[Recipe book]; [manuscript].; Receipt book

[England, 1780-1850] Begins with an 18th-century, undated section of medical recipes, primarily for horses and other animals, but with some remedies for worms in children, ague, heart burn, rheumatism, etc. (p. 1-26), with a listing of the contents of this section on f. i recto. Remainder of the volume comprises culinary recipes for meats, cheeses, puddings, preserves, pickles; mead, wine, shrubs, and other beverages, with a few medical recipes interspersed (p. 40-165). The last section of the volume beginning on p. 107 includes some dates, 1803-1836, and attributions for most of the recipes included; the most frequently occurring names are Mrs. J. Arden Clegg or Isabella Clegg and Miss Barber. One attribution includes a place name, "Mrs. Christopherson, Sutterton, 1803." Other surnames include Barton, Carhill, Carrington, Collin, Forbes, Hamilton, Harrison, Horsley, Howe, Hughes, Parkinson, Urquhart, and Ware; plus the full names Gentle Brown and Charlotte Jones. A few recipes are attributed to "Enquire Within."


p. 11

p. 11

Mr Woodhouse's rect. for the Murrain Rue, Angellica, Feather [fue?], Murraingrass, Sage, hysop, [Alicuwpau?], Horehound, Wormwood, of each a Handfull — Madder 1 pound Serve 20 [Cowa?],: Hen dung steeped in Netting Surallidge half a handfull of Liquorish and Alicumpane. Give a low [?] pint and half 1/2 a Pint; Rub their nose with Tar and [Arvasettily?] [?] Bleed them.

To Expel Worms Take Wormwood Garlick Celandine Featherfew and Mint with the Gall of an ox and Vinegar Stamped well together and Applyed as a Plaister to [?] Belly it kiles and brings away worms [(Exha)?]

A Drink for the Pawders Take Inner [Rhine?] of Barbary, a Little Turmerick 4 or 5 Blades of Saffron, Nutmeg, Eggsheles, Rue, wormwood, Mustard, Hopps, Rosemary, Butchers Broom, beaten together and Steeped In Ale 24 Hours, Drink 9: Mornings Together fasting.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
p. 12

p. 12

Care for [?] Ague

Take [Calamus?] from [?] dried and powdered as much will lye [lie] on an half Crown in a [Glass?] of wine an hour before you [?] [?]. Then go to Bed [?] [drink?] [some?] [?] [?] repeat it a [?] or third time if [?] Ague dont leave you sooner.

[Tor?] in Children Take Leaves of [Dearfoot? Bearfoot?] Dryed and Powdered Gradually give as much as will lye [lie] on a Silver Penny to a Child of 8 yrs. [years] old in some warm Gruel for a child of 4 5 or 6 yrs [years] old as much as will lye [lie] on a Six pence repeat [a?] dose every other Morning if required. Give none to Children under 3 yr [years] old.

Note. The Gum of [Ivy?] Tree good to draw Teeth Dill seed good for the hickup [hiccup]

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
p. 13

p. 13

An Oil for a Bruise or Wound

Take the Tops of Bay rod sage Lavender Wormwood Plantain [?] [Turmoul?] Comfrey [Southernwood?] Camomile [Chamomile] Charity [?] wort Solomon [?] Rosemary of each a handful shred them [small?] [&] infuse them in a quart of Oil Olive [&] [3?] [?] of [?] Oil [?] from air in a [tophole?] [&] stand 102 days in [of?] Sun in May [?] at Night when you take them in then Boil them softly [till? until?] oil is green then strain it [&] put [?] of Oil [?] and a handful of each of [the?] [herbs?] shred as before with one ounce of Oil [?] and ounce of Natural Balsam [?] out it in of sun as before boil [&] strain it [&] keep it Closed [?] for [use?]

A good [Poultice?] for a [?] [?] handful of [Smallag?] Spearmint and Wormwood boiled in Milk and thickened with Oatmeal [&] [layed?] hot and repeat when [dry?] & [collect?] to drip on draw and [heal?] it.

[?] Ointment [?] [?]

Take [?] Marjoram Pennyroyal rosemary Tops Camomile [Chamomile] and Lavender Flowers Sage Bay leaves of each a handful a Large [Nutmeg?] [&] its weight in Mace [&?] [skin?] of four Lemon [?] of 4 Oranges [stamp?] all together [first?] [&] boil them in [Pa?rich] [Malaga?] [Wine?] [&] 1/2 tb fresh Butter boil [?] wine is [waved?] [?] it [&] keep it Cook for [?fo] [?ab] it by the fire on the [Part?] Twice a day.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
p. 14

p. 14

A Mouth Water for Scurvey, to restore Gums & [fasten?] Teeth Take half a handfull Red Rose Leaves, 3: Ounces of blackthorn bark, and a bit of [Aleom?] boil them in pint of Claret [?] of Water Till one third is Wast. Then Add the Peel of a Sevil Orange one handfull of Scurvey grass and as much Powder of Myrrh as will lye on a Shilling, Stir altogether lett them boil up, and then Strain them. Wash your Mouth 2 oz 3 times a day, and hold some in your Mouth as long as you can.

For a Child that has a weak back Bruise some Grey Snails in the Shells. Put them in a thin Cloth hang them on a bottle [?] oil that drops, with which Annoint the back of the Child once or twice a day.

To make Lozenges good for the heart burn Take Oyster Shells Wash'd white [?] Sea Coast dry them wele then beat them to a powder. w. [?] 1/2 a pound of this Powder or Mix 1/2 a pound of Sugar wele beat; Sift [?] and make them into a Shiff? Past with a Spoonfull or 2 of Milk and Water. then Mould them into Lozenges and bake them in a Moderate heated oven they will do after thinks baked are brown. this Sweetens Sour humor [?] the Stomach and helps digeston —[Louie buru Sheles?]—

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
p. 15

p. 15

A receipt for the Rheumatizm take a New Earthen pott and put it in three pints of spring water, then put in half an ounce of Sassparella. half an Ounce of Chiva roots, half an Ounce of Guiacum, a quarter of an Ounce of Zeduary root then Cover your pot very Close, and let it boil slowly untill—,the three pints of water be wasted to a pint and, half. then put in one ounce and half of Good Seana, then let it have only one Boil, then let it Cool, and when it is cold Strain it thro^. a fine Cloth, and put it in a Clean Bottle, take a quarter of a pint in the morning fasting, and about one hour and half after you have taken it. take amess of water Grewell. drink no strong Liquor, nor any malt drink, nor Eat any Butchers meat-

For Bleeding a Nose Take white Bread Crumbs sopt in Vinegar and lay it to the roof of the mouth.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 169 in total