


f. 20v

f. 20v

capit['] orient['] sup[er] p[re]dict['] via[m] duc['] vsq['] nowton

Item alia pec[ia] t[er]re cont['] .iii. acr['] t[er]r['] iacet int[er] t[er]ra[m] Elemo[??] S[an]c[t]i Ed[mundi] ex p[ar]te bor['] & t[er]ra[m] p[re]dict['] Joh[ann]is [?]inyth ex p[ar]te aust['], abutt['] capit['] occidi Sup[er] via[m] duc['] v[']squ['] no[?]ton, & capit['] orient Sup[er] via[m] duc['] v[']squ['] Sydolnesmere.//

Item alia pec[ia] t[er]re cont['] septem acr['] t[er]r['] iacet int[er] t[er]r[a] Elemos['] de Bury ex p[ar]te bor['] & t[er]ra['] Will[em]i Cuntyng ex p[ar]te aust['] abutt['] capite occidi sup[er] cursum aque current['] a Sydolnesmere v[er]sus Bury, et capit['] orient['] sup[er] t[er]ra['] ade newehawe.

Item alia pec[ia] t[er]re cont['] .iii. acr['] iacet inter['] t[er]ra['] Ade Newehawe ex p[ar]te bor['] & t[er]ra['] Ric[har]d Skynner ex p[ar]te austr['] abuttant capit['] orie[n]t['] sup[er] via[m] ducent['] v[er]sus Rosshebrook, et capit['] occidi sup[er] t[er]ra[m] d[ic[t]i Will[elm]i Cuntyng.///

Item alia pec[ia] t[er]re cont['] quatuor acr['] t[er]r['] iacet int[er] t[er]ra['] p[re]dicti Ric[ar]d Skynner ex p[ar]te austri & t[er]ra['] hospit['] S[an]c[t]i Joh[ann]is de Bury ex p[ar]te bor['], abutt['] capit['] orient['] sup[er] t[er]ra['] dict['] Ric[har]d Skynner et capit['] occidi sup[er] cursu[m] aque cur rent['] a Sydolnesmere v[er]sus Bury

Item alia pec[ia] t[er]re cont['] duas acr['] iacet inter cursu[m] aque current['] a Sydolnesmere v[er]sus Bury ex p[ar]te occidi & via[m] duc['] v[er]s[us] Russhebrooke ex p[ar]te orient['] abutt['] capit['] austr[']

Last edit about 3 years ago by cleaverl
f. 21r
Needs Review

f. 21r

sup[er] t[er]ra[m] man[er]ij de habirdon. et capi[...] bor[...] sup[er] t[er]ram p[re]dicte Margaret Odeham.///

10 ¶ Item al[ia] pec[ia] t[er]r[e] cont[...] tres acr[...] iacet int[er] [1] t[er]ra[m] Elemos de Bury ex p[ar]te orient[...]. & t[er]ra[m] Ade Newhaw ex p[ar]te occident[...]. Abuttant capit[...] austr[...] sup[er] t[er]ra[m] p[re]dict[...] Ric[hard]i Skynner et capite bor[...] sup[er] t[er]ra[m] elemos p[re]dicti.//

11 ¶ Item alia pecia t[er]r[e] cont[...] vna[m] acra[m] iacet int[er] [2] t[er]ram Celler[...] Mon[...] de Bury ex p[ar]te bor[...]. & via[m] ducent[...] v[er]sus Roosshebrook ex p[ar]te austr[...]. Abutt[...] capit[...] orient[...] sup[er] via[m] voc[...] Shakerysbrooke versus Bury./// [3]

S[u]m[m]a -- xlj acr[...]./// [4]

¶ In campo orient[...] de Bury

12 ¶ In p[ri]mis vna pecia t[er]re cont[...] duas acras [5] t[er]r[e] iacet int[er] t[er]r[e] Celler[...] Mon[...] de Bury exp[ar]te bor[...] et t[er]ra[m] Convent[us] Mon[...] p[re]dict[...] qua[m] Rob[er]tus harwelle tenet p[ro] feodo suo ex p[ar]te Austr[...] abuttant[...] capit[...] occid[...] sup[er] t[er]ra[m] Celler[...] p[re]dicti et capit[...] orient[...] sup[er] via[m] duc[...] v[er]sus Sydolnesmere voc[...] Shakerysweye.

13 ¶ Item alia pecia t[er]r[e] cont[...] oct[...] acr[...] t[er]r[...] iacet [6] int[er] t[er]ra[m] Celler[...] p[re]dicti ex p[ar]te bor[...] & t[er]ra[m] hospital s[an]c[t]i Nich[ola]i de Bury ex p[ar]te Austr[...]


[1] 3u [2] 2u [3] 4u [4] southfeild 42u [5] 2u [6] 8u [7] 10u

Last edit about 3 years ago by cleaverl
f. 21v

f. 21v

abutt[?] capit[?] orient[?] sup[er] [...] et capit[?] occidi sup[er] t[er]ra Will[elm]i Thweyte.

¶ Item alia pecia t[er]re cont[?] duas acr[?] t[er]r[?] iacet int[er] via[m] ducent[?] v[er]sus Wolpett ex parte bor[?] & t[er]ra[m] hospit[?] p[re]dict[u?] ex p[ar]te austr[?]. abutt[?] capit[?] occisi sup[er] t[er]ram Thome Brett[?] & t[er]ra[?] hospit[?] p[re]dict[?] et t[er]ra[?] capite orient[?] sup[er] t[er]r[?] p[re]dicti Margarete Odeh[a]m. ///

¶ It[e]m alia pec[ia] t[er]r[?] con[?] una[?] acr[?] iacet int[er] via[m] p[re]d[i]c[t]am ex p[ar]te bor[?] & terr[?] celler[?] p[re]dic[?] ex p[ar]te austr[?], abutt[?] capite orient[?] sup[er] the lee crofte et capite occidi p[re]dict[?] pecia[?] t[er]r sup[er]ius bundat[?]//

¶ Item alia pecia t[er]re cont[?] una[?] acr[?] iacet int[er]

Last edit about 3 years ago by cleaverl
f. 22r
Needs Review

f. 22r

Duc[at]? v[er]sus Ixworth. et capit bore super~ quandi viam v...// It[e]m alia pec~ the[?] cont . tres acre ... ... man~ de Berton ex p[ar]te occid~. & te..am Joh[#]is Smyth aj..g. Abutt capit bore sup[er] via ... versus Ixworth. et capite austre sup[er]? Cateshaleheth.///

It[e]m alia pecia t.. cont~ sito acre acet[?] int~ t... .... Joh[an]is Andr..e of p[or]te[?] a[u]stre et t.. Rob[er]ti Gardener ac t.. convent I .... .... Rob[er]tus Harwell tenet ex p[ar]te bore. abutt capite occid~ sup[er ... ..... herte. tr~ ..... .rett terre ..hospit[al] .... ac tr~ Godewun shi.dam[?] Capelli. et capite o.ient sup[er] ... aut~ versus For.... Sainti Mart[ii]n/// ..... xxxij acre In campo occidentali de Bury// In p... ..a per t... cont~ ..... acre ... int~ t.. ...p[-] Joh[n]is Barett A..... ex p[ar]te occid~ & viam duc~ de le Stanywer[..] bregge versus Spyntelmelle[?] ex p[ar]te orient. Abutt capit bore sup[er]? regia viam que ducit A porta occident~ ville de Bury v[er]sus Chevyngton et capit austre[?] s.p[er] vi..[?] duc~ A[....] Villa de Bury versus p.... [?] hor.yng geserthe///

Last edit about 3 years ago by Marcellamharris
f. 22v

f. 22v

It[e]m alia pec[ia] t[er]re cont[?] vna[m] a[??] iac[?] int[er] t[e]rr[e] [???] p[re]dict[us] Joh[ann]is Garett ex p[ar]te orient[us] et terram Cantarie [????] S[an]c[t]i[?] Thome in eccl[es]ia S[an]c[t]i[?] Jacobi ex p[ar]te occidi, abutt[?] capit[?] bor[?] s[upe]r Che[?]yngtoid weye et capit[?] austr[?] sup[er] [???] [???] p[re]dicta Joh[ann]is Garett.

It[e]m alia pec[ia] t[er]re cont[?] quatuor

Last edit over 3 years ago by cleaverl
Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 58 in total