Rockwell Keeney Jr 1934 Handwritten Letters





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of Lexington and Concord. Next time we go into Boston I'll show you around the place.

Last Saturday Norm's mother and father came up and took Bob, Ray, myself, and a fellow names Dwight Ellis Jr. to dinner at the inn. This fellow is from Springfield and the name sounds familiar but I can't seem to place it. We certainly had some supper.

The first rating marks come out tomorrow and I guess you will get some announcement about it. I understand that they just say whether you are passing, failing, or doing honor work.

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3 [encircled and centered]

I think I'll get an honor in Physics, Geometry, and History. I got 100 in an hour geometry test which we had last yesterday. I'm doing about C work in English.

Our soccer team is coming along good. We have only one more game to play. If we win or tie it we will win our numerals. If we lose, we will be tied for first place. We were going to play the game to-day but it started to rain when we got out there so we postponed the game. I am inclosing [enclosing] a clipping which might interest you although it is nothing to get excited over.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Debo


Andover's football teams are doing pretty well. Last Sat, the football team beat the Brown Frosh 6-0 at Providence. The soccer team beat Harvard Frosh 1-0. It was a dandy game. Andover's goalie made some wonderful stops. That's about all we have to tell you about what's going on in the scholastic world this time but we'll be back on the air next Sunday at this same time with the latest bulletins from Phillips Academy, and until then, this is Rock Keeney, bidding you all good-night.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Debo


Phillips Academy Andover, Mass. Nov. 27, 1932

Dear Dad & Mother:

I haven't much to say in this letter but I'll do the best I can. It sure has been cold up here the last two days. This morning Al Richardson and I got up early and went for a long walk before breakfast. When we got up, about 7:00, the temperature was between 5˚ and 10˚. The sun was just coming up and their was a cold breeze blowing, and was it ever cold. We walked down to Pomp's Pond and back around Phillips St, being gone almost an hour. Al is an English and has lived in England just about all his life. This will be his first winter in America and I guess he's got some change in weather in store for him.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Debo


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He says he has never seen snow over two inches deep and the snow has never lasted over 5 days at the most. Although he has skated some on artificial ice rinks in London, he has never skated on an outdoor pond. He went to a private school in England, Westminister School. There all the boys wear long tailed coats, a stovepipe hat, and carry canes. The pictures he's got look even funnier than the pictures taken when you came here.

We made good time coming back Thursday. All of us slept or dozed part of the way. We got back at 7:00 and stopped to get a little something to eat in Clinton. I was thinking about the turkey sandwich in my pocket all the way but I didn't eat it until I got back.

I got a physics test back Friday with a mark of 98, the highest in the class.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Debo


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That makes a 99 & a 98 on the last two out of three tests we have had and brings my average up to about 93.

Last night after the movies, we had a fire and refreshments in Hook's room, nextdoor. We sent co had someone from Leon's bring up hamburgs, toasted cheese sand, and ice cream, and pop. Everyone went to bed contented. That's all for now, my children, and if the milk man doesn't spill milk all over the doormat's Sunday dress, I'll be on the air next week with the latest reports.

Rocky [underlined]

P.S. – Dad – I didn't have time to get you a birthday present or card, but I'll send my greetings along with this letter.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Debo
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