Papers of Ernest Henry Wilson, 1896-1952. Numerical list of seeds collected 1899-1901.


This book contains records of Ernest Henry Wilson's plant collections in China from 1899-1901, and shipments of plant material to James Veitch & Sons, Royal Exotic Nursery.


Numerical list and description of seeds numbers: 1-1310

Propagation data on seed numbers 1-1310, in reverse order with Ernest Henry Wilson's comments on degree of success.

Numerical list and description of specimen numbers: 12800

Consignment data on three shipments from Hong Kong, December 2-December 27, 1899.

List "a". Plant list.

Inserted sheet with a list of "Plants wanted from Hong Kong and Ceylon."

Notes entitled "Lankai & Yunnan"

List "a" of orchids from Yunnan.

List of seeds and spores presented to Charles Ford Esq.

List of orchids to Charles Ford Esq.

List "b". Herbarium Lankai

Consignment data on six shipments sent from Ichang via Shanghai, October 7, 1900-January 30, 1902.

Additional Information


(seq. 11)

(seq. 11)

{Numbers} Names. Habitat Remarks.
69. Irideáe Mengtsze 5000'.
70. Lilium .. 5000'. small red {flowers} - common low. alt.
721. Thalictrum minus var. (Dead) Yunnan 4 - 8000'. af. T. aquilegifolium [Thalictrum aquilegiifolium L.]
72. (Killed) Mengtsze 7000' small herb.
v 73. Clematis. .. 5000'. prob. one of Hancocks n. sp.
74. Asplenium Ta Mo. [sian]. 3000'. very soft species. Kowloon new Territory.
75. * Primula ?japonica Wilsoni Szemao. 6000'. bogs often six whorls on scape.
v 76. * Libocedrus macrolepis. .. 5 - 7000'. Indigenous near Talong. semi fossilized wood valuable for coffins.
v 77. Symplocos Mengtsze 5000'. very spinescent.
v 78. Lilium leucanthum. .. Li. Hang. Shui Ching. bulbiform in light loam good. stiff
v 79. * Diospyros Szemao 6000' Fruit between D. Kaki [Diospyros kaki L. f.] & D. Lotus [Diospyros lotus L.] yellow.
v 80. * Pinus. n sp. {near} Lu Tung Po. 7500'. A fine-needled Pine 3 plants near roadside.
v 81. Viburnum Mengtsze 5000'. Mengtsze tomentose foliage.
82. Myrsine africana. .. ..
v 83. ? Berchemia. .. ..
v 84. ? Euonymus .. .. shrub like Cotoneaster.
85. * Tacca laevis. Szemao 3000' ravines & at Laokai vide Journal.
86. & a * Parnassia ? wightiana (killed) - a = Jehang. .. 6000' bogs with Primula {flowers} 1 1/2 inch. di.
87. Bignoniaceae .. Old seeds from W. Henry.
88. Sanchi. .. 6000' .. .. .. .. very interesting.
89. * Lonicera .. 4000'. blue fruits good thing according to W. H.
90. Munronia Delavayi'? .. 4000' a tiny shrub pinnate leaves large {flowers}. wet cliffs
91. * Gelsemium elegans .. 300' to 3000'. very poisonous. Szemao. Laokai. {Hongkong}.
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 12)

(seq. 12)

{ Numbers} Names. Habitat Remarks.
v 92. Ko^elreuteria bipinnata {near} Linang 5000' A pine tree first found by Delavaye - -
v 93. * Cotoneaster pannosa Mengtsze .. simple elleptic leaves very showy.
94. Didissandra saxatilis Mu Lung Po 5500. On a wall. A corm. plants brought to {Hongkong} Bg.
95. Codonopsis, convolvulaceus Yunnan 7000'. a blue campanoloid twining peduncles hard to get seed of.
v 96. * Benthamia ? fragifera (980) {near} Lu Tung Po 8000' Fruit like strawberry on sale at Cheping & Mengtsze
97. Abutilon. Yuen chiong. 3000'. Plain, orange & crimson large form A. indicum [Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet]?
v 98 * Cotoneaster ? pannosaFrancheti {near} Lu Tung Po 7000'. leaves small glaucous. tomentum 1 plant seen.
v 99. * Magronolia Delavayi. .. .. .. .. 7500'. large tree near Pinus n sp. soil & packets.
v 100. Pyrus Del[...] [...] 8000'. .. .. "Towy" fruit sale in Mengtsze. has property of hardening ripening of D. Kaki [Diospyros kaki L. f.]
101. * ? Abutilon [...] [...] 3500'. Yel. crimson ravine.
v 102. Gleditschi[...] [Gleditsia L.] [...] 4500' Cult. soap. tree. fruits 2 ft.
v 103. Rosa. me[...] [...] 8000' only seen here with R. gigantea. [Rosa gigantea Collett ex Crép.]
vv 104. &. a. Pyrus. {near}.[...] [...] 6000'. a common Tree. fruits unedible
* 1015. Crotallari[...] [Crotalaria L.] [...] 5000' {flowers}. like Piptanthus nepalense.
106. Cyrtandr[...] [Cyrtandra J.R.Forst & G.Forst] [...] 3000'. leaves white beneath large blue {flowers}. concentric also on rocks Red river near Sinké.
107. Platycodo[...] [...] [Platycodon A.DC.] 5000' common & at {Hongkong}.
v 108. Delphinium (Worthless) [108] .. .. .. blue a common species.
109. Hibiscus Mengtsze .. Prob H. abelmoschus. [Hibiscus abelmoschus L. = Abelmoschus moschatus Medik.] yel {flowers}.
110. * Begonia Szemao 4000' tubers sent, ravines pink {flowers}.
111. Mura. .. .. cult. a S. Yunnan sp. lower portion of trunk eaten. Elephants "Banana" want seeds.
x 112. * Quercus (Killed) {near} Lu Tung Po 5500'. in a Lalo grove. like ancient Britons.
v 113. Legume Mengtsze 7200. Ru Ta Chi.
v 114 Polygonum (Stock) Yunnan 5 - 8000' climber white on tree very fine.
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 13)

(seq. 13)

{ Numbers} Names. Habitat Remarks.
v 92. Ko^elreuteria bipinnata {near} Linang 5000' A pine tree first found by Delavaye - -
v 93. * Cotoneaster pannosa Mengtsze .. simple elleptic leaves very showy.
94. Didissandra saxatilis Mu Lung Po 5500. On a wall. A corm. plants brought to {Hongkong} Bg.
95. Codonopsis, convolvulaceus Yunnan 7000'. a blue campanoloid twining peduncles hard to get seed of.
v 96. * Benthamia ? fragifera (980) {near} Lu Tung Po 8000' Fruit like strawberry on sale at Cheping & Mengtsze
97. Abutilon. Yuen chiong. 3000'. Plain, orange & crimson large form A. indicum [Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet]?
v 98 * Cotoneaster ? pannosaFrancheti {near} Lu Tung Po 7000'. leaves small glaucous. tomentum 1 plant seen.
v 99. * Magronolia Delavayi. .. .. .. .. 7500'. large tree near Pinus n sp. soil & packets.
v 100. Pyrus Delavayi. .. .. .. .. 8000'. .. .. "Towy" fruit sale in Mengtsze. has property of hardening ripening of D. Kaki [Diospyros kaki L. f.]
101. * ? Abutilon n. sp. Yuen Chiong 3500'. Yel. crimson ravine.
v 102. Gleditschia Delavayi. Mengtsze 4500' Cult. soap. tree. fruits 2 ft.
v 103. Rosa. microcarpa var? Lu Tung Po 8000' only seen here with R. gigantea. [Rosa gigantea Collett ex Crép.]
vv 104. &. a. Pyrus. {near}. comunmunis. N. G .. Yunnan 6000'. a common Tree. fruits unedible
* 1015. Crotallaria nepalense Mengtsze 5000' {flowers}. like Piptanthus nepalense.
106. Cyrtandráe San Tai Po 3000'. leaves white beneath large blue {flowers}. concentric also on rocks Red river near Sinké.
107. Platycodon grandiflora? (Killed) Yunnan 5000' common & at {Hongkong}.
v 108. Delphinium (Worthless) [108] .. .. .. blue a common species.
109. Hibiscus Mengtsze .. Prob H. abelmoschus. [Hibiscus abelmoschus L. = Abelmoschus moschatus Medik.] yel {flowers}.
110. * Begonia Szemao 4000' tubers sent, ravines pink {flowers}.
111. Mura. .. .. cult. a S. Yunnan sp. lower portion of trunk eaten. Elephants "Banana" want seeds.
x 112. * Quercus (Killed) {near} Lu Tung Po 5500'. in a Lalo grove. like ancient Britons.
v 113. Legume Mengtsze 7200. Pu Ta Chi.
v 114 Polygonum (Stock) Yunnan 5 - 8000' climber white on tree very fine.
[Dec per] 16 - 18[th told] [DM DHL.] Oct. 21. 1922 C f. [Locus] [Warubaus croct] [sossec. Horcbow]
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 14)

(seq. 14)

{Numbers} Names. Habitat Remarks.
* 105 * Ilex. (Killed) Szemao 6000'. A fine tree coral red berries also at ^{near} Lu Tung Po 7000'.
116. Polygonum (Killed) Mengtsze 7200'. Ru Ta Chi
117. Paederia. .. 5000' Plain pretty {flowers}.
118. ? Chirita Mu Lung Po. 5500' ravine spotted leaves, wet banks & rocks
119. * Stereospermum sp. {near} Pu Ta Chi .. .. Tree 30 ft. fruits long shades. 2 ft. {flowers} yellow leaves bipinnate glabrous.
v 120. va. vb. Pyrus Cathayensis (410) Tung Kuan 6000'. very spin^ey, fruits quince large.
121. Reinwardtia sinensis Mengtsze 5000'. shrub white sweetly scented {flowers}.
122. Ipomoia Laokai . common blue sp.
123. * Begonia San Tai Po 5400'. Ornamental foliage & good {flowers}. Best chinese sp.
124. * Brandisia racemosa Linang & Mengtsze. One of the best thing got. scarlet {flowers}. 1 1/2 in
125. Solanum {near} San Tai Po 4000' Bed of torrent leaves like S. chamáepeuca [= Ptilostemon chemaepeuce (L.) L.]
126. AEschynanthes {near} Pu Tachi 5500'. on rocks beneath Stereospermium.
127. *Sonerila = S. leatiusa (sp. nov.) [Sonerila laeta Stapf = Sonerila maculata Roxb.] Laokai Three varieties.
128. & a * Halenia. Mengtsze 7200'. Pu Ta Chi. Common. 128.a. Jehang {etc}
129. * ? Petrocosmia sp Yuen chiong 4500' ravine.
130. Petrocosmia .. .. .. ..
131. ? Liliaceae Mengtsze 5000' {Mountain} top. near Yellow Lily.
132. Begonia Manhao 2000'. B. circumlobata? [Begonia circumlobata Hance]
v 133. Cratáegus {near} C. prinnatifida [Crataegus pinnatifida Bunge] Lu Tung Po. 8000'. Fruit edible. sale. Cheping Mengtsze {etc}
134. Disporum pullum. Mengtsze 5000'
135. Crotallaria .. ..
136. Lespedezia. (Killed) Lu Tung Po. 6500'.
v 137. x Dormicum Senecio oldhamensis {near} Pu Tachi 5000' Weed of cultivation. Yel {flowers}.
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 15)

(seq. 15)

{Numbers} Names Habitat Remarks
x 138. Senecio Dead. Mengtsze 5000' & at Hongkong.
v 139. Anemone. japonica Pu Ta Chi 7200'.
140. ? Arenaria Mengtsze 5000' near habitat of yellow Lily, like Androsace
141. Amorphophallus ? Titanum Laokai {female} ^part of inflorescence only sec. Drawing sent.
142. * Anplectrum {near} Linang 6500' fine shrub red panicles moist site.
v 143 Hydrangea aspera {near} Mengtsze 5000' Henryi n. sp.
144. Cyrtandráe Szemao 4000 ravine rocks.
145. x Compositáe Mengtsze 5000'
146. ? Erigenron (Killed) .. .. large cordate foliage good. thing.
v 147. Polygala arillata {near} .. 7200' shrub. yel. racemes.
148. Acanthoid (Killed) .. .. .. small herb.
149. Vernonia. (Killed) .. .. .. purple {flowers}
150. ? Labiateáe (Killed) .. .. ..
151. Cyrtandráe Szemao 4300'. dripping rocks 1 leafed. plant
152. * Begonia. .. ..
153. Alimaceae Mengtsze 5000'. Leaves destichously arranged.
154. x * Compositáe Hsinki 6000' A shrubby sp. new to W. H.
155. Crotallaria Mengtsze 5000'.
156. Compostáe (Worthless) .. ..
157. Lespedezia .. .. angled stems {flowers} purple
158. * Leycesteria ? formosona Lu Tung Po 8200. 3' L. sinense [Leycesteria sinensis Hemsl. = Leycesteria formosa Wall.]
159. Aisnl^iaea .. .. .. ..
160 Cyrtandráe Puerh 6000' Limestone rocks.
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 299 in total