Accounting 1865, 1874, 1866
1865 Decr 20th. Moved to [torn corner] Grove from Cedar Hill this day = family except Smith came here to live weight of Jordens & Sandys Blade fodder Jerrys takes & settles with them for I take fodder here & he takes it at Ceder Hill
Jordens & Sandys pt Sorghum 436 Lowry & Abram pt Sorghum & Some Sorrys Blades 360 H[?] Crab grass 90 lbs
1866 Janry 11th. Seven negroes thu[damaged] lived here, Jorden Sandy Buck & Lowry 1 Barrel Corn a ps went to Cedar Hill & shucked it to day & give Jerry nearly 2 Barrels more
1872 July 27th 1 G Hoe 1 H Hoe 1 frow X Cut Saw 1 Auger 1874
1866 Sept. 13th Days that Dick & Alex, worked in My Plant [damage] of Logs halled [illegible] Pulling fodder 1 day now, from 10 Oclock till night. - 14th Both pulled fodder all day 1 ps upper leather pr Alex Entered on Book
1866 Augt 7th Carried 1 Log 10 feet Long to Miller Mill to saw
1866 9th Augt Carried 1 Log to Yates 11 feet for Hhd staves to day
10th Carrd one 8 feet Long for Plank for Hen house, carried another same length same day making 3 at Millers & 1 at Yates to this 11th Augt 1866,
14th Carried another to Yates 11 feet long for Hhds staves by Henry little or young & he brot hind wheels home
15 Carried another 14 feet long Millers for Covering -Carried another same day for same purpose 16th augt Carried another for Planking sides
Began to Sew Oats 6th March 1866 Sewed — 1½ Bus.
1866 Augt 18th Sent 1 Log to Millers to pay for sawing 1 for Sept 3rd Card 2 more large ones & will all 3 not sawed yet 5 Carried 1 more to saw & divide [illegible] now to to saw.
December 27, 1865 - December 30, 1865
[top corners torn] My old Book is filled up & they [… ] Commenced 5 days before 1st Jany 1865 [ …] wife Pride & Doran & El gone to Mrs Colemans by Jerrys & at 11 Oclock it Commenced Rained a little tho not much & stoped —
27th Raining this morning & warm my wife went up as far as Jerrys yesterday & it raining & she returned I have not seen little Henry & claiborne since last Saturday claiborne came home last evening this morning [torn] & yesterday 26th Milly Ann & Ben went & they have not returned yet, tho & Henry & Lila & El attends to every thing we want Jerry came here yesterday – the weather is Rainy & warm nearly like May or June
28th. cleared off to day & I went up to see Peggy Sick at Cedar Hill & to old place to see about negroes & Hired Tom Kelley Wyatt & Wm Hunt agreeable to agreement for old place Jerry not at home Turned Cooler Sent Peggy some medicine by Wm
29th. Went up to Cedar Hill to day after my hogs & brot home 5 Large shoats 2 Smaller 2 Pigs for my wifes House Pigs 3 in Henrys Pen 1 I give him & 2 they are to raise for me & he got one some where else making 4 he has 2 for me & 2 for him, & Brot one young Sow Turned out for me making 13 we brot from Cedar & left 8 2 Sows 1 of which is mine If I want it & 6 Pigs for Jerry, claiborne & little Henry has not done any thing for a week tomorrow of Consequence likely for rain again Abram Dews & son Sam worked in shop to day at Cedar Hill put on Cart Tire & cut & welded my waggon Tire, mended clevice oxe ring sharpened 3 G.[rub] Hoes 2 for me & 1 for Jerry & nailed on 1 pr H. shoes for Jerry & I owe him $1.25 for it. [smudged] trade
30th Snowing last night & this morning & till 12 Oclock snow about 6 Inches Deep
December 31, 1865 - January 10, 1866
31st Decr 1865. Cloudy all day S[…] little weather moderate Jerry Came[…]
1866 Janry 1st cloudy & raining little Sent Henry to Yates ½ Bbl Corn for meal & claiborne to […] ½ Bbl Corn for meal 1 for Henry Brooks
2nd. Janry 1866. Went up Jerrys Sent waggon & little Henry Carried Mules & brot home 2 Horse waggon, with 6 sheep left 5 up there for Jerry brot home my waggon Gear Corn Shelter warping bars spools frames. side saddle of Sallers. 2 Grub Hoe 1 Pole axe, 1 oxe ring mended by abram 1 Clevice Do 1 pr stretchers some sweet Potatoes to eat. Prides waggon quilting frames & Basket & spools, 1 mole board new 1 Horse, 5 or 6 old no. 1 Plow P[o]ints to Plow this winter & my chop axe brot last Saturday, Rained all this evening
3rd Janry 1866. Halling wood & Cutting in new ground to day, has not rained any Snow smartly melted my wife Pride & Doran went to Jerrys to day & Susan Roarks. Peggy very sick & Rhoda with her
4th Very Cold all day fixing shelters at stable & Cow Rack for straw, Halled out straw & chaff & 2 Loads Pine Brush for shelters ¬–
5. I went to JD Hunts plantation & Mrs Colemans on business - our folks Cutting in new ground very cold to day & windy, ground hard frozen
6th. Cutting in new ground this day weather more moderate Old Peggy Died at Cedar Hill on the 4th day of this month & Buried at Mr Hunt Place, Mr. Edward Bybee had her Coffin made -
7th. I staid at home nannie went to Mrs Colemans & Pride & Doran with her Pride went to Edge Hill Very cold & windy in evening & cloudy
8th Janry. Very cold & windy (clear) Henry & claiborne burning Brush in new ground Little Henry Henry halling wood with Mules - to day
9th. Burning Brush & halling wood windy & cold
10th Finished Cutting fixing to mall & will begin to day in new to mall,
January 11, 1866 - January 22, 1866
[ …] to Cedar Hill brot home 1 Milch [cow] … 1 steer Bull & 2 Hiefers & 2 Hogs [… w]e eat & some Joles 150 lbs is for Sally [… ] 3 waggon wheels, 1 Grubbing Hoe & my [ …] & Box Sundries out of shop Henry claiborne & Henry went up there & shucked out 4 Barrels corn for Jordan Sandy Lowry & Abram, - Give Henry & the fellows that work at home I give them there finding this year as they live with me
12th. moderate weather Halling rails to fence in Oats stacks balance malling I am going to Banks to day old plack[place] & home Susan Roarks etc went & fixed my business left my accts and Rects with Mr Banks accts to 9th april from last settlement & from april to 4 Janry 1866 to Settle
13Halled up leaves to day & malling in new ground we are going to meeting to day, went meeting
14 all of us went to meeting. Tax Saturday Redeeming the time because the days are evil, Sunday Create in me a right Spirit, 5 Chapter Ephesians 16 V & 51st Pslam[Psalm]10 Verse I think – Preached very well & the poeple attentive moderate weather
15. Sent Henry to Mill Yates Mill, Gathering up manure for Plant Beds. Cloudy Cold rainy & Hailing this morning very cold, - lent Jerry Bill Saturday & he is gone to Court. his Horse here
16th. cl[e]ared off this morning, Smart Hail very slippery Hail melting some, weather more moderate getting off sorghum seed for Cows to be ground getting some ps for Bars
17th. cloudy again our folks are malling in new ground
18th. Tolerable good day malling in new ground weather more moderate,
19 Malling, Ground Hominey & Chop for cows
20- Malling nannie went to Mr Lewis s Rained about 11 Oclock & wind blew hard Nannie Just got home before it
21. very cold day & clear windy
22nd tolerably good morning Sent little Henry to Mill ½ Bbl Corn for me & ½ Bbl Do for his daddy, & 1½ Bus. wheat for flour, & 2 Blocks or pieces for Step to meeting Edd Fitzgerald came here yesterday & Doran went with him home & Pride gone to Mrs Worsham
January 22, 1866 - January 31, 1866
1866 Janry 22nd. Malling in new Gro[und …] wood when he Came back from the [ …] & flour went mules & wagon, - roads very [ …] 2 Blocks to S. Stone meeting House for Step[s… ] Doors weather has moderated very much,
23rd, Janry 1866. Have been malling to day & Halling wood out of new ground, made dog House to day Jerry Came down to day moderate day & no rain or snow.
24th Raining this morning & nearly all night quite a day of Rain & cold, cloudy & dark, making Bars & getting off Sorghum Seed - cant do much –
25. Rained nearly all night, a little freese this morning Ben Raking up manure cleaning Out Stables Balancing malling to day – Pride going to Capt Wooding to see Something about going to School to new London, heard nothing from Capt Wooding about the school
26th malling in new Ground Ben raking up manure then cutting up trees in new ground tolerable day I went to Cedar Hill old place & Rolands to see about makings shoes for Pride, Bybee gone to Motleys Carried all the Cotton to have Picked Jerry at home at new ground I brot home filling some bottles my Tin Box, Varnish & foot a[?],– lent Jerry Bill I rode his Horse home
27 Still Cloudy & like for rain or snow, Pride & me made 6 Hens nest, finished malling, halled out straw 2 days this week, the sun not seen 3 days not seen much cloudy nearly all the week repairing Gear House nailing on Boards
28th clouday day did not see the sun
29th. Snowed Saturday evening & night weather moderate Began to clean up new ground in fresh field Sun shining to day, young Sow in Granary lot had 5 Pigs Sunday morning very littely the Large young sow brot from Cedar Hill has been sick 4 days I think she is a little better this morning
30th. Shrubing ps new ground in fresh field, snow nearly g[one]
30st Halling Leaves 2 Teams to day
31st Shrubing in new ground in fresh field runin[g] 1 Double Plow to day –