Thomas Ruffin Papers

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folder 096: Correspondence, 21–31 January 1822

Needs Review

Wm H Thompson Janny 1822

paid 6

Chapel Hill NC 28th Jany

Thomas Ruffin Esq

Raleigh NC


Last edit 10 months ago by Laura Hart
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Chapel Hill January 27th 1822

D Sir

I received by the last mail your letter containing thirty five dollars, to defray the expences of the present session The only return I can at present make for ^your beberal & voluntary assistance in forwarding me in my education, is my sincerest and warmest thanks & the assurence of my profiting by the advantages which I enjoy at your hands, as far as my capacity, will permit.

I am aware sir that my situation requires my utmost & unremitted exertion, my talents are but moderate, tho time is not far when I shall have to engage in the busy scenes of life, with no assistince but the education I am here to recive. My parents are ^in distressed circum= stances without a prospect of alleviating their condition, to me they must look for support when decrepitude & age shall come upon them. Under these considerations I can rightly appreciate the importance of my time at college & the advantages which are offered.

You request to know whether a farther continuance of your favor will be necessary to aid me in my progress through college In answer to this, I would remark that my father declares his inability to render me further assistance than board & cloathing.

But as my feelings revolt at the idea of imposing on the generosity which you have ever evinced towards me, (& which will never be recoll= -ected but ^with the warmest emotions of gratitude) I had concluded with your approbation, to omit the studies of junior class & to join the senior irregular next session. I have been persuaded to pursue this course

Last edit 10 months ago by Laura Hart
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Raleigh 27th January 1822


A few days ago Mr Nisbett called on me for a settlement of the open collection account existing between us, which has been effected in a way that will prove satisfactory. He at the same time wished me to settle your claim agt Holloway. This I declined, stating to him that I did not expect to be called on to settle a claim in which I was no way interested, and that from the conversation with you in Petersburg, I only considered myself bound, if it should be decided that under the circumstances of the case I ought in justice and Equity to pay - expecting to be heard myself before you came to an ultimate conclusion. Mr. Nhowever informs me that you have taken the opinion of others on the subject and that it is thought I should pay the debt.

This ex parte proceeding I consider as altogether wrong; as all the circumstances were not before those you consulted.

Since Mr Nleft here I have also consulted my friends for advice. Their opinion is that I ought not to be made liable. I can prove that I possessed the best course to secure your money, by obtaining collateral security, at that time deemed unexceptionable. That suits were instituted against the Security as well as Holloway

Last edit 10 months ago by Laura Hart
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No. 6

Anthony G. Glynn - Atto: at Law Raleigh 27th January 1822

Messrs Thomas Neilson & Co Merchants Petersburg Va

Last edit 10 months ago by Laura Hart
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by some of my intimate friends & upon consideration I think it would be the best plan I could adopt. Yet sir if you are of a different opinion I will certainly relinquish it & pursue that course which you may point out.

I noticed sir with, due deference, your salutary advice, for which receive, the acknowledgement, & the best wishes of

Your grateful freind Wm H. Thomson

P.S. The only excuse I can plead for not acknowledging the receipt of your favor last summer, is, that my diffidice overcame my duty Wm H T

Thomas Ruffin Esqr Raleigh

Last edit 10 months ago by Laura Hart
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and that as soon as the delay of ^the law permitted, regular judgments were entered and executions issued thereon.

That I went further than my duty bound me for your benenefit, by imprisoning the Security, thereby incurring the enmity of a large and respectable family.

Further: I can prove by Holloway himself that the Security I obtained was the highest in his hands: And that none obtained their money who sued him at that time, except such as he preferred; and that if suit had been commenced in any other than the way proposed, your claim would not have been classed among the favored ones. From all which Gentlemen it would be unreasonable to impute any neglect to me, who has been in no wise benefited by the transaction, but on the other hand has lost his time and labor too.

I must therefore decline interfering any further in this question, and ^hope that your good sense and candor will induce you to admit the necessity of your bearing this loss and not myself.

I am- Gentlemen with much respect your Obt Servant A: G: Glynn

Last edit 10 months ago by Laura Hart
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No 5

Petersburg (Geogia) 6th Sept 1821.


Your letter duly arrived at this place but I did not receive it till last Saturday having been absent for 14 days previous at the Springs 40 miles above this for the improvement of my health; the mail only leaving here once a week (Thursday) I take the first opportunity of replying.

I have been in the state ever since the last of March, and did not expect to have remained here more than 4 weeks- My business was to settle the accounts of a large estate in which a sister of mine was interested but I was taken sick immediately on my arrival, and have remained so enfeebled all the summer that I have been unable until lately to travel even a short distance; being now much mended I expect to set out in 6 days for Raleigh. The statements contained in your letter are generally true, but not the whole truth; the sums have rather been settled than collected, and I defy any of the gentlemen concerned to show the contrary. And that too much upon my own responsibility, as I found much difficulty in securing some of them on any other terms; In some of the cases a loss of the whole or part might have been apprehended, in the others great delay owing to death of the parties - to these remarks there is but one exception, I mean the amount paid me by B B Smith on Lucas' note endorsed by Lane that was paid me just on the eve of my departure

Last edit 10 months ago by Laura Hart
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for Washington City, and upon which we had some conversation when in Petersburg - On my return to Raleigh I effected some further settlements - (I use the word in place of collection)

I placed the sum of $850 in the hands of ^a gentleman friend of mine to be remitted to your house, and took his rect for it, not wishing to risk the amt by mail, and expecting him to pass thro' your place in a week or two, from that time; Your letter is the first information I have received that it has not been done - the reason I am yet to learn - I also gave Mr. B B Smith an order on the Marshall of the Federal Count (Col. Daniel|Danl) to pay to him the amt of your judgment obtained agt Jas Hamisson and Co and which would come into his hands at April term last, and to remit the whole to you [all underlined] without even retaining my fees or commissions.

Whether it has been done I am yet to learn- Mr. Smith will tell you the same. The sealed note is in the hands of Judge Badger and I have no doubt a bill in Equity has been filed long since - I mean the small note on Jas Hamisson Co: Your open a/c agt R A Taylor is long since in the hands of Samuel Johnson of Louisburg, who was to attend to the case- The bad debt agt Holloway I gave you a full explanation of when I saw you last - It is true if my agents in whom I have

Last edit 10 months ago by Laura Hart
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Colo. P. H. Fontaine Janny 1822

Thomas Ruffin Esqr


Last edit 10 months ago by Laura Hart
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Friend & Scott Feby 1822

Thomas Ruffin Esqr. Hillsborough North Carolina

Last edit 10 months ago by Laura Hart
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