University of Guelph: Handbound Recipe and Remedy Book (XM1 MS A117045)



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To make Tincture of Rhubard. Take the best Turkey Rhubard- an ounce & half Cardimums seeds and saffron of each 2 drahms Liquorish Root half an ounce put all these into a [qt] French Brandy- Let it stand 8 or 10 days close Stoopped-Shak it once or twice a day. Then strain it off for lles To make Stoughtons Elixir Pare off the rinds of 6 sevil oranges very thin & put them in a quart line bottle with an puree of Gentian scraped very & sliced and 6 penny-wrth of cochineal put to it a pint of the best Brandy shake it togeather 2 or 3 times a day the furst day & then let it star to Settle 2 days and clear it of into bottles for [llse]. Take a large tea spoonfull in a glass of wine in a morning and at 4 in the afternoon or in a dish of Tea.

To make Elixer Proprietates

Take of myrrh 4 drams Aloes 4 drams Saffron 4 drams infuse them in a pint of the best Brandy furst put in the saffron & let it stand 12 hours then the myrrh [&] Aloes set it by the fire 3 or 4 days shaking it very often then strain it of Take 60 or 70 drops more or less in a little white wine in a morning fasting for a week or 10 days togeather it is good for any Illness in stomach or in the bowels it is the best of Physick for Children.

A Custard Pudding

Take a pint of Cream or milk & mix with it 6 Eggs well beat2 spoonfull of flower half a nutmeg grated a little salt & sugar to your taste butter a Cloath put it in to when the pot boils boil it half an houre. melt butter & sugar for sauce.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Needs Review


To make Ratafer puding Take a quart of Cream boil it with 4 Laurel leaves then then take them out & brake in half a pound butter Maple bisket half a pound of buter some snik nutmeg & Salt. take it of the fire cover it up when it all most cold put in 2 ounces of Almonds blanched and beaton fine & the yolks of 5 Eggs mix all well togeather & bake it in a moderate oven half an hour will bake it scrape sugar on it as it goes into the oven

To make boild Custards

Take a pint of cream and put into it 2 ounces of Almonds beten very fine with rose or orange- flower-water or a little cream let them boil till the cream is a little thick-ned then sweeten your Eggs & keep it stiring over the fire till it is as thick as you would have it then put into it a little orange flower water stir it well togeather & put it into Chiny Cups you may make them without Almonds.

To make Rasberry wine.

Take four gallons of Rasberryes & put them in a Tub & then take four gallons of water & boil it t10o hours and let it stand till tis Bloodwarm then put it to the Rasberrys and stir them well togeather and Let it stand twelve hours then stran it of & to every Gallon of Liquor put three pounds of Loaf sugar & set it over a Clear fire and let it Boyle till all the scum is taken of & when It is Cold put it into a vesell Let it stand open a fortnight and then stop it Close.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Needs Review


To make a Tansey to Bake Take 20 Eggs, but 8 whites beat the Eggs very well and strain them into a quart of thick Cream one Nutmeg & 3 Naples Biskets grated as much juice of Spinge with a sprig or two of Tansey as will make it as green as grass sweeten it to your taste Then buter yr dish very well and set it into an oven no hotter then for custards watch it and as soon as it is don take it out of yr oven & turn it into a pie plate scrape sugar and squeeze orn upon it Garnish the dish with orange and lemon and serve it up:

To mae an Harico Tae a larg neck of mutton_cut of a pd of if scrag and make some gravey of it_. Then cut some Chops off the middle part_ but leave 4 or 5 bones of it together_fry it in butter_ till brown^ take it out of the butter and put it into the gravey with onion some with Cloves_peper and salt to your tast' & a bundle of sweet_ hearbs, fry some carrots & Turnips cut in dice flower them to hely brown them. Let them be quite tender_ _ _ _ _

To make a Spermacity mixture for a Cough Take 3 drachms of spermacite & pound it very fine in a marble morar, Then take as much yolk of Egg as will mix it &bag, rub it well together and put to ye sparmaceti and Egg Then take half a pint of Spring water and mix with it by litte & little till you have bat it all in - Thka a spoonfull or two often you may put a little spirit of Lavender in it if ye person is low spiried or if it seems to cold a little Treacle water: Put to it 2 spoonfulls of syrup of Tolu and rub it with the Egg & sparmacity which was forgot by mistake to be set down

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Needs Review


To make Hartshorn Flummary put apd, of hartshorn shavings to three quarts of spring water, boil it very gently over a soft fire till tis consumed to one quart, then strain it thro' a fine sieve into your bason and let it stand till cold, then just melt it over the fire and put to it half a pint of white wine a pint of new thick cream and 4: spoonfulls of orange-flower water scald your cream & let it be cold before you mix it with the wine and jelly but in double refind sugar to your taste and yu beat it all one way for an hour and half at lest for iff you are not thus carefull on beating twill neither mix or look to please you. Lett the Cupps you pour it into be dippd in clean water, for if they are dry it will not - turn out well_ Keep it in the Cupps a day before you use it_ when tis sent to table you must turn it out, and slick it all over the top with blanch'd almonds slit_Eat it with wine or cream which you like best:

To make French Pap Confsen Howard Take a pint of new milk three yolks of Eggs well beaten a little orange flower water two spoonfull of flower of Rice beten very fine mix all these all togeather and sweeten it to your taste set it over the fire and stir it all the time till it is as thick as cream put it in to jelly Glases and serve it up cold-

For a Scald or a burn of any sort with Gunpowder cos: Smith oyntnient of Tobacce and oyl of Green poplar Budds of each an Equal quantity: First anoint the part affected and then blow it with a Fan or bellows:

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Needs Review


To make Cream Flummary. Take a pint of cream, 3 spoonfulls of Rice flower very fine ground or beat and sifted till it is small three ounces of sugar and two ounces of Almonds beat, small, beat with some spoonfulls of milk. for feer of oyling, the whites, three Eggs beat, strain the Cream & Eggs to the almonds, and set it on the fire, and stir it all one way till, it is thick and smooth as a Custard-Then pour it into deep glases that when tis cold it may turn out in piked shapes; blanch & cut some almonds in slips to stick upon it.

Surf,eit water. Cos: Howard Tak of Barm, Sage, Mint, Hylop, sweet-MarjoramSundew, each a small handfull, Roman-Wormwood, Rue, angelica agrimony. Belong each half a handfull; Cloves half an ounce sugar & Raisons of the sun each a pound Rosemary, Borage, & Red Rose-leaves each a handfull, snakeroot & pimpernel each an ounce, Coriander seeds an ounce, Liquorish two ounces, Red Poppy leaves tw Gallons, Infusethem for twelves Days, stirring them every Day, in two Gallons of Brandy, then press them oft and lett it stand to settle, and Bottle it. for use

To make Frid Puddins Mrs Capps Take half a pint of milk 3 Eggs 3 ounces of suet choped small a litle salt and nutmeg a spoonfull or two of Reason wine a litle Rose water mix it in a stiff bater put in as many currants as sate you half a pint of Grated bread sifted through a cours seve or cullender fry them in Lard over a quick Fier

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Displaying pages 61 - 65 of 85 in total