University of Guelph: Handbound Recipe and Remedy Book (XM1 MS A117045)



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Brandy, till the Cherries are covered. then tie the jar down with a Bladder and Leather. line

line To make a Rice Cake Mrs. Williams from Winterborn line Take mix of Flour 6 ozs Ground Rice 3/4 Lb Sugar 9 Eggs. Carryways and sweetmeats as you like. Beat it for an hour. - Three quarters of an hour will bake it. line

To make an Yeast Cake [NaniCopps] line Take 2 lb. 1/2 of Flour, 3 lb. Currants, 10 Eggs, 6 ozs. of Sugar 1/2 lb. Butter, 1/2 a pint of Cream, Spice and a pint of Yeast. line

To make Elder Wine. Mrs. Harbidge

Get your berries dry and pick them Then put them to your water - To a gallon of water three quarts of berries - boil your water and berries together. till you think they are done - then strain them thro' a seive- let the wine stand till the next day- Then boil your liquor and spice together To a gallon of wine two pounds of sugar- some Cloves- Cinnamon and mace or what you like

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
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Bleanmonge- Cos: Howard

Take an oz & 1/2 Isinge glass boil it in a quart of milk- with 2 or 3 laurel leaves- Sweeten it to your tastes- put a little orange flower water to it

To make Ham .. Mrs. Cappo

Cut your ham's Westphalia fashion to every ham put 2 oz. brown sugar. 4 oz. salt petrebeat small mix it with comon salt with as much as will keep it seet in a [vessell] as will holdpickle enough to cover them - The next day put to each ham a pint and an half of vinegar, and as much pump water as will cover them - Turn them every day for a fortnight- hang them in the Chimney were wood is burn'd- make your pickleStrong with salt

Custard Pudding - Mrs. Ditto

Take 6 eggs. leave out two whites - beat them well Sugar to your tastes, a little flour, and nutmeg 2 Spoonfull of roses water - a pint of cream - mix it together, boil it one hour - melted butter, a little sack and sugar for sauce.

Note: Note: in "To make a Ham" there are insertion marks above the periods that come after Ham. and oz.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Needs Review


Elder Wine - - Ditto - Take 20 lb Malaga raisins - pick them, and chop them boil 20 quarts of water, when cold put in the raisins Let it stand 5 of 6 days, Stir it every day -. Take a gallon of elder Juce - a quart of the Juice of sloes 4 pounds single refin'd sugar - boil it up to a Syrrop - when cold Strein out your b plumbs' - mix them altogether - keep it in the vessell a quarter of a year then bottle it Wallnet Catchup Miss Haywoods Last receipt Take a Hundred of Walnuts when a pin will go thro' them, cut them in thin slices, add to them 1/4 Lb of Shallots cut in two, and beat them fine in a Stone Mortar then put to them 1/2 Lb of satl 1 1/2 pint of white Wine Vinegar let it stand in Earthen pan one Week. stirring it often. then prefer it thro' a Flannel Bag, and boil in the Liquor 1/2 Lb of Anchovies, some Mace Ginger, whole pepper, and Cloues to yoru taste, then strain it thru' a Jelly Bag, when cold bottle it and Cork it down NB. a Quarter of an Ounce of each sort of spice and one Nutmeg is sufficient for one hundred of Walnuts. line 46-35=11 Note: Hand changes at Wallnut Catchup and a third notes Miss Haywood's citation

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
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