the Board your annual report as soon after the receipt of this as it can be prepared.
It should contain your recommendations and estimates for your expenditure in your district for the year 1871-72 with such statement of the utility of the objects of the special appropriations which you may be pleased to recommend as may suggest themselves to you and it should not arrive here later than the 1st proximo.
Sept. 8 (SIDE BAR) Yaquina Bay, Or. Two Harbor Range lights relating to
From Engineer Secretary Maj. G.S. Elliot To Coll R. S. Williamson Corps Engineers Yaquina Bay Or. Two Harbor Range lights relating to
Congress at its last session made an appropriation as follows. For two harbor range lights to mark the entrance to Yaquina Bay, Oregon. $20,000.00
The maps which we have do not show clearly whether this range shall be on the South or the north Head but from a sketch recently received from the Coast Survey Office, which is herewith sent you, it would appear that the south head is the most probable position. You are requested to visit Yaquina Bay at your early convenience and select the sites for the two lights which should not be nearer together than 300 feet.
The rear light will be the principal light and contain the Keepers' dwelling and the front light will be
small and movable. If however the changes in the bar are very frequent and extensive, you may consider the advisability of making them both movable and of having a separate dwelling.
This should be considered in the selection of sites and you are requested to make purchase of sites on the best terms you can, subject to the approval of the Board and the Attorney General, the latter as to title.
There will be sent you a drawing of a light suitable for your rear light and drawings of the two range lights at Amelia Island, on of which can serve as a model for your front light. It should be remembered that the main light should be at the same time a range light and a harbor so that the lens and lantern should be made to illuminate the proper arc of the horizon as in other cases but the front light will illuminate but a few degrees.
Please return the drawings which are herewith sent.
Sept. 9
From Chief Clerk A.B. Johnson Esq. for Engr. Sec'y. To Col. R.S. Williamson Corps Engineers (SIDEBAR) Chart of Western Coast sent
I send you by this day's mail a Chart of the Western Coast of the United
the archives of the Light House Board For Enclosure see Column 287 page 72 of Letters Record.
Sept. 30
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot To Col. R.S. Williamson Corps Engineers Tatoosh L.H. - erection of crane authorized
In accordance with the request of the Inspector, you will please to erect as soon as your other duties will permit a small and cheap crane at Tatoosh Light Station the expense of which will be charged to "Repairs"
Oct. 7
From Engineer Secretary Maj. G.H. Elliot To Col. R.S. Williamson Corps, Engineers Yaquina Bay Chart sent
By today's mail I forward to your address a chart of Yaquina Bay which
1 Tracing and 1 Drawing of Beacons in Newark Bay (West Oyster Bay & Mill Reef). 2 Tracings each of Bullocks, Point and Connimicut Point. Providence River, RI 2 Tracings of Beacons (one iron and one wooden) Billingsgate Shoal, Mass. 1 Facing South West Reef and Moose Rock, Maine. 1 Gilchrist's, Rock, Half Tide Ledge, Snow's, Rock and ship and Barges- Coast of Maine tracings and drawings. You need no return lithographs.
Nov. 19. From Engineer Secretary Major Elliot. To Col. R.S. Williamson, Corps Engineers. Sir: Your letter of the 9th instant relating to purchase of site for Light House purchase at Yaquina Bay Oregon, has been received with the accompanying papers. The purchase, subject to the following modifications in boundary and to the approval of the Attorney General is approved by the Board and you are requested to prepare the papers for his action as required by the Circular. Attorney General on Titles. A copy of which you have. A copy will be enclosed here, with for use of the District Attorney for Oregon. You are requested to prepare a plat of the track proposed to be purchased, and which will show the lots.
1870 through which a right of way is granted, to accompany the deed. Before concluding the purchase, you are requested to offer to Mr.Baldwin five hundred dollars in gold coins for the tract bounded as you have described except that the easterly line shall be a part of Mr. Baldwin's easterly line; that is the northerly line shall run from the Pacific Ocean to Mr.Baldwin's easterly line; and if the offer is not accepted you will conclude the purchase on the terms mentioned in the deed. The deed should be properly executed by Mr.Baldwin but not recorded till the money is paid, which will be authorized as soon as the title is approved by the Attorney General. In the meantime Mr.Baldwin will hold your receipt for the deed which is to be returned to him in case of disapproval of the Attorney General in regard to title. The reservation of Lots 3 and 4 Section 8. Township II South. Range N. containing 39 60/100 and 14 69/100 acres respectively, has been requested of the President. The papers are herewith returned.