Fu Chun Yu Lab Notebooks

Pages That Need Review

Research Notes II, 1949

Needs Review


Choose a metric tensor of the form

Contravariant vector A0, A1, A2, A3

Covariant vector A0 = A0, A1 = -A1, A2=-A2, A3 = -A3

Constant spinors

Connection between spinor & vector

Last edit almost 4 years ago by awhtou
Needs Review


For Lamb shift

Take the space integral we get

Take the expectation value

For 2S of H1 : 1050 μc/sec expt'l value : 1060 [μc/sec]

Bethe, P.R. 72, 339 ('47) Feynman P.R. 74, 1430 ('48) Lamb, Kroll P.R. 75, 388 ('49) Weisskopf, French, P.R. 75, 1240 ('49) Luttinger, P.R. 74, 893 (48) Welton, P.R. 74, 1157 (48) Dyson, P.R. 75, 486 [Dyson, P.R. 75,] 1736 (49)

Last edit almost 4 years ago by awhtou
Needs Review


July 3, 1949

From (A)

From (B)


Last edit almost 4 years ago by awhtou
Needs Review


n = no. of electrons changing place m = [no. of] photons [changing place]

infinite constant

Last edit almost 3 years ago by awhtou
Needs Review


July 8, '49
(aK F) (N1, N2, ..., NK, ...) = F (N1, N2, ..., NK + 1, ...) (square root of (NK + 1)) aK annihilation operator
(aK* F) (N1, N2, ..., NK, ...) = F (N1, N2, ..., NK - 1, ...) (square root of (NK)) aK* creation operator
aK* F = NK F aK*aK = NK aKaK* = NK + 1
[aK, aK*] = 1 See the other commutators vanish.
qK = (square root of ([h?]/(2wK))) (aK + a-K*)
pK = (square root of (([h?]wK)/2)) [.~?] (aK* - a-K)
[qK, q-K] = ([h?]/(2wK)) (1 - 1) = 0
Unperturbed energy
H[°?] = ∫V d3 x H[°?] = (1/2)([∑?]KpK*pK) + (1/2)([∑?]K(K2 + [M or U or N?]2))qK*qK
Choose wK = (square root of ([M or U or N?]2 + K2)) .
H[°?] = ([h?]/2) ([∑?]K) wK (aK*aK + aKaK*) = (([∑?]K)) ([h?]wK) (NK + (1/2)) There is zero pt. magy.
Last edit almost 3 years ago by heidimarie
Needs Review


To evaluate (2) we put


Case (I)

Last edit almost 4 years ago by awhtou
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June 30, 1949


Last edit about 4 years ago by awhtou
Needs Review


The mean square local field from term A is [?] by

The mean square deviation in frequency by

To this we have to add the contribution of term B. To B corresponds the simultaneous flopping of two antiparallel spins ( or vice versa. This process is energetically possible & is caused by the proession of the nuclei around H0 with the Larmor frequency. So they produce an oscillating field of resonance frequency at the position of their neighbors, resulting in reciprocal transitions. Classically we might say that this process limits the life time of the spin in a given state & thair therefore [?] the spectrum. To (2.35) we have to add a numerical factor to take the effect of B into account. The proper factor has been calculated by Van Vleck in a rigorous manner with the diagonal sum method, using formula (2.32) For Hop we take the terms of type A & B of the perturbation The component of the magnetic moment,

Last edit almost 4 years ago by awhtou
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rotating with the applied radio frequency field is proportional to . We can evaluate the commutator by making use of the commutation rules which exist for the components of the angular momentum operator I. Van Vleck result is

Last edit almost 4 years ago by awhtou
Needs Review


July 11, '49

Level Energy Boltzmann factor
mI - γħmIH0 exp(γħmIH0/kT)
NI = no. of spins mI

n = difference in population between two adjacent levels

Last edit almost 4 years ago by awhtou
Displaying pages 81 - 90 of 132 in total