


f. 8r
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f. 8r

Copia testamenti ac ultime voluntatis Margarete Odom Jentilwoman de Bury.

IN dei nomine amen. This p[re]sent wrytyns indentis made at Bury Saynt Edmu[n]d the xij.the day of January the ?ere of the regne of Kyng Edward the iiij.the aft[er] the conquest of Yngland xvij.the Witnessith that this is the p[er]fitt and last will of me Margaret late the Wiff of John Odeh[a]m of Bury Seynt Edmund above said in my pure wydowed made of alle the londe w[i]t[h] an hows sett in Bury forsaid in p[rimae] Glynid rawe the which londis lyen in the felde of Bury aforsaid that is to sey in the Est feld Sowth felde and west felde and in p[rimae] feldis of Ferton be side Bury Jn the fel dis of nowton hornyuggysherthe the lesse hornyuggysherthe the more and Westle the which londis lying in thes places rehersid with the hows in the ??ynner rawe above said J giff to water Thurston alderman of the town of Bury Seynt Edmund Robert Gardener Will[ia]m Thwytes. senior Thom[a]s Edon? Clement Clerk. John Forster Symond Clerk Tho mas Funnyng John Mey. senior Thom[a]s Emmys. John Gowty Will[ia]m Copynger Laurens Smyth. Robert Cryppyng John Salman Will[ia]m Thwaytes jun[io]r John Salter John heniston Will[ia]m Sygo John Sereway goldsmiyth. Reygnald Chardero

Last edit over 2 years ago by cleaverl
f. 8v
Needs Review

f. 8v

John Sergeaunt. John Gasse John Sporle [1] Will[i]am lyenge and to John Mey the yong[er] To have and hold the said hows w[i]t[h] all þe said londis medues pasturys w[i]t[h] all ther [2] appurtenaunce as they be sett & lyen in the townys and feldis a bove said to hem and to here heyrys & to ther assignes for eu[er]mor of the lordis of that fee by the s[er]uycez þ[er] [3] of by ryght dwe and cumstum for that intent to fulfille and execut this my wyll in all thyng[es] as it is wrytyn and conteynyd in this wrytyng folowyng [4] Furst I will that I the said Margitt have and receved and duryng my lyff alle þe issues rent[es] and p[ro]fitez of all the forsaid londis with the howse and ther appurtenauncez wythowtyn ony contradicc[i]on lett or int[er]upc[i]on of the said feoffes or ony in her names and aftir my decess[e] I will þ[a]t [5] my said feoffes have and receve all man[er] issues & p[ro]fites of the said howse & lond[es] w[i]t[h] all ther appurtenaunce for eu[er] more to that intent þ[a]t my said feoffes schall in [6] the wurschip and hono[ur] of god [7] [erasure?] fynd a lampe brennyng be fore the holy sacrement in saint James chirche contynually bothe day and nyght. Also I will that my said feoffez schall [8] fynd and here [corrected to: hyre] an honest prest of good conu[er]sac[i]on [erasure?] [9] p[er]petually to pray and syngge for

[1] Hubend[?] to [2] þe setters & ther heyres [3] [...]me hir will [4] To hir selfe fir lyfe [5] [...]m to þe feffees [6] To fynd a Lampe in st James chirch [7] M [...] lamp [8] no[m]i[n]ac[i]o vel cll[...] prisbiter [9] funde a chantry preist

Last edit about 3 years ago by cleaverl
f. 9r
Needs Review

f. 9r

the soules of John Odeh[a]m and Margitt his wyff and for the sowlys of Margaret and Alice Sumtyme wiffis of the said John Odeh[a]m oure faderys oure Moderis and oure tweyn dowghtrys Margarett and Anne. John Ansty and John Mal= burnth there husbondis with all oure benefactoris and for alle cristen sowles the said prest to have vx. Marke of law= fulmoney yerly to his here and wagis the which prest schall sey messe at the awter of Seynt Laurence in the chirche of Seynt Jamys aforsaid.// Also the said prest for ev[er]more in ev[er]y prncipall feste thurghowte the yere and in ev[er]y sunday and at othir festis that he thynkyth necessary or expedient schall sey messe in the chapell of the Jayle in Bury be fore the p[ri]soneris there jeving to them holy watir [and] holy bred on sundays. Also J will and ordeyne that ther be jovyn to the p[ri]sonerys of the long warde of the said Jayle ev[er]y wyke.vij. fagotts of woode from halowmas unto Estir yerly the price of the .C. fagotts. iiij s vj d. And the said fagotts tobe leyde and kept in the said howse in the skynner rawe. // Also J will that the same feffes the which ar[e]n now. and hereaftir schalbe in the howse londs [and] tenements yoven to the town[e] of Bury by John Smyth Esquyer schall also in likewyse be en=

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Marcellamharris
f. 9v

f. 9v

[n.1]feoffed in alle my londis and hows above rehersid with ther apporten[a]nce and the alienac[i]on of that oon alway to folow yt odir // also I grannt to the said feoffes & [n.2]bretheryn of candilmas gilde ev[er]y [y]ere of candilmes day .iis. of money to drynke in wyn. and I wyll the residue of issues and profitts of my said lond[es] be dely[vere]d in almes and othir dedis of mercy. // Also I will the ald[er]man dye and audito[r]s of the said candilmas gild have sup[er] vision gov[er]nannce & elect[i]on of the pr[i]est and also of alle the issues and p[ro]fitt[s] of the said lond[es] and hows aforesaid to fulfille and p[er]forme this my will aforu[nto] rehersid and the said feoffes schal make an othe to fulfylle this my wyll afor rehersid. before the p[er]sones & feoffes which arn[?] sworn to the will of the said John Smyth. // also I will the said feoffez in my land[es] and hows above said with alle the bretheryn of candilmas gylde be p[er]tynerys of the said [??]tis of the said lampe founde by for[n?] the sa crement and prest [per]petually synggyng and of the almes [??]oven into the jayle aforn said & othir dedis of mercy that schal be disposid of the said issues growyng of the said landis in tyme to com[e] forev[er] more./ also I will that this my will [n.3] ev[er]y [y]ere at candilmes gild be red when the will of John Smyth Esquyer is

[n. 1] & so to continue [n. 2] ijs de vino to ye feffees on Candlemas day [erasure] yerely 2s in wyne The residew of ye p[ro]fitts of hir funds[?] to be [???] [new hand:] the [???] ye prest [change of hand] be chosen by ye feffees feffees to take [change of hand] the othe [change of hand} to fullfill ye will [n.3] ye will to be yerely red

Last edit almost 3 years ago by cleaverl
f. 10r
Needs Review

f. 10r

red be forn the said bretheryn of that [1] [2] Gylde.// Also I will that in the stede of an Ald[er]man Dye or Audito[ur]s of the said gild faylyng. thanne. iiij. of the lyklyest thanne lyvyng of the said feoffes schall haue the elecc[i]on of the said prest sup[er]vision and gou[er]naunce of alle the londys and hows w[i]t[h] there apportenaunce issues & p[ro]fitez a forn said comyng of hte same disposyng hem acordyng to my will a fore rehersid havyng a speciall regarde for rep[ar]ac[i]on of the said hows whenne nede xalbe./ [3] Also I will that my said feoffez in the londis & hows above said have the kepyng of the dedis concernyng the same the terrere with that oon p[ar]tie of this indenture to be putt and kepte in the hutche of the gild halle. and the prest for tyme beyng to haue & kepe that othir p[ar]te of the indenture in testimeny [4] of the trowthe.// Also I will that if þe said prest be nott vertuusly disposid [5] as is convenyent to the ordir of prest hode. that vpon hym duly p[ro]vyd w[i]t[h] owte malice or evyll wyll that than the said aldirman Die or ellis audito[ur]s & feoffez in the stede of hem faylyng shall aftis resnable warnyng and their monyc[i]on a voyd hym & purvey a nothir prest of good guydyng and dissposic[i]on the which prest I will

[1] + finis [2] [nota?] [3] [nota?] [4] [nota?] [5] the conu[er]sac[i]on of the p[re]st

Last edit over 3 years ago by KHindley
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