Manuscript Cookbook 205





Puffs to fry instead of fritters Put a quarter pound of Flour into one pint of Milk, and stir it over the fire till as thick as hasty pudding; when cool, put in three Eggs, a quarter of a pound of Sugar and some Salt; beat it well in a mortar, and drop it in small drops into a pan of boiling Lard and they will be round; the fire must be quick.

Ginger Bread Melt half a pound of Butter in one pound of Treacle, put in one ounce of Ginger, Coriander and Carraway seeds each half an ounce, beat and sifted, and make it into a paste with Flour; bake it in little cakes on a tin plate.

Ginger Bread Beat half a pound of Almonds fine with Orange flower-water and put to it half an ounce of Ginger, and a quarter of an ounce of Cinnamon beat and sifted; work these into a paste with

Last edit over 3 years ago by jlee


with fine Sugar sifted and lay into little cakes on paper to dry in cool oven.

Ginger Bread Take one pound of Flour, a quarter of a pound of Sugar, half an ounce of Ginger sifted, candied Orange, Lemon and Citron each one ounce, a quarter of a pound of Butter melted in half a pound of Treacle; make it into a paste and bake it in a gentle oven in cakes etc.

Ginger Bread Nuts Melt one pound of Butter in one pound of Treacle, put it into three pounds of Flour, with one pound of Sugar, two ounces of beat Ginger, and one Nutmeg grated; wet it with a quarter of a pint of milk, and make it into nuts.

Gingerbread Nuts Take the whites of sixteen eggs, a large teaspoonful of

Last edit over 3 years ago by jlee


of Ginger, the same of Cinnamon and mace, the grated peel of one Lemon. two pounds of Sugar and a quarter of a pint of water; work it into a stiff paste with Flour and make it into small round nuts; bake them on tin plates in a cool oven and to prevent this sticking, wet the plates first with cold water: when baked, lay them before the fire to harden. Citron cut very fine may be added.

A Rice Cake Beat the yolks of sixteen , the whites of eight Eggs with three quarters of a pound of Sugar, one hour and half, then mix in half a pound of Rice flour, one ounce of Carraway seeds, one drachm of Cinnamon, the same of mace and a little Salt; set it immediately into a quick oven and bake it one hour. Candied Orange-peel, Lemon etc may be used instead of the carraway seeds

Last edit over 3 years ago by Janesh


French Butter Take the yolks of four Eggs boiled hard, half a pound of loaf Sugar sifted, half a pound of Butter and one spoonful of Orange flower water; beat them well in a mortar then pass it thro' the butter squeezer in little heaps on a side dish and send it to table.

Orange Tarts or Puffs Scoop out the inside of six Seville Oranges and boil them tender in two or three changes of water; then cut them in thin slices, put the juice of the Oranges in with Sugar to your taste: make the Tarts with puff paste over them.

Chocolate Puffs Grate and sift three ounces of Chocolate and one pound of fine Sugar; make it into a paste with whites of Eggs and beat it well in a mortar; then make it up in cakes or loaves.

Last edit over 3 years ago by pedroc


Page Diet Bread ... 52 Ducks potted ... 18 Dye Purple ... 98 Dried Cherries .. 82 Dutch Flummery .. 68 Dried Apricots ... 90 Dish of Snow ... 118 Damsons dried ... 120 Dumplins, Pigeon .. 126 ---- Raspberry, Apple ... 126

Last edit over 3 years ago by Mimo
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