Papers of Ernest Henry Wilson, 1896-1952. Numerical list of seeds collected 1899-1901.


This book contains records of Ernest Henry Wilson's plant collections in China from 1899-1901, and shipments of plant material to James Veitch & Sons, Royal Exotic Nursery.


Numerical list and description of seeds numbers: 1-1310

Propagation data on seed numbers 1-1310, in reverse order with Ernest Henry Wilson's comments on degree of success.

Numerical list and description of specimen numbers: 12800

Consignment data on three shipments from Hong Kong, December 2-December 27, 1899.

List "a". Plant list.

Inserted sheet with a list of "Plants wanted from Hong Kong and Ceylon."

Notes entitled "Lankai & Yunnan"

List "a" of orchids from Yunnan.

List of seeds and spores presented to Charles Ford Esq.

List of orchids to Charles Ford Esq.

List "b". Herbarium Lankai

Consignment data on six shipments sent from Ichang via Shanghai, October 7, 1900-January 30, 1902.

Additional Information


(seq. 36)

(seq. 36)

{Numbers} Names Habitat. Remarks.
x 621. Ilex sp. Nan To {Mountains} Tree 30' Rare. 1 Tree seen.
x 622. Viburnum sp. .. .. .. a good thing.
v 623. Cotoneaster sp. .. .. .. Bush 3'.
v 624. Diphylleia sp. (736) (966) .. .. .. small angular leaves. (one. Capsule)
vv 625. Viburnum sp .. .. .. Bush 8'.
x 626. Arisaéma sp (374) .. .. ..
v 627. ? Akebia sp. .. .. .. Climber twin fruits
vv 628. Pyrus sp. (Box) v 628 xxx .. .. .. Tree 30'. leaves grey beneath.
v 629. Climber (Vitis sp?) .. .. ..
x 630. Illicium sp. (603) .. .. .. Bush 6' leaves lanceolate 5 inches
vv 631. & va. Carpinus sp .. .. ..
v 632. ? Trientalis sp? (380) = L. paridiformis [Lysimachia paridiformis Franch.] .. .. .. rocks. {flowers} yellow. leaves 4 in whorl.
vx 633. Deinanthe bifida (20). .. .. .. Moist shady places.
v x 635. Spiraéa sp Kuan Pao .. leaves small ovate toothed in apical half.
v x 634 ? Ilex sp .. .. .. Bush 4'. fl leaves narrow.
x 636. ? Hemiboéa Henryi Nan To .. limestone cliffs {flowers} blue.
v 637. Tree 40' (Cornaceae) (Box) .. .. ..
v 638. Acer. sp. (Negundo. (367) (Box) .. .. .. leaves pinnate Tree 15'. Acer Henryi
v 639. Acer. betlulifolium (299) (Box) .. .. .. Tree 20'. A. Davidii [Acer davidii Franch.]
v 640. Cotoneaster sp. (669) (Box) Kuan Pao {Mountains} Bush 7'. leaves brown woollly beneath fruits black
x 641. Viburnum sp. .. .. .. Bush 6'
v 642 Bush 10' (956) (Box) .. .. {etc} .. {flowers} white & yellowish after Decumaria sp.
x 643. Viburnum sp. .. .. .. Bush 8'
Last edit over 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 37)

(seq. 37)

{Numbers} MNames. Habitat Remarks.
v 644. Viburnum sp. (Box) v 644 B Viburnum phlebotrichum 21/5/07 v 644a 644. x.x.x. Kuan Pao {Mountains} 6' long internodes, dark leaves. very large seed.
v 645. Viburnum sp. Ta Wan .. straggling growth. long internodes
v 646. Viburnum sp. } Viburnum erosum var Ichangense 21/5/07 Kuan Pao .. Bush 6' seed small round.
v 647. Viburnum sp } v 647a Ta Wan .. Bush 5'. small oval red fruits (seeds)
648. Rhododendron sp. nov. has flowered [SB.] Nan To .. after (505) fruits long less hairy. 1 plant.
v 649. Vitis sp. Kuan Pao .. leaves trifid to trifoliate
v 650. Tree 10'. (1458) Meliosma cunefolia S + Z. 1/8/07 Nan To .. & Kuan Pao. leaves toothed {flowers} panicle
vv 651. a Lonicera sp. Lonicera maacki Kuan Pao .. Bush 10'. {flowers} yellow.
v 652. Vitis sp. .. .. .. leaves coloured stem slightly thorny.
653. Rosaceae (Pomeae?) Ta Wan & Kuan Pao {Mountains} Bush 6'
v 654. Vitis sp. .. .. {Mountains} a fair fruit
v 655. Lonicera sp. .. .. .. {flowers} pink, long internodes leaves glaucous under red
x 656. Smilax sp. .. .. .. very large ovate leaves.
vv 657. a Cotoneaster sp. Same as No 319. .. .. .. Rocks not C. microphylla
v 658. Cotoneaster sp. rugosa var Henryana. C. K. Schneider 1/3/07 Nan To {Mountains} Bush 6' {flowers} pink leaves light green loose.
v 659. Bush 6'. Kuan Pao .. {flowers} white fruits blue. leaves like a Cornus.
v 660. Spiraéa sp. .. .. .. Bush 6'.
v 661. Actimnidia sp. .. .. .. fruits smooth. oval. splendid flowers.
v 662. & a. Asclepiad M Huang Po .. 2' grassy {Mountain}-tops
v 663. & a Tricyrtis sp. Kuan Pao .. Herb 2' {flowers} white spotted. 663.a. leaves hairy
v 664. Actinidia sp. Ma Huang Po .. fruits red smooth longer than 661 beaked.
v 665. Lonicera sp. Kuan Pao .. aff. 6583. leaves hairy.
v 666.. a. Wild Peach. = 666.a. truly wild! 10000' .. .. .. flesh whish 2 1/4 x 1 1/2 inchs skin hairy. 666.a = {Mountains} Jang
666 Amygdalus communis 4/4/07.
Last edit over 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 38)

(seq. 38)

{Numbers} Names. Habitat Remarks.
v 667. Viburnum sp. Kuan Pao {Mountains} Bush 10' small ovate dentate leaves branches short.
v 668. Viburnum sp. Viburnum lepidum Duthie .. .. .. .. 6' leaves ovate. toothed short short fruits oval. small
x 669. Araliad sp .. .. .. leaves 3-foliate serrate. seed like half. moon. white
x 670. Vitis sp. Ma Huang Po .. leaves 3-foliate glaucous beneath. sinnate. stem thick.
v 671 Vitis sp. Kuan Pao .. leaves large woolly beneath. Best of all.
v 672. Vitis sp. .. .. ..
v 673. Celastrus hypoglaucous? Ma Huang Po .. Climber.
vv 674. & a Celastrus sp .. .. .. .. ..
vv 675. & a Cotoneaster sp. Kuan Pao .. Bush 4'. common. leaves brown underneath.
v 676 Tree 30' "Shui Tang Shwa" .. .. .. {flowers} yellow. {Mountains} ? Idesia polycarpa
x 677. Tree 10' (1491) .. .. .. {flowers} solitary seeds small. very hairy plant.
v 678 Zanthoxylum ? stenophyllum .. .. ..
679. Polygonum sp. .. .. .. {flowers} red leaves hairy
v 680. Acer sp. Ma Huang Po .. Tree 15'. leaves simple coarsely toothed
v 681. Deutzia ? scabra Kuan Pao .. {flowers} white cliffs
x 682. Tree 10' Ma Huang Po ..
683. Rhod. [Rhododendron L.] (Azalia) Ka. Pao. .. {flowers} purple. April no leaves.
v 684. Paulownia sp. Jehang Cult. J. R. C. 34' Tree cult. 15'. {flowers} with leaves.
v 685 Pyrus sp. (Box) Kuan Pao. {Mountains} Tree 30' fruits flat. Green. fine foliage P. aria [Pyrus aria (L.) Ehrh.]?
v 686. ? Cerasus sp. (Box.) .. .. .. Tree 50' 2 ft di. "White bitter Walnut". only one Tree.
v 687. Machilus sp. (Box) & va .. .. .. Tree 20' {Mountains} flat seed thick testa
v 688. Magnoliad (Box) .. .. .. N. & S. evergreen?. "Ying tahuen Tsü" ? Michelia
vv 6989 & va Pyrus sp. (Sorbus) (Box) Ta Wan .. .. .. Tree 15'. fruits rosy red.
Last edit over 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 39)

(seq. 39)

{Numbers} Names. Habitat Remarks.
v 690. Pyrus sp. (Box) Ta Wan {Mountains} Tree 20' fruits small oval red. pedicels spotted.
x 691. Pyrus sp. (Box) Kuan Pao .. aff. 560. yellow fruits lanceolate leaves.
v 692. Pyrus sp. (Box) .. .. .. Bush 6' (With this is mixed a Wild Pear!)
v 693. Cephalotaxus ? Olivieri (100) (Box) .. .. .. {female}. Tree 15'. {male} Bush 8. "Yu. Hsan Tsü" {chinese lettering}
x 694. Euonymus sp. Ma Huang Po .. Bush 10' aff. AE. alatus.
695. & a. Bush 10' (Clethra canescens?) Kuan Pao .. {flowers} in racemes several racemes together good.
v 696 ? Hydrangea sp. (1370) Ma Huang Po .. Bush 10' large white bracts grand.
v 697. Hydrangea sp. Kuan Pao .. .. 6' {flowers} white
698. 0 Lindera Tzumu? (Box) } "Nan. Mu" Trees. possibly all one species. .. .. .. Tree 20'. 50' leaves ovate lanceolate veins red.
v 699. 1 Lindera sp. (Box) } .. .. .. .. .. .. .. lanceolate-elliptic-elliptic.
v 700. 3 Lindera sp. (Box) } .. .. .. .. .. .. .. elliptic veins not prominent
v 701. 5 Lindera sp. (Box) } .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ovate cupule very large.
v 702. 4 Lindera sp. (Box) } .. .. .. .. .. .. .. lanceolate small.
v 703 7 Lindera sp. (Box) ) } v 703a .. .. .. .. .. .. .. similar to Nr. 4.
v 704. Pyrus sp. (Box) Photinia variabilis 25/5/07 .. .. {Mountains} Bush 10'
vv 705. & a Tilia sp. (Box) Kuan Pao .. Tree 25'.
x 706. ? Panax. sp. Nan To .. Bush 2'.
v 707. Acer sp. .. .. .. Tree 20' aff. A. betulifolium [Acer betulifolium Maxim. = Acer stachyophyllum Hiern.] = A. Davidii [Acer davidii Franch.]
708. Arisaéma sp .. .. .. leaves pedate.
v 709. Catalpa Káempferi? North & South .. Tree 30'
v 710. Schizandra sp. Nan To .. leaves with red petioles & veins
v 711. Viburnum sp. .. .. .. Bush 8' leaves ovatily-cordate pedicel long hairy
v 712. Funkia sp. Hsi Sha Ho .. (South) {flowers} purple.
Last edit over 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 40)

(seq. 40)

{Numbers} Names. Habitat Remarks.
v 713. Clematis sp. Hills {etc} Jehang tomentum leaves. {flowers} white
v 714. Rutaceae (Boenninghausenia albiflora) HHsa Ho {Mountains} shrub 2'. {flowers} white a pretty plant.
715. & a? Schizophragma sp. . = S. integrifolia [Schizophragma integrifolium Oliv. = Hydrangea ampla (Chun) Y.De Smet & Granados] .. .. .. .. {flowers} white bracts small. flat. Bushclimber 5'.
x 716. Labiateae .. .. .. .. (Loxocalyx?) {flowers} white -
v 717. Spiraéa sp. Nan To .. fruits & pedicel glabrous shining
x 718. Styrax sp. Hsi Sha Ho .. Tree 20' {flowers} white
v 719. Tree 30'. (Solanaceae!)(671) .. .. .. .. & South a fine Tree {flowers} white
v 720. Diospyras sp. (Box) Kuan Pao .. Tree 15'. small round yellow fruits no D. Lotus [Diospyros lotus L.]
v 721. Wild Plum. Prunus species.consociiflora 11/4/07 .. .. ..
v 722. Viburnum sp. .. .. .. leaves lanceolate pubescent. fruits black
v 723. Viburnum sp. .. .. .. seeds flat & nearly as large as No 644.
v 724. Tree 20' (A Nan Mu) (Box) Ma Huang Po ..
v 725. ? Styrax sp. (Box) .. .. .. .. Tree 20' racemes hairy.
726 Taxus sp. (Box) .. .. .. Bush 10'
v 727. Pinus? Armandiscipioformis(Box) Ta Wan .. Tree 20' - 40'
v 728. Acer. sp. (Box) = A. tenellum [Acer tenellum Pax] .. .. .. Tree 20' leaf palmately-lobed. thin, glabrous, green.
729. Acer sp (Box) = A. Franchete, Pax [Acer franchetii Pax = Acer sterculiaceum subsp. franchetii (Pax) A.E.Murray] .. .. .. .. .. very large samaras. leaf.-pal-lobed. hairy below.
vx 730' &. a. Evodia sp. (A = Dead) Kuan Pao .. Tree 20' fruit reddish.
v 731 Rosa sp. (1438) Ma Huang Po .. .. {flowers} pink fruits contracted at top.
v 732. Rhamnus sp. Hsi Sha Ho .. Bush 6'
v 733. Stephandra sp. Cocculus heterophyllus Kuan Pao .. Climber fruits black
vv 734. & a Celastrus sp .. .. .. very large leaves
x 735. Evodia sp. .. .. .. Tree 20' fruits green.
Last edit over 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
Displaying pages 36 - 40 of 299 in total