Elliott, Stephen, 1771-1830. Stephen Elliott papers, 1791- approximately 1947. Broadsides, lists, and bills, approximately 1814-1829. gra00020. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Contains an undated broadside regarding the formation of the Literary and Philosophical Society of South Carolina in 1814; undated fragments and lists of books, medical texts, scientists, authors, and political figures; and lists of books and invoices, including an undated manuscript list of books belonging to the Literary and Philosophical Society of South Carolina; a bill to the Charleston Library Society from an English merchant, dated April 20, 1818; a list of books ordered from J. H. Mey by Stephen Elliot for the Charleston Library Society in his capacity of president in 1821; and books and periodicals presented to the Society by French botanist François André Michaux (1770-1855) in 1821-1822. There is also correspondence in English and French from Michaux to Elliott including lists of books and the status of shipments to America in 1828 and other bills and correspondence in French, dated 1828-1829.


(seq. 21)
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(seq. 21)

Catalogue of books demanded by the 2tr noto, inclosed in your letter, of 29th of december

. ....... . fr
2 Herodotus au Schweizheafe 12 eu 6 vol. . 90
3 Aristolelae [Aristotelis] du Valla 2 vol fol . 30
4 Diodorus Siculus Amst. 1746 2 vol fol . 75
6 Pausanias a Facius Leipz. pl. 1794-97 4 v. . 31
7 Dante opera 4 vol. (rare) 4° . 60
8 Pulci morgante maggiore ] 5 v. 12° . 12
9 Boiardo Orlando innamorato 4 vol. 8° . 24
10 Machiavelli opere di 10 vol. 8° . 50
12 Rella? Rolle Recherches sur le culte de Bacchus 3 v. . 21
13 Depping Histe de Exp. des Norm. 2 vol. 8° . 12
14 Gail Geographie d'Herodote Atlas . 80
15 Cailliaud Voyage à Meroe 4 vol. . 36
17 Sismondi Économie politique 2 vol. . 14
18 Hugone`s Béranger chansons 1 v. 18° . .3
20 Hugone, [Hugo] Hermanus de prima scribendi 1 v. . .6
19 Galdi de Sybilis et oracula . 14
21 Opsopäus Sibyllina oracula . 14
23 Atlas ethnographique . 30
24 Gassendi De vita Epicuri 3 vol fol. . 30
25 Wolfius [prioro logicens?] in humani 1 v. . .5
27 Appollodorus Bibliotheca . 17
28 Bibliothèque d'Apollodore Clavier (rare) . 18
29 Opuscula academica ad Heyne 6 vol . 48
31 [Trave? est mount ile palelis arte?] 4 v. . 24
34 [Niso neroulos Coorsili? litteratur Greu?] . .6
35 L'Art de vérifier les dates depuis J.C. jusque . .
. 1770 18 vol. avent sesor Ch. 5 vol . .
. depuis 1770 le vol. 1, 2, 5, 9, 3, 6, 10 et 4 31 ol. 2 .17
. (ordre de publication) . .
Last edit over 2 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 22)
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(seq. 22)

36 Humboldt statistique de l'île de Cuba 7 v. . 17
39 Ganilh Essay politique 2 vol. . 15
40 Quatremère Recherches sur Aegypte [Egypt] 2 v. . 18
42. Wittenbach [Wyttenbach] his opuscula 2 v. . 25
. ......... 10 35
. Reliure 2 39
. Escomte commision sut [deleter?] . 93
. Emballage, part au Havre embal. &c. . 40
. Francs 14 07
Touche 1552
Cepense? 1407
.. 0145 f Reste
Reste dele 1r note 348
.. 493 f
on which I will have to pay to Mr. Mey the books he bought in Germany.

Sir deleted Paris 2th of April, 1828

The work of Mr [Jean Raymond] Pacho Voyage dans los Cyrénaïque le publie par livraison It en aura 18 de texte et autrui de figures format in folio. See priex ue Marque livraison pour le texte 10 frs. it aussi 10, fr. la livraison de figures le qui serae pour le total texte et figures 360 francs is a "ete publie"

déjà 2 livraisons deleste et deles autre livraisons ete figures.

Je n'ais par me procures de votre note les 1 historicum Graecorum &c 11 Notti romane & 22 Niebuhr Histr. &c 26 St. Croix & 30 (je vais le faire viuer d'allgemagne et n'yen a por en ce moment a Paris. 33 Moreau-Joanes [Moreau de Jonnès] Essai 37 Hesiodi &c. print à Paris. 38 Plehn Lesbiacorum &c. 41. de fonitibus. print à Paris

Ouit que j'as en l'honnuer le vous l'ecreri aufffitot que je recuvras vos premier no. so sol que vaus vous propose de publisier, je tacheras le faire des echanges avec aux de France qui me paraitre les plus analogues a rare objet.

Agreer l'affirame de nor res po et de nous d'avancement

Fr. Andre-Michaux ques aux fleurs no. 19.

Mr. Mey [ce?]'est pas encore revenue de Mannheim.f:

Last edit over 2 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 23)
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(seq. 23)

[postmark] [loss]f. ARMd DELESSERT'3 Cie [loss] [HA]VRE

J deleted [Henri?] 4 Stephen Elliott Esqr. {Esquire} SHIP Charleston Sth. Cna. [South Carolina]

Etablis de l'amérique la Nord

[partial postmark] R DELAROC[loss]

Last edit over 2 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 24)
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(seq. 24)

Jany. 1828 invoice of Books. A. Michaux Books which will not be found With the approximate prices

Muratori rerum Italicarum 30 vol. fo 6 à 8 a o & Moriana Histo. Gal. di Hispania niedow 1794 210 Buchanan opera omnia 30 à 40 Euripidii Tragediae 1 50 [Thuanna?] Hist fais tempor 70 à- 1 00 Sorpa fra paolo Spelmans Glossarium 20 30 Hieropollenis [Horapollinis ] hieroglyphica 15 à 20 plulut moins que plus — 340 feso. collection des memoires relatif à l'liste de France par Petiteau 1ar serie 52 vol —— 312 2d serie 60 vol —— 360 .. 112 vol. .............. 672 about 25 vol. remain to be published. to be added the price of the binding at 45 vols or 2 + 24 c by volume for the whole would be [loss] if francs achat 672 [?oliv?] 308 .......... 980

Paris January 25th 1828


{Mister} A. Mey has delivered me your letter of the 17th November last to which was amassed a list of books your are desirous to obtain A bookseller well acquainted with old editions was immediately charged to procure those which could be found in Paris. Relating to the prices paid for them I will remark that they are very arbitrary for those printed before 1700. Tho some books sold at Vendue for about one dollor often cannot be got for 5 or 6 at a bookseller shop, when aksed for.

Murator's rerum Italicarum was sold some years past at public sale for 450 francs a very fine copy. Not one is at present to be had in Paris. I give order for it in Italy but not [?] expected to got much less than 7 or 8 ou francs. — The box mark S.E. ? will be shiped on the [Au?] [aclget?] who will left Havre for New York (no [loss] fr. Charleston) the 1st of February. She is directed to Ay. Girard Mercht. who

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(seq. 25)
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(seq. 25)

will forward it at Charleston.

List of the books send to S. Elliott {Esquire}
No. —— frs
1 Fabricii [Fabricus] Bibliotheca graeca [do?] 40
2 Fabricii bibliotheca latina 15
3 Fa. bibliotheca latina mediae et infa. 50
6 Giannone dell' Istoria civile del 52
8 Bruckeri Hist critica Phh. 110
11 Diogenes lacertios de Vater 45
12 [Cresunlini G. M. istoria di 36
13 Ginguené Hist. de la letteratura [Et? 155
14 Bayle Dict. Historique Nell. Edit. 100
15 Plutarchus quae supe sunt 200
23 Caussin de Symbolica Aegypt. (2 Cop). 6
24 Eurisie africa 7
25 Ste Croix [Neckonus?] Hist. 15
{26 Pezron antiquites dela N. [Nations] des Celtes 9
{27 P. [Pezron] dela defense
29 Collectio [vitavensis?] 45
31 Essay [Essai] politique pour les de Cuba 17
32 Hist. des progrès des sciences 8
33 Essay [Essai] sur l'origine unique et hiérogl. 14
par Paravey
34 Gamba Vge. dans la Russie méridionale 17
35 Ia sio lo les [2?] confusier 12
............. 853
............... 853 f
36 Memr. de Michel [Aguissy?] 27
37 Memr. de Champollion
39 Considérations historiques et politiques 4
sur la russie, l'autriche et la Prusse
40 La Cultivation del Riso. 12
41 Champollion Lettres sur hiéroglyphes 16
............. 912
Committee au libraire 4/100 36
............. 948
Militaire 191
............. 1139
[Dra anne?] 14
Caisse et embalege 7
Vont au Havre [?] 27
Onze centre quatre Vingt Sept. fr. 7187
Revue 1545
Depose 1189
Remaind. [loss] 548 fr. = about 65 dollars.
Last edit 5 months ago by Judy Warnement
Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 38 in total