Early modern recipe books

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Wellcome Collection: English Recipe Book, 18th century (MS6956)

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To Make ye Red Poude to be given to sweat & good for any distempEs

Take Angelico, Bittanie, Cardish, Draggons, Sage, Rewe, Rosemary, Termentile wth ye roots, wormwood od each one handfull, putt ym into a well glazed pott, wth a pint of whitewine, cover it & stir it well once a day, 9 days togethE, then take a pound of the best Bolearmaneck powdE & searched putt it into a puter dish & strain ye wine from ye hearbe into a ye powdE till it is thicke like white pott then set it in a sunny window till it be stiff then strain in more of the wine till it is like white pott again & shen that is stiff doo so again till ye poudE have drunk up the wine, aff the last straining of the wine put in wth it Confectio Alcarines, Venus Treacle, Methredate, & Diased =rdium of each half an ounce, of Berorone grain & of the fine powdE of the black topps of Malecrabbo, [?????] one ounce, mix all these togethE when it is dry as before & as stiff as past

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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make it into roles a paiste the common dose is as much as will ly one a shilling in a spoonfull of Sack & drink 4 spoonfuls after it.

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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My Lady Greshames Almond pudding

Take a pound of Beaf suet shred small & sif sifted puff to this quantity of suet & pound of Jordan Almonds blanched & finely beaten in a morter wth some rosewatE for fear they oyle then take 1 pound of whitebread finely grated & sifted mix all these togethE then put to it 3 pints of Creame, & half an ounce of nutmeg sliced half an ounce of mace a few cloves a little cinnamon & a race of gingE strain out the spice & put to yoE creame apound and a half or 3 quarters of fine sugar dissolve yoE Sugar & a litle salt, boile a litle Amber grese in it wth yoE at first, wn tis almost cold then take ye yolkes of 12 eggs & 4 of the whites, them make a hole in ye middle of yoE Almonds bread and suet, then strain in ye creame blood warme besure to wipe yoE gubts(?) very well on both sides & wn you have filled yoE gubts(?) besure to tye yoE ends very well &

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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To Smoak Beef

Take the thick legg part of the Buttock of Beefe, & you will find a skin goe through it, soe cut it through as the Legg skin goes, their will goe a skin to each peace, lett their be as little fatt as you can, but it must be a good steere, then rubb it all over wth Whitewine Vinegar, for fear it be bruised & it will make it eat shorter, then salt it wth 3 ounces of salt peter & 6 ounces of Bay salt, lett it ly 12 days in salt, then drain it out & sowe it up in coarse cloths, ye bones must be taken out att first & 1 large buttock will make 3 pieces, smoak ym as you doe Hams & wn you boyle yE Beef you must put Hay in yoE pan & as much watE as will keep it boyling & covered, foE 3 houres, you may eat it as soon as soon as it is boyled, but it is better to keep it a forthn= =ight after At. Martins day is the best time fE Beef or Ham to doe it in, but you may doe it a month aftE

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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for the cought of the Longus take a quart of spring water and as

A plaister to stay the Rhume

take new piggeons dunge and dry it take peper grossly beaten and put into a bagge and lay on the mould of the head and upon the nodell(?)

To staie bleeding

Take cloves and burne them under the nose or take the topps of red nettles and stampe them with bay salt and lay them to the temples probatum

To helpe digeston and to helpe mallancholly

take burrange and parsly a good quantity pound it and straine it and boile the iujce in a skill= =ett seume(?) it very cleane and take to a quart of iujce a pinte of rose water and as much sugar as will make it a weake sirrup boile it in a silver or pewter pott and put gold in the boileing

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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A Calves head hash

when the calves head is halfe boyld cutt of one of the cheek bones hole cutt the rest in peeces as bigg as oisters put it in a stew pan with half a pinte of white wine a pint of stronge broth 2 shallets one anchovie a pint of oysters a little of the 20 balls of force meate a bunch of sweet herbs a litel pepr and salt and a litel mace lett it stew a qurter of an hour then put in halfe a pound of buter strew in a little flower and sheak it up thick and seruet it on sipots then the other cheek bone being seas= =oned with alitel salt peper and nutmeg and litel white bread greated fryed broun or broiled and put it in the midel of you dish garnish it with lemon oysters and balls

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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To Mango CoucumbEs

Take ye greenest you can get & cut ym in ye middle then scrape out ye pulp & put ym on a cloth to drain & then put ym in Brine & let ym lye twelve hours then put ym on a cloth to draine till they are dry, & put in a deep pan, then take two parts vinegar, & one part whitewine, then take Pepper Ginger Cloves, & Garlick of each a like quantity, then add some salt, take this & boyle, then take it, & poure it over ym boyling hot, & at last when it is cold add to it a good spoonfull of Mustard,

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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To Make an Oring Pudding

Take 2 Oringes ye largest size & pare of ye yellow rine as thing as you can cut yn in 4 quarters & take out the meat then boyle ye peele in 3 watEs & wn they be tendE take ym up into a cloth & dry ym, yn beat ym pritty small in a mortar put in ye yolks of 10 eggs & half a pound of SugE & as much buttE. a little Mare(?) beat ye Oringe & SugE well togethE first, & then put in yeothE things you may add 2 nappels bisket grated & a little more butter it must be melted, lay puff paist in the dish then put in ye pudding & cover it with ye same paist set it in a quick Oven, half an hour will bake it,

ye Oringes must be civil

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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For Shortwindedness

Take sweet Fennel-seede & sweet Annis seed of each half an Ounce, & beat ym in a mor= =tar very fine, & sift ym, then put as much flowE of Brimstone as will lie upon a sixpence, & two Ounces of fine Sugar of Candy searched mix all these togethE, & take as much as will lye on the points of a knife in ye morning fasting, & soe at night late, leave taking it a short time & yn take it again.

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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To pEserve Oringes

Take ye best Oringes & grate ym finely not too deepe, then take out the inside as you grate ym having watE by you to put ym in, wn they are all done, put ym out into cleane watE & so let ym stand for two nights sifting them evening & mor= =ning, into cleane watE then put ym into a skillet of cleane watE & let ym boyle till they be half enough, then you must have another skillet of cleane watE, & put ym in, wn they are half boyled enough you may knoe it by a straw going into ym, you must keep ym close covered all ye time that they are boyling, then take ym out & way ymputting to a pound of Oringes a pound & quartE of Sugar & a pint of watE when you have boyled yoE Sugar & watE together put in the Oringes keeping ym covered while you are pEserving but keep ym often stirred till yoE Sirrup is thick enough

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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