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12 revisions | Marie Richards at Sep 23, 2021 12:58 PM Page 175Lxxix
dessoubs attrait une moisteur amere qui lui tolt tou Lxxix dessoubs attrait une moisteur amere qui lui tolt tou Translation79
underneath it attracts a bitter moisture that takes
away all its taste. For in the sea there are great and
high mountains and deep valleys that are full
of grievous and contaminated bitternesses. 79 underneath it attracts a bitter moisture that takes Page 175Lxxix
dessoubs attrait une moisteur amere qui lui tolt tou Lxxix dessoubs attrait une moisteur amere qui lui tolt tou Translationunderneath it attracts a bitter moisture that takes
away all its taste. For in the sea there are great and
high mountains and deep valleys that are full
of grievous and contaminated bitternesses. underneath it attracts a bitter moisture that takes |