City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention A M Gilman




Seattle June 27/91 To the board of Public Works We, the undersigned, property holders on Rainier Street respectfully petition your Honorable body for the improvement of Banner Street and Bradley that immediate action be taken towards [?] the construction of a sewer from the intersection of Rainier and Bradley Streets and Elliot Bay Stimson Mill Co M Burns L W Filkins S Baxter per H B John F Miller Geo Kinnear O J Carr E Calvert Geo B Adair A M Gilman L W Peirfunter C M Sheafer E J Denny by D L Denny Lots 5-6 B 15 N Seattle J A Park Lot 9 B 21 N Seattle Same Park Lot 10 B 21 N Seattle Charles Kakeldy A P Cassel J D Ryan W F Ehler John A Whalley John Dow Wm L Lindsley

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




Seattle Wash, Dec 20, 1893 To the Mayor and Council of the City of Seattle Gentlemen:- We the undersigned residents of the City of Seattle, respectfully but earnestly remonstrate against the adoption by your honorable body, of any plan for constructing the proposed sewer on Front and Commercial Streets, that will require the cessation of operationof the Front Street Cable Company's cars on said streets. In our opinion, such stoppage would be an injustice to the owners of said car line, to its patrons (many of whomhave no other convenient means of reaching the business part of the City), and to those engaged in business on Front and Commercial streets. J W Clise A M Gilman C Hemple C G Cranston E L Austin W C Austin Marion A C Joch C H Rollins Jr R E McCoy F W Carter

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom




749 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 18 1886 Jones, D H Beackmar, A M Gilman, Geo L Hill, J W McGee, Jas W Smart, Bolton Rogers, W M Brackett, M M Holmes, GW Hapgood, E H Hubbard, J R Davis, A McRae, C A Craig, Harry Struves, J W Currier. On motion the purchasing clerk is directed to purchase the necessary stars for the police forse and also extra keys for the City Jail. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn Attest W R Forrest clerk H L Yesler mayor FEb 19 1886 Be itremembered that on this the 19th day of February 1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law the following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor Henry L Yesler and councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth, Geo W Hall, W A Harrington, John Keenen, T W Lake, Chas McDonald, J J Post and G W Young The folowing proceedings were had to wit: Petitions etc. Petition fo S F Haskinson et al to open Howard and Elaine Streets as defined in Ordinances 658 & 659. Referred to Street Com Communication from the First National Bank presenting claim for certain Seneca Street improvement warrants read & referred to Finance Committee A communication is read by the Mayor to the Council removing Police Officers Wm Murphy, W H Pinckney, James Burke, and James Welch and asking the advice and consent of the Council thereto. Councilman Furth moves to dismiss WM Murphy from the police force, motion lost by the following vote ayes Calligan, Furth, Harrington and Post. nos Hall, Keenen, Lake, McDonald, and Young

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




749 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 18 1886 Jones, D H Beackmar, A M Gilman, Geo L Hill, J W McGee, Jas W Smart, Bolton Rogers, W M Brackett, M M Holmes, G W Hapgood, E H Hubbard, J R Davis, A McRae, C A Craig, Harry Struves, J W Currier. On motion the purchasing clerk is directed to purchase the necessary stars for the police force and also extra keys for the City Jail. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn Attest W R Forrest clerk H L Yesler mayor Feb 19 1886 Be it remembered that on this the 19th day of February 1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law the following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor Henry L Yesler and councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth, Geo W Hall, W A Harrington, John Keenen, T W Lake, Chas McDonald, J J Post and G W Young The folowing proceedings were had to wit: Petitions etc. Petition of S F Haskinson et al to open Howard and Elaine Streets as defined in Ordinances 658 & 659. Referred to Street Com Communication from the First National Bank presenting claim for certain Seneca Street improvement warrants read & referred to Finance Committee A communication is read by the Mayor to the Council removing Police Officers Wm Murphy, W H Pinckney, James Burke, and James Welch and asking the advice and consent of the Council thereto. Councilman Furth moves to dismiss WM Murphy from the police force, motion lost by the following vote ayes Calligan, Furth, Harrington and Post. nos Hall, Keenen, Lake, McDonald, and Young

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


752 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 18 1886 The resignation of J Paul Lange and A M Gilman police officers are accepted and on motion of Councilman Furth Wm B Jacklin and D H Webster are unanimously elected to fill the vacancies. On motion the matter of the contract for new fire Plugs is referred to the Committee on Fire and Water. Onmotion of councilman Furth the matter of improving the alley through Block 8 D S Maynard's plat is referred to the Street Committee On motion of Councilman Furth ordered that the Treasurer be instructed to refund to R C Granie the amount of taxes erronously assessed against him. On motion of Commissioner McDonald the order for planking Washington Street is reconsidered and the said street is ordered planked sixteen feet wide instead of twenty four feet wide as heretofore ordered. On motion the Committee on Sewers & Drainage is given further time to report on the petition of Geo G Lyon et al for a sewer in front to Block 14 Boren's Addition to connect with Seneca St sewer Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted bythe Clerk entitles "A special Ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills" Which is adopted and paessed by the following vote. In favor of the same R H Calligan, [J Furth]], G W Hall, W A Harrington, John Keenen, T W Lake, Chas McDonald, J J Post and G W Young. Against none Ordered that the Council do now adjourn Attest W R Forrest clerk H L Yesler mayor

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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