fill it, incorporates, and for done fermenting - and then put it in small bottles - and set them in a cool place but put a damp one - try some. with corking upand some of the bottles, tye down with a bladder or fine writing paper & pinch a few holes at the top - you will then see which does best - it will keep good twelve months or longer

Last edit 19 days ago by christina.jameson
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June 23 - 1794 a cure for the Stone, taken out of the Bath newspaper the receipt is, the [exprep] juice of horse mint - and red onions, on gill of each, to be taken every morning and evening till the complaint is removed Mr Major the Gentleman who tried it not having it in his power to get green mint - used dired mint - a strong decoction of it - He began the medicine in August 1792 - and the stone was entirely dissolved before the ensuing spring

Last edit 19 days ago by christina.jameson
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Mrs Heathcote's receipt for a Cough that had been tried with great success by MrsWyman the staymaker who gave me the receipt - Best Honey one Ounce Powder'd Senna once ounce Flour of Sulpher six drachmes Candied Ginger half an Ounce Syrrup of Sugar sufficient to make them into an electuary. Take a piece the size of a nutmeg six nights following, then omit it three nights. Take it again for Three, so continue taking three and resting three untill the Cough is gone.

Oil of Rosemary rubbed on any part that has the Cramp, will immediately remove it. Mention'd by Mr George James -

and a Yeast poultice, applied to a [whole?] swelling in the Knee, twice, or three times a day, was said to be a certain cure, by a Gentleman who read philosophical lectures

Last edit 19 days ago by christina.jameson

London Metropolitan Archives: Recipe Book (CLC/270/MS00558)

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page 4
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Last edit 9 months ago by Megan.andress
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