File 2: Rowland Hassall papers, 1811-1820, 1860





[MS 15]

Norcia  Nov [November] 4th 1811.

Dear Brother /

I have but a few minutes time to scrible a few lines to you, our Bretheren and sisters arrived here safely on the 1st Instant and are all well. By this I have received your Kind letter with your account, in which however I perceive a small mistake of £26.5  ballance [balance] in your favour instead of £9.4 the cause of which is your having put the £17.1 under Dr [Debit] instead of under Cr. [Credit] I sincerely thank you for your trouble and kind attention and hope you will just do by the cattle as you think most propper. I had written to you by Cap. [Captain] Campbell who sailed from hence for the Colony the 17 of July last, which I have inclosed in this

Last edit 5 months ago by natsa


[Page 17]

by him I sent a tierce of pork and wrote for some articles but as I know not what the Bretheren will bring, send me only a Dozen of oval looking glasses and 2 good box locks.

Dear friend Adiu [Adieu]

H Nott

Last edit 7 months ago by Portia


[Page 18]

To Mr R Hassall Parramatta New S Wales

[right hand margin]  Mr. Nott's letter

Last edit 7 months ago by Portia


                                             June  23  1812

Dear Brother

          It was my intention to write you a long letter, but my time and circumstances prevent it as Capt. Walker has returned here unexpectedly from Taheite, and is going immediately. The Lord brought us here in safety after a long and uncomfortable passage of fifteen weeks but one day, we found the state of affairs here favourable as we could expect, the chiefs and various parties of the people are all favourable to us. The late Miss Chrystie now Mrs Hayward is now very ill, and not expected to recover, Mrs Henry has been also very ill but is now better.

Last edit over 1 year ago by discoverthepast


Mrs [D....?] also very unwell, and has been so for a fortnight, but is to day a little better. She sends her kind respects to Mrs Hassall yourself and all the family, wishes to be remembered to Miss Turner as she cannot write to her at present.  As I have no time to enlarge I must Conclude in haste and assure you Dear brother

                                   that I am yours

                                            most affectionately

                                                         John Davies

To Mr Hassall


I shall write the first opportunity more at large I hope

Last edit over 1 year ago by Tintern
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