Transcribathon: EMROC 2021

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Wellcome Collection: Fanshawe, Lady Ann (1625-1680) (MS7113)

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Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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To make an Excellent opening and purging} Page. 3 drink for the Liver_ _ _ _} Page. 3 To fry a Loauemake butterd Loaues which is} p. 284 an excellent pudding as any is_ ____} p. 284 To make Lemmon Nauthe the best way. p. 299 To make any kind of Lozenges with Spiritts. p. 384. To fry Lambsbones or sweet breads p. 310 To stew a Lambshead. p. 316 To make pao de lo __P. 326 To make Lemondade_____P. 331 For putrifred Lungs__p.207



Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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For MelancholyPage. 1. An Excellent Medecine for any sore Mouth or throat. p. 68. To hash a shoulder of Mutton.p. 274. To make Mince pyes of Neats tongues.p. 280. To boile Mutton Necke or breast.p. 281. To make Mackeroones.p. 380. To make Marchpane Cakes.p. 380. To make red Marmalade of Quinces with Gelley betwixtp. 385. To make white Marmaladep. 388. Hand change.To make Meade.p. 393. To make my Lady Barkley's meadep. 394. Hand change.Milk waterp. 203 To Make Manjur Blancop. 341. Hand Drye Musherooms for Sacep. 340



Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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To make Nectarella.p. 275 To make a Neasts Tongue pye cutt in Slices.p. 280. To dry Neats Tongues.p. 294.

253r N.

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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The Flowre of oyntments.p. 63. To stew Oysters.p. 284. To make Orange Biskett.p. 295. To preserue Oranges.p. 377. To make Orange Marmalade the best way.p. 378. To make Marmalade of Oranges.p. 382. Hand change.To make an oyle called the Queens oyle to make the hayer growp. 74. To make a Spanish ollap. 333.



Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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Dr. Burges his Directions in time of Plaguep. 5. Opening Pillsp. 9. A Purge for a Child.p. 13. The Great Palsie Water also for the Apoplexie.p. 103. Ingredients for perfumes and make of Beades.p. 193. To make a Pye.p. 273. To make Rice Pan-Cakes.p. 276. To Fricasse Pigeons.p. 282. r. Cardonnells Receipt to sonce a pigge or Turkie p. 283. To make a Quaking pudding.p. 284. To make fine Pan Cakes.p. 285. TO make a dainty Calues foote pudding.p. 289. TO make a fried pudding.p. 290. To make Sir Keneline Digby's Pudding.p. 293. To make Hogs Liuer Puddings.p. 295. To stew Pippins.p. 297. To make a Blood pudding.p. 297. For the breeding of Pheasants.p. 298. To stew Pairs.p. 299. To make Hogs pudding white.p. 299. To make Hogs pudding blacke.p. 299. To make Jelly of Pippins.p. 379. How to dry Plums the Lady Mandeuills way.p. 386. To dry more Plums in the same Syrrope.p. 387. Hand change.A pudding.p. 306. My Lady Portlands pudding.p. 307. To make an almond pudding with the pyth of an oxe bark p. ibid To make a Cake pudding. p.308.



To make a Neates tongue pudding. page 309. To stew Beeres p[...]ats.ibid To make a posset.ibid To make pasty Grist. p. 311. To make almond puddings in guttsp. 313. To make a Puff.p. 314. Hand change.To make a sack Possetp. 320. To make the red powder good for miscarryingp. 73. To make French Porrage of a Duck.p. 325. TO make spanish Pastilles to burnep. 195. To perfume Glouesp. 201. To make a Compound for a pomo p 202 To Make Puffs;p. 337 To make Puffe;p. 216. Hand change.a fine powder for liminp 199 a course powder for liminp. 290 Hand change.To Stew Pippinsp 338. To dry Porke like Spanish Baconp 338. To make a baked Oatmeal pudingp. 399. Hand change.To Pickle Cowcumbers in Slices340. For the Palsie a powder484 To Pickle Cucumbers like mangoes343 To Pickle Mellons like Mangoes343 To Pickle Wallnutts white343

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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Folio page 255v


Cleare Cakes of Quinces the best way.Page.381. To preserue white Quinces Mrs. Holycrofts way. p.382. How to preserue Quinces redd.p. 384. My Lady Greyes white Quinces.p. 386.

256r Folio page 256r.


Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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For a Child that hath the Ricketts.Page. 13. Another.Ibid. To make sweete Water of Roses the best way.p. 189. To perfume Damaske Roses.p. 194. To make Conserue of Roses the best way.p. 379. Entries from this point on appear in a different hand/ink.A Medicine for the Ricketts - - p. 20. To Pickel Radeshes - - - --- - -p. 323.

257r: Folio page 257r.


Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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Folio page 257v.


To make a Suppository effectually to worke. Page. 1. An Excellent way to make Suppositors.p. 7. A most rare Glister for the Spleene.p. 14. A Medecine for an ache or shrinking of the Sinews. p. 65. Mr. Stones Scarecloth.p. 66. An oile for the Stomach.p. 66. An Excellent oyntment for a Breast with which I haue A Spetiall Plaister for the Sciatica or Gontish hu= mour which hath done many Cures ----------p. 67.A special braket is marked joining the last line with this one. For the stinging of a Snake or Adder either in Man or Beast --------------------p. 68.A special braket is marked joining the last line with this one Dr Steuens Water ----------------------p. 187. Sweete Water.p. 188. Receipt for sweete water.p. 190. Francisco Moreots way of perfuming of skinns. p. 192. Snaile Water or Worme water.p. 191. To make a Sacke possett To make a thistle Sallett.p. 284. A Sillabub.p. 286. How to make Sawcedges.p. 288. To Escauecke sole, Trouts, Besugo or Sea Breame Sardine or pilcker ----------------p. 293.A special bracket is marked joining the last line and this one, with the page number marked in the middle. How to make Syrropes -----------------p. 377. To perfume Sugar.p. 388. This entry is written in a different hand.To make a fine Syllabub ----p. 314. This recipe and the next are written in a spearate hand still.To make Synamon water -------p 331. To make surfitt water -------------p 198.

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
Needs Review



A rare Medecine for a thrushinye mouth for Page. 13.
a Child or old Body
To make Taffaty Tarts. p.276.


Last edit about 3 years ago by vm727
Displaying pages 31 - 40 of 144 in total