University of Guelph: Handbound Recipe and Remedy Book (XM1 MS A117045)



Needs Review


Mrs Baylis Tincture of Hierapicra for a quart Take of the best alloes. one ounce two drams & 2 scruples for one ounce & qarter of Virginia Snake root Ledonry Galangall, the lesser Cardamans seeds, of each one dram Cinamon & Saffron of each two scruples powder the alloes bruse well the rest except the saffron & infuse all in half a pint of Best Brandy for a few days then add a quart of whit wine & let it stand a few days more then strain it off for use and ten grains of Cochinele powderd & bruisd. let it stand 4 days on the Brady & 4 days after if wine is put to it before tis straind or 5 days. To make syrup of Poppys Mrs Baylis Take a peck of Red Poppys when pud'd pour upon them 4 quarts of boyling water let it stand a night & a day yn squees the popyes with your hand & two every pint of liquer put 3 quaters of a pound of Lump Sugar when it boyl scum it then put to it a quarter of an ounce of mace Do. Ditto Cloves a little Cinnomon a little Ginger a little white peper a nutmeg sliced 2 ounces of Reasons ston'd half an ounce of Caraway saeeds tye the seeds in a bit of musling and let all boyl to a thick syrupe when cold Take out the seeds and Reasons put some spice in all the Bottles Cork it very close it will keep 6 or 7 years. Take some it in Brandy. It is good to make a person sleep or for a sick stomack.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Needs Review


For a sore Throat Mrs Craven Put 4 ounces of the Kidney fat of a Loyn of mutton in a new glazed Earthen pipkin set it on the fire. well melted bake it off and strain it of then put it back into the pipkin and put to it 3 ounces of fresh buter when melted put to it 3 ounces Rosin when that is melted put on Ounce & half of Bees-wax when that is melted put it into Galley potes for use. if the Throat is very bad chage the plaster in 24 Hours if not let it remain on. Spred it upon Flannel it will keep many years line Raison Wine Mr Furzer line Take a 30 Gallon Cask and put there 1 Cwt. of Smyrna Raisons pour thereon 20 Gallons of Water, and stir it well every Day for 3 weeks then put in a wooden Bung leaving the vent hole open for a fortnight, then stop it down close and let it stand 7 Weeks then peg it and if fine Bottle it off - if not fine pour it off into another Cask and fire in down let it stand a week and then Bottle it After the Wine is made you may distil a very good Brandy line line Powder of Accorns good for the Ditto rheumatism, windy humours and Gravel line Gather your Accorns when thorough ripe, on a fine day, when throrough dried break them the size of a coffe Berry and grind them to powder - A table spoonfull thereof for a strong grown person and so in proportion for a weaker person Take in 3 times, in a a morning at your Breakfast, an hour before dinner and when you go to Bed, in any Liquor you like best - if not cured take in 3 times more

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Needs Review


Mrs Bees Cholick Tincture by Dr Lower

Take of Guiacam Chips -- Elecampane Roots --- Liquorice Roots sliced -- senna of Alexandria -- } of each 4 ozs

Corander seeds first prepared and then Bruised 4 ozs sweet fennel seeds bruis'd 2 ozs Cardimum seeds bruised 21 ozs

To prepare the Coriander seeds you must steep them in white wine Vinegar 12 hours then dry them in the sun or by the fire 1 pound of Raisons of the sun stoned - infuse all these ingredients in 6 quarts of Anniseed Water in a Glass or stone Jar close stopt for 12 or 14 Days or more stiring it well or shaking it every day then pour of the Clear & put it in a Bottle for Use line under "Bottle for Use"

The qualites are as follows you may give 3 spoonfulls of this Tincture in a fit of the Cholic or more if there be occasion it may be taken twice a Day if the pain continues or two or three Days together as may be most Convenient ---- It may be taken one spoonfull going to bed and 2 or 3 more early in the morning ------

This Cordial is also good for surfeit, the same quantity as for the Cholic is likewise good for a Cough or weakness of the Lungs taking 2 spoonfuls in the morning for 3 days & is good for the gravel

The Dregs afterwards still'd with herbs in growns of Ale will make a very good Cordial line Note:

"} of each 4 ozs" appears in a column to the right of the first 4 ingredients

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry


To wax Bottles ---- Mr. Ingram Take an Equal Quantity of Rosin and Bees Wax melt them in a Ladle to which add a little Spanish Brown to colour it line

Reason Wine Mrs Winslow To every Gallon of Boiling Water, when almost Cold put 6 pounds of smyrna Raisons Grossly Chop't - let it stand 10 Days in the Tub you make it in stiring it twice a Day then strain it thro' an hair sieve into a vessel - let it Work for 6 Weeks with the Bung open then stop it up for 4 months and if fine bottle it --------- N:B: you must work it up with a Toast dip't in yeast in the Tub you make it line

A Lozenge for shortness of Breath Mrs Terry One pound of fine sugar. one oz of terra Japonica 2 ozs of Ambergrese, one grain of Musk. a quarter of a pint of Orang flower Water - boil all these Ingredients gently in a silver saucepan, till it cand's line from word to right margin

Dr Russel's Receipt to make Serate flourish Bees Wax, Butter without salt, Mutton Suet, of each a quarter of a pound, oyl of Olives six ozs melt them together over a gentle Heat --- keeping it stirring

Last edit about 2 years ago by BellaW
Needs Review


To make Wallnut Catchup Inigo Haywood.

Take Green Wallnuts before they are shelld, and slice them, (the same you do Mushrooms) with a Laying of salt and a Laying of Wallnuts; let them lay three Days; then pound them and in a Mortar and press out the juice, and to a Quart of juice put a 1/4 Lbs of anchovies, a 1/4 of an oz. of cloves a 1/4 of an oz. of Mace and a 1/4 of an oz. of Black pepper and one Nutmeg. boil it and take of the scum as it rises. add to it when you Bottle it a good deal of Shallot _____

To Preserve Cherries in Brandy. Mrs. Capps-

Take 3 Lbs of Sugar and make a Syrup of it. - when it is but scalding hot put in 3 Lbs of Cherries when pick'd, but you must prick them first with a Needle. don't let the Cherries boil in the Syrup, but press them down with a Bundle of Feathers for about a quarter of an hour. scum them, take them of the fire, and take the Cherries out of the Syrup. then boil up the Syrup about half a quarter of an hour, then let it stand till almost cold. then put the Cherries in and let them stand all Night. then put them into a glass jar and to every Spoonfull of Syrup put a spoonfull of

Note: Note: recipe ends before end of sentence.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Displaying pages 66 - 70 of 85 in total