Early modern recipe books

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Wellcome Collection: Ostfrisisches rares Medicinbuch. Dasz man von den Kraütern, Thieren, und Mineralien die Hülfsmittel genommen (MS3725)

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17340 26896

[rongrise] 1838


OSTFRIESICHES rares Meidicin Buch [Late 17th cent.]

Sotheby 27/4/11

Last edit over 2 years ago by psl
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1. Erklärung des Apotheker gewiests und [eklüser] deßelben [zuisen] . [Beiln] in diesem [....] [ekluse] Recept eine

Last edit over 3 years ago by Emily Wahl
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14. Irst Hirkrfrunk fay BoBnerh e

Last edit over 1 year ago by Ella
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Die perbottene Jeig in Demen

Last edit over 1 year ago by Ella
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Bervirst kom KserlaBen

Last edit over 1 year ago by Ella
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Das Koftlitsste Smmelmaber orsa Rimpleft

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ella

Wellcome Collection: English Recipe Book, 18th century (MS6956)

Needs Review


to a joo(?) of Mellons cut ye garlick in ye same mannE as you do ye gingE & slice some horse radish, ye make a composition of mustard & a little vinegar, stuff ye Mangies to boyle e pickle yn tye ym up lett y pickle & yn boyle togethE yn take m up covering ym close in a weeks new boyle ye pickle & put it to ye mangoes & yt will greene ym doing it often till they are greene:

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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To salt Hams

Take two hams & 1 pound of coarse sugE to two handfulls of white salt dry both well against ye fire till ye salt & sugar be pretty hott yn rubb ye hams all over with it to let ym ly six days yn drain ym out yt pickle & take four Ounces of Salt-peter & half a pound of bay salt beat it very small & take three han= =fulls of white salt, so salt yeHams wth all ys & let ym ly ten days in ye pickle turn ym every three days yn in ye chimbly & smoke ym wth shavens & wett sadust yt y they may smoke but ye fire must not ????? flame if it doe they will rust wor they are dried wth smoke hang ym up in a poor bodies chimney that keeps small fires & hang ym a foor high & let ym hang a foot high sixteen weeks yn take ym downe and boyle ym when you please:

A Frigasie of Pidgeons

Cutt ye Pidgeon in quarters & putt ym in a stens pann, strowe a little salt on ym, & putt to 6 Pidgeons more yn a quartE of a pd of ButtE & a bunch of sweet hearbs, 1 onion, 1 blade of mace a little whole pepE, & wn they are stewed a while putt in a little gravey, [?], Anchovy & 4 spoonfulls of whitewine & a little grat =ed nutmegg, yn lett ym stew togethE, till ye Pidgeons be enough yn thick it up wth yolks of 2 or 3 Eggs

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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& putt in a little juce of Lemons & slice ?? some & lay upon itt butt first shake it very well togethE, if you would have it a fryed frigasie, first fry yE Pidgeons in ye buttE & yn poure it awaym yn put all ye other things away to ym in ye frying pan wth a little mare buttE

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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The Feavour Water

Take 4 gallons of strong Ale & a peck of Poppeys pickd soe putt ym into a Limbeck well pasted, yn still off 5 pints wth a gentle fire, & what runs aftE keep for othE uses, yn take 4 gallons more of stong Ale, & 4 ounces of cardish seeds well bruised soe draw of 5 pints as before yn take 6 ounces of Snake roobes, 4 ounces of Marigold flowers newly gathere, & 20 greene walnuts sliced, & put ym into ye two strong waters togethE, yn putt into a wide mouth steeping pott or glasse & putt ye 4 mentioned ingredients into it & lett it stand a forthnight well stopped & a day beofre you still it, putt half an ounce of London treacle, yn still it in a cold still well pasted, an old body may take 3 spoonfulls of this wate before ye fitt comes for 3 or 4 fitts togethE you may give a child of 2 or 3 years old 2 spoonfulls of ye weak watE & 1 for a child of a yeares old or lesse;

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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