(seq. 41)
Love in a mist Passiflora Love lies a bleeding Aenaranthes Louse-wort, Pedicularis _____ yellow, Rhinanthus Lucern Grass, Medicago Lung-Wort, Pulmonaria _____ Cow's, Serbascum _____ Golden, Hieraceum Lupine, Lupinus Lust-Wort, Drosera Lychnidea, Phlox Lychnis, Bastard, Phlox _____ Wild, Agrostema
Hill, Lung, wort, Tree Alscus Pulmonarious Early Flower Ben. Brown" by pond — is snake root Mr. Fuller saith
Snake weed. Numera Filaments are in= versely subulated — anthera oblong, compress — they hang pendant from ye filaments — Pistil — Germena oblong, irregular, agular. Several stand on ye same recepticle, each on a style, long compressed angular — Stigma have perceptable
(seq. 42)
Mace, Reed, Typha Mad Apple, Solanum Madder Rubia _____ Littlefield, Sherardia _____ Petty Crucianella Mad-wort, Alyssum _____ German, Asperugo Mahaleb, Prunus Maho-tree, Hibiscus Maiden-hair, Adiatum _____, English Black, Asplenium _____ Golden, Polytrichum _____ White, Asplenium Maiden Plumb, Chrysobalanus Male Balsam Apple, Momordica Mallow, Malva _____, Bastard, Malope _____, Jews, Corchorus _____, Indian, Sida __________ Urena _____, Marsh, Althaea _____, Rose, Alcea _____, Syrian, Hibiscus _____, Tree, Lavtena _____, Varied-leaved Lavatera _____, Venetian, Lavatera _____, Vervain, Malva _____, Yellow, Sida
(seq. 43)
Mammee, Mammea _____ Sapota, Achras Manchineel-tree, Hippomane Mandrake, Mandragora Mango-Tree, Mungisera Mangostan, Garciana Mangrove, Grape, Polygonum Mangrove Tree of America } Rhizophora Manihot, Jatropha Maple, Acer Maracock, Passiflora Marigold, Calendula _____, African, Tagetes _____, Corn Chrysanthemum _____, Fig, Mesembryanthemum _____, French, Tagetes _____, Marsh, Caltha Marjoram, Sweet, Origanum _____, Bastard, Origanum _____, Pot, Origanum _____, Spanish, Urtica _____, Wild, Origanum _____, Winter Sweet Origanum Marsh-Mallow, Althoa Martagon, Lilium Marvel of Peru, Mirabilis Marum, Common, Satureia [Satureja] _____ Pennyroyal-Scented, } Melissa _____, Syrian or Cretan, Origanum Master-wort, Imperatoria _____, Black, Astrantia Mastick, Herb Satureia _____, Indian, Schinus
(seq. 44)
Mastick Thyme, Satureia __________ Thymus Matfellon, Centaurea Matweed, Hooded, Lygeum Maudlin, Achillea May Apple, Podophyllum May Bush, Crataegus May Lily, Convallaria May Weed, Anthemis Mays, Zea Meadia, Dodecatheon Meadow Rue, Thalictrum Meadow Saffron, Colchicum Meadow Saxifrage, Peucedanum Meadow Sweet, Spiraea _____ Greater, Spiraea Mealy-tree, Peanut, Viburnum Medic, Medicago _____ Bastard, Medicago _____ Sea, Medicago _____ Vetch, Hedisarum _____ Vetchling, Hedisarum Medlar, Mespilus __________________________________ Second Book — of Botanical discription of Plants —
2 Berry flower from Mr. Fuller's it is a large red berry — oblong compressed very agreeable pulp — 4 oblong compressed seeds — no Capsule — ye flow is discribed in 1 Book
(seq. 45)
41 June 1st: 1783 — No. 100 Yellow flowered grass —
Cal. None — Corol. 5 pet. — curled a little backward, oblong, under side of a yellowish green — upper of a very bright yellow. Stand on ye fruit.
Stam — 6 subulated filam. short erect, growing from ye ungus of ye petals — Antherea double stand on ye apex, horozontally — ye filaments inserted into ye middle of ye side of ye anth. & supports them & are balanced.
Pistil — Single Style, cylindrical, hairy, near as long as ye filaments. Stigma very small, & not distinctly to be seen.
Germ. Inverted Cone — hairy, ye apex flat on wh stand ye petals, in ye center ye Style. The whole disk of ye flower a bright yellow.
Root — a bulb, but small outside dark Leaves, long, narrow, 3 square hollow. ye inner side — like grass. A no. of ym rise from ye bulb togeth embracing each other — Several flower stalks rise amidst of ye leaves — roundish flat — On these stalks stand 2 or 3 flowers on short stalks, & ye main stalks terminate in a flower. The