Elliott, Stephen, 1771-1830. Stephen Elliott papers, 1791- approximately 1947. Broadsides, lists, and bills, approximately 1814-1829. gra00020. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Contains an undated broadside regarding the formation of the Literary and Philosophical Society of South Carolina in 1814; undated fragments and lists of books, medical texts, scientists, authors, and political figures; and lists of books and invoices, including an undated manuscript list of books belonging to the Literary and Philosophical Society of South Carolina; a bill to the Charleston Library Society from an English merchant, dated April 20, 1818; a list of books ordered from J. H. Mey by Stephen Elliot for the Charleston Library Society in his capacity of president in 1821; and books and periodicals presented to the Society by French botanist François André Michaux (1770-1855) in 1821-1822. There is also correspondence in English and French from Michaux to Elliott including lists of books and the status of shipments to America in 1828 and other bills and correspondence in French, dated 1828-1829.


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Paris, February 13th 1828


The 25th of January last, I inform you of the expedition via Havre and New-York of the box of books to your address and to the care of Mr. Anthy. Girard at New-York. Since that envoice Mr. H. Mey has left Paris, for Monheim, and I give the list to those auteurs books as most all them printed in Germany. Mr. M has wrote me that the books seller to whom I directed him had procured those books, and advised him to buy them, but Thuannus Historia sui temporis Lond. {London} 1733. 7 vol. fol. which the price ask for is 216 francs then you will illegible [request?] in your first letter if you will have it or not. M. Mey will send you those books, via Amsterdam and I will reimburse him on the funds remaining in my hands. From that it result the

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you will obtain, most all the books mentioned in your first list, but the Muratori; and Pelitot collection complete 110 Vol. With respect, to that last work, which is much estimed, I am inform that a complete set will be sold schortly at public sale in case is sold 25/100 lower than common price I will give order to buy it.

Some days past I have received your secund? Second list, including your bill of 1552.fr {francs} It result already of the information obtained, that I will obtain most all the books you mention. and I think the price of the amounts will be under the sum sent. -- The binding of the new books always sold brocher by our bookseller, will detain almost one month the expedition then the box will not left Havre but the 15th of month. The packets starting very regularly the 1st and 15th of every months.

As soon I will receive the first numbers of your Southern Review, I will propose the exchange for the Revue encyclopedique and J.al {Journal} des Savants I have some hope to be succesful in my proposal. -- until the 1st January 1828 I have send to the Charleston {Charleston} library the Annales de Chimie and the Journal Général littérature étrangere, but I have no more money to the {Charleston} {Library} as I have not receivd {received} news from the librarian; I do not know if I must continue to subscribe. -- In your envoice I will send the for you the {Journal} général de la littérature de France which appear every month the price is 15 {francs} 3 dollars by year. This {journal} seem to me very usefull for your object as it give notice of all the important works daily published. The jrl. litt. étrangeres of Chambly would be also profitable for the works published in the north of the continent.

The correspondence direct from Charleston to France cannot be affected regularly as very few ships start from Havre and we are not advised of those starting from Bordeaux &c.

With respect I remain your most devoted fr. {François} André Michaux

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25. Jany. 1828. 13. Feby. And: Michaux

X 6 # [post marks] SHIP 2ND DELIVERY 27 60 RR [loss]

{Stephen} Elliott {Esquire} PORT-PAYE Charleston S.C. Etats Unit Amerique Septbr. Por le Havre


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PORT-PAYE SHIP BUREAU 60 PP [illegible postmark]

Stephen Elliott {Esquire} 2ND DELIVERY Charleston S. Car.


Paris le 10 Juillet 1828


J'espere que vous aurai reçu en bon état la 2e caisse de livres qui contient les ouvrages qu vous m'aviez demandés por votre lettre du 29 Xe 1827.

J'ai été assez heureux pour vous obtenir au bon exemplaire da Guides lexicon Gr. et Latin. ennu notes [?] v. Cantabrigia 1705 3 vol.

Comme il n'y a pas et qu'il n'y aura pas d'ici ae plusierus mais une v ceasion au Havre, directe pour Charleston. Cet bour age vous por viendra por Mr. {Monsieur} Jh. Vaughan du Philadelphie, et il portira

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le 15 de le mois por la voie de New York.

Jai les fonds que vous m' avér envoyé il me reste 275 francs.

Relativement à votre Southern Review j'ai reçu les 6 premiers Nos. & j'attends massaurt les 2nd Nos. arrivés au Havres.

Je erais pouvoir vous annoncer deja l'exchange pour 2 de nos journaux Scientifique notamment la Revue Encyclopedique.

Pour ce que ont relatif à à votre Collectio [Pisoureutis?] veuvaye mes cet exemplaire qui est imparfait et je tacherai des vous en obtenir une autre complet ou mieux encore las indiquer moi éxactement les volumes qui vous manque et je tacherai de les faire venir de l'[notie?].

Je suis avec nes put votre les humblest obéissant serviteur,

Fr A Michaux

Last edit 5 months ago by Judy Warnement
Displaying pages 26 - 30 of 38 in total