


f. 23r
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f. 23r

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Last edit over 3 years ago by cleaverl
f. 23v
Needs Review

f. 23v

[1] ¶ It[e]m alia pec[ia] t[er]re cont[...] tres acr[e] iac[et] int[er] t[er]ras [2] Convent[us] p[re]dict[...] [...]x vt[ra]q[ue] p[ar]te abutt[...] capit[...] bor[...] sup[er] viam p[re]dict[...]. et capit[...] austr[...] sup[er] t[er]ram nup[er] dict[...] Joh[ann]is Garett Armig[er]i.///

[3] ¶ It[e]m alia pec[ia] t[er]r[e] cont[...] quatuor acr[...] t[er]r[ae] iac[et] int[er] [4] t[er]r[...] nup[er] dict[...] Joh[ann]is Garett ex p[ar]te orient[...]. & t[er]ra[m] Rob[er]ti Grene ex p[ar]te occid[...]. abutt[...] capit[...] austr[...] sup[er] via[m] p[re]dict[...]. et capit[e] boriali sup[er] t[er]ram nup[er] Thome Fuller[e].///

[5] ¶ Item alia pec[ia] t[er]r[e] cont[...] vna[m] acr[...] iac[et] int[er] t[er]ras [6] Convent[...] p[re]dict[...] ex vtraq[ue] p[ar]te. Abutt[...] capite Austr[...] sup[er] via[m] p[re]dicta[m]. et capite boriali super terram predictam.///

[7] ¶ Item alia pec[ia] t[er]re cont[...] vna[m] acr[...] & dimid[...] iac[et] [8] int[er] t[er]ra[m] henrici Canyard[...] ex p[ar]te orient[...]. et t[er]r[...] nup[er] Joh[ann]is Newham ex p[ar]te occid[...]. Abutt[...] capite bor[...] sup[er] Downeweye. et capite Austr[...] sup[er] p[re]dictam pecia[m] t[er]r[e].///

[9] ¶ It[em] alia pec[ia] t[er]r[e] cont[...] vna[m] acr[...] iac[et] int[er] t[er]ram [10] Convent[...] ex p[ar]te bor[...] & t[er]ras di[...]sor[um] ho[...] ex p[ar]te Austr[...]. Abutt[...] capit[...] orient[...] sup[er] t[er]ram nup[er] Joh[ann]is Newhawe. et capite occid[...] super Downeweye.///

[11] ¶ It[e]m al[ia] pec[ia] t[er]r[e] cont[...] tres rodas iac[et] int[er] t[er]ras [12] Convent[...] p[re]dict[...] ex vtraq[ue] p[ar]te. Abutt[...] inde capit[...] sup[er] via[m] p[re]dicta[m]. et capit[...] orient[...] sup[er] t[er]ram nup[er] dict[...] Joh[ann]is Newhawe.///


[1] 3u [2] 32 [3] 4u [4] 33 [5] 2u [6] 34 [7] 1u [8] 35 [9] [...]u [10] 36 [11] 3r [12] 37 [13] 12u 1ro

Last edit over 3 years ago by KHindley
f. 24r

f. 24r

38 ¶ It[e]m al[ia] pec[ia] t[er]r[e] cont[...] vna[m] roda[m] iac[et] int[er] t[er]r[e] [1] Convent[is] ex p[ar]te orient[...]. & t[er]ra Rector[e] de Magna hornyngeserthe ex p[ar]te occid[...]. Abutt[...] capite austr[...] sup[er] t[er]ra[m] nup[er] Joh[ann]is Garett. et capite bor[...] sup[er] via[m] vocat[...] Saxham weye.///

39 ¶ It[e]m al[ia] pec[ia] t[er]r[e] cont[...] tres acr[...] iac[et] int[er] t[er]ras [2] Convent[is] ex vtraq[ue] p[ar]te. Abutt[...] capit[...] bor[...] sr[abb.] le brook. et capit[...] austr[...] sup[er] t[er]ra[m] nup[er] will[elm]i [G?]asse modo p[re]dict[...] Margar[e] Odeh[a]m.///

40 ¶ Item due pecie t[er]re cont[...] sex acr[...] t[er]r[e] co[n]iuncti[...] [3] iacent in Magna hornyngeserth p[re]dict[...] & p[ar]ua hornyngeserth int[er] t[er]r[e] Convent[...] p[re]dict[...] ex p[ar]te orient[...] & t[er]ra[m] eccl[es]ie de p[ar]ua hornyngeserth ex p[ar]te occide[...]. et abuttant versus bor[...] sup[er] Chevyngton weye ac sup[er] le brook & v[er]sus austru[m] sup[er] t[er]ras nup[er] Joh[ann]is Curteys modo Joh[ann]is Cokett de Ampton.///

41 ¶ Item alie due pec[ie] t[er]re cont[...] duas acr[...] t[er]re [4] insimul iacent in campo de hornyngeserth magna int[er] t[er]ra[m] p[re]fati Convent[us] ex p[ar]te occid[...] et t[er]ram eccl[es]ie de p[ar]ue hornyngeserth ex p[ar]te orient[...]. et abuttant versus boria[m] super Chevynton weye. et versus austru[m] sup[er] p[ar]ue hornyngeserth weye./// [5]

S[um]ma[?] -- xxiiij acr[es]./ [6]

¶ In Campo De Westlee.//

[1] - 1ro [2] 3u [3] 6u [4] 2u [5] 11u 1ro [6] 8u = H[....] 24[...]

Last edit over 3 years ago by KHindley
f. 24v
Needs Review

f. 24v

3a ¶ In p[ri]mis due pecie t[er]re cont[...] tres acr[e] insim[u]l 42 iac[ent] int[er] t[er]r[e] hospital sancti Petri ex parte occid[ens] & t[er]ram p[re]dict[...] Margar[e] Odeh[a]m ex p[ar]te orient[e]. et abuttant v[er]sus austru[m] sup[er] t[er]ra[m] Joh[ann]is aylward. et v[er]sus boria[m] sup[er] t[er]ra[m] nup[er] Joh[ann]is Thurston.//

5a ¶ Item alie due pecie t[er]re cont[...] q[ui]nq[ue] acr[e] t[er]re 43 insim[u]l iacent t[er]ram hospit[al] p[re]dict[...] ex p[ar]te orient[e] & t[er]ram nup[er] Joh[ann]is Thurston ex p[ar]te occid[ens]. et abuttant v[er]sus austru[m] super t[er]ram Ed[mund]i kyng et v[er]sus boria[m] sup[er] t[er]ram hospit[al] s[an]c[t]i petri p[re]dict[...].///

10a ¶ Item tres pecie t[er]re cont[...] decem acr[e] t[er]re insim[u]l 44 iacent int[er] t[er]ram Convent[is] Sancti Ed[mun]di ex p[ar]te Austr[e] & terram p[er]tment[...] hospital s[an]c[t]i petri ex p[ar]te boriali. et abuttant v[er]sus orient[e] super viam ducent[...] v[er]sus le Stonencrosse. et versus occid[ens] sup[er] t[er]ram p[re]d[i]ce[...] Margaret Odeh[a]m.///

18a S[...]am xviij acr[es]. /// [Sa...ly] 18 [...]

[...] to[...] o[...] t[er]rar[um] vij xx. v. acr[es]./// 145 [...] 1 [...]

Last edit over 3 years ago by KHindley
f. 25r
Needs Review

f. 25r

Be It remenbryd that the lond[es] a bove rehersyd off margett Odh[a]m. w[ith] ij teneme[n]t[es] in Chyrche gatestrete w[ith] a stabyll in skynner[e] Rowe hold and pay rent to these p[er]sones vndyr wreten

First the seyd stabyll halt off the Erle of march. It[e]m to the Secrysteyn off Bury For certeyn londys. iij s ix d. It[e]m to the seyd secrysteyn for ij tenementys in Chyrchegatestrete. ij s vj d. to hatgolff ob It[e]m to the Celarar off Bury For certeyn londys. j li comyn It[e]m to Cot[es] tenement off lytyll hornynges erthe for certeyn lond[es] xj d. It[e]m p[ro] j shapp[......] s[u]btus tene[...] Joh[ann]us p[er]sey p[er]cipie[n]d[um] de Ioh[ann]e [...]esse x s

Mag Odhams Rents for þe stables -------- to þe Seccrist for lands ------- 3 s 9 d To þe Seccrist for 2 ten[emen]ts in -------- 2 s 6 d churchgat streete [...] Rent ------- [...] to þe cellerer for lands ------- 1[...] of Comyn

[crossed out: redd[...] resol[.........]]

Last edit over 3 years ago by KHindley
Displaying pages 46 - 50 of 58 in total