University of Guelph: Handbound Recipe and Remedy Book (XM1 MS A117045)



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Mrs HowardTo preserve Apricocks when Ripe Take the Largest Apricocks before they be so Ripe Pair them as thin as possible & take out the stones and simmer them a little Tender in water then Take their weights in Dubble Refind sugar Just Wetted with a little water so boyl it up and Clarifie it with the white of Eggs and Skim it Clear and then put in your Apricocks and let them boyl three or four days warming them up with the same syrup ever day Then put them in Glasses and boil your syrup to a [Due] thickness & pore it to them.

To keep Damsons Ditto. Take Damsons when they are quite dry & put them into bottles Cork & seal them down very close so that no air come to them then put them into a Kittle of cold water wit.h some Hay at the Bottom to keep it from burning set it ovr the fire & let it be hot enough to make the Damsons swell but not burst.

For a Consumption. Mrs Thomson Take four Trotters slice'd, a quart of milk & 3 pinte of water a quarter of a pound of Hartshorn shavings a qurter of a [Pound] of Rensons ston'd an hole Nutmeg bruised the Ingredien all put in an Earthen pan and bak'd all night with bread then strein it of & sweeten it as you pleas take 2 half [pints day]

To sweeten your blood Mrs Thomson Take scurvy Grass, Brook Lime, Sorrell, nettle tops Each two handfulls pound them in a stone mortar press out the juice thro' a hair bag Drink four spoonfulls in the morning afternoon and going to to rest.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
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To stew mushrooms Cousen B Brydges Take as much milk & water an equal quantity of each as you think will cover them then have your mushrooms washed & cleand and put into it let them stew till you think they are enough their should be a little mace put into it then strain it of & thicken up the Liqur with an Egg & white wine to your palate as you would a fricase then put in your Mushrooms into the Liquor again & just heat them & serve them up to Table. Garnish the Dish with fryd [sppiets] and it looks very prety

To make a Westphalin Ham Ditto Cut the Leg of fat pork, as like a right ham as you can black hogs make the best hang it up 2 days then beat it very well on the fleshey side with a rolling pin rubon an ounce of salt peter finely beaten in Every place so let it lie a day & a night then take an ounce of Beaten salt [prnnel] with 2 very larg handfulls of coommon salt & a handfull of bay salt a pound of hot sugar mix all these together & warm them [throuter] hot in a stew pan but be sure not to melt it & while it is hot Rub it all over the Ham very well with 2 large handfulls more of common salt thus let it lie till it melts to brine then turn it every day & bast it with the Brine for 3 weeks together it must be dryed as Bacon

To Stew Giblets Ditto. Take a pound of Gibllits & put them into a quart of water with a little black peper &mace & a bit of Butter about the bigness of a Turkeys Egg then let them [stne] till they are [eitll], and then thicken it with one Egg.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Needs Review


To Pickle walnuts Ditto. Take a 100 of Larg walnuts Clear from specks and bruses & take as much water as you think will cover them make it salt enough to bare an Egg let it just simmer over the fire but not boyle pour your water upon your nuts & lett them lay 9 days shifting your water every other day then take them out & wipe them very dry, then have one ounce of black pepper 1 ounce of white pepper 1 ounce of long peper 1 ounce of Ginger half and ounce of mace & half an ounce of Cloves Put a lay of the nuts & a lay of the spice with heads of 2 Garlick & 2 Ionions with a stick of horsredish sliced and half a pint of mustard seed take as much white wine vinegar as you think will cover them and boyl it up with some of the spice and pour it upon your nuts - be sure to stop them very [Cloive] down.

To make white Jelly Ditto. Take a quart of very good strong Jelly & put to it a pint of Cream a quarter of a pint of white wine Oring flower water & sugar to your tast put altogeather over the fire & lett it boyl a little then take it of & stir it all one way an hour & half for if you are not carefull in the sturing it will neither mix well nor look to pleas you Dip your Cups in Cold water just before you fill them. if you woold have it to turn out & when you send them to Table. Stick blanch almonds on them.

To make pomatum. Ditto: Take the fat of a line of veal, and a dozen of Lemon pleals beat them very fine in a stone mortar and then melt it over the fier.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Needs Review


To Pickle onions Ditto Take the smllest onions you can get & peal them & put them in water and salt let them lye 24 hours them take them out & boyl them till they are hot through lay them on a Cloth to dry make a pickle of the best vinegar & a little salt when the onions are cold put them into Stone jars on Glasses put to them a little Ginger a few Cloves and mace & long peper when the Pickle is cold pour it upon them & tye them up very close.

For a Cold Ditto

Hysop speermint & Colts foot water of Each a pint one peny-worth of saffron boyle theese into a surrup with one pound & half of Sugar-Candy take 4 Spoonfull the last thing at night & the furst in the morning.

if the stomack is week make a jely of a Cavles Foot boyld in sum milk with sum a little speermint take a Cup or tow any time in the day as the Stomack --- will bare it.

To make breast Salve Mrs Capps Take one pound of red lead and 1 quart of the best sallet oyl as much beef-wax as a walnut and the same quantity of Rosum You must put your oyl and lead together and put it on a quick fire & when it is warm put in your Rosam & wax & let it boil till it will hang on a Stick pour it in a pan of cold water & then make it up -- Drop it into water and when it changes colom colour you must try if it will role up for then it is done enough it must be kept stiring all the time it is on the fire.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Needs Review


To make the Dutch Curd Take 3 pints of milk boyl it then it it stand to be cool Then take the yolks of 12 Eggs half the whites beat them very well togeathir with half a pound of Duble refind sugar and 2 or 3 Spoonfull, Orange flower water beat them very well togeather and then put it into yor milk and put it over the fire & keep sturing it till it boys and it will be a tender curd take the curd of off with a spoon & put it into a cullender and let it stand to drain when they are drain put them into a Dish when you serve it up put Cream over it you may send it up in a Dish or Glases. Put them in a cold place and they will keep Two days very well.

A Receipt for Fryars Balsam.

Balsam of peru 2 ounces Best Storax 4 ounces of Benjamin Impregnated with sweet Almonds 1 ounce Aloes [succotring] 1 ounce myrr Elec. & 1 ounce purest frankincence 1 ounce flowers of St. John-wort 1 oz spirits of wine one quart roots of Angelica 1 oz.

Beat the [abovements] together, and put them into a bottle well stopt for [life]

To keep Damsons for pies Mrs. [Aham] Take 3 pounds of Damsons and 2 pounds of 6: peny sugar put them into a pot a lay of one & the other send it to be baked with bread & when it comes home enpty it into little pots and when ther are cold pour mutton suit over them.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
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