Manuscript Cookbooks

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Manuscript Cookbook 009

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To bake out Mildew Use Bar soap + powdered chalk Wet the cloth rub on the mixture let it dry in the sun To remove flies Black pepper brown sugar Milk or cream

Black Cake 1 lb sugar 1 Butter 1 flour 10 eggs 1 lb currants 1 [lb?] raisins mace cloves Nutmeg - Bake well - Feather Cake sugar + Milk 1 cup each 2 1/2 cups flour 2 teaspoons cream tartar 1 saleratus 1 egg 1 table spoon butter

Last edit 3 months ago by sabern
Needs Review


Load Cake c 1 cup sugar 1 Butter. 1 egg 4 nutmeg, , Rub the sugar + butter to a cream + beat in the eggs, Take half the the mixture + to the remaindes add 1 cup of warm milk, a little yeast + flour enough to make it quite stiff - Let it stand till very light then add the rest of the butter + sugar + egg + a littlehalf teaspoon saleratus mix in your raisins + bake yeast Boil 1 lb flour 1/4 sugar a little salt in 2 gallons water 1 hour when milk warm Bottle + cork light in 24 hours fit for use

Last edit 3 months ago by sabern
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Cheap Cake 1 cup, of flour 1 cup, sugar 1/2 cup Cream 1/2 teaspoon saleratus 2 eggs, Nutmeg salt,

Lemon Pie 4 Eggs, 2 coffee cups sugar the juice of 2 lemons the peel of one beat well cover with paste - 2 pies Bake slow 1, hour [?] The white of [?] salt [?] [?] sugar + [w?] [?]

Last edit 3 months ago by sabern
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Tomatoe [Catsupt?] 10 Qt [fresh?] of tomatoes salt, stew it over [?] [?] it on stove till the skins comes off - then strain through seive add 12 t Vinegar 2 [long?] mustard cinnamon clovers + allspiace simmer 3' or 9 hours [?] often stirring To make [peppers?] [?] p?] the [wall?] with [?] brine or a solution of vinegar [?]

Last edit 3 months ago by sabern
Needs Review


Fruit Cake 1 cup butter 1 sugar 1 Molasses, 1 sweet milk 3 flour, 4 eggs, 1 1/2 tea spoons [?] [?] 1 soda, 2 lbs raisins 1 nutmeg

To preserve Jellies from Mould - cover them 1/4 of an inche with sugar -

Pint Cake 1 pt dough, 1 cup sugar 1 butter, 3 eggs tea spoon soda

Last edit 3 months ago by sabern
Needs Review


Sponge Cake 12 eggs the weight of 10 [in?] sugar the weight of 6 [in?] flour lemon [in size?], stir the yolk with the sugar till light, then add the whites beaten to a stiff froth stir lightly together add the lemon sprinkle in the flour just as you put it on he oven stirring it as quickly as possible

Another Butter Beat the yolks of ten eggs with 1 lb white sugar [?] to a stiff froth [?] Beat the whites 10 minutes [?] the [?] 3 [4? ??]

Last edit 3 months ago by sabern
Needs Review


Pound Cake 1 lb of powdered sugar 1 [?] sifted flour 3 1/4 butter eight eggs 1 nutmeg - Rub the butter + sugar together until very light then add the yolks, the spice + part of the flour, Beat the whites to a stiff froth + stir in with the remander of the flour, mix all well - Susans Sponge Cake 10 eggs 1 pound of flour 8 ounces sugar the flour to be well [beaten?] Bake in a hot oven

Last edit 3 months ago by sabern
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To color [coppesus?] Take a pail full of ley boil a bit of [coppesus?] heap the size of a hens egg in it

Delicate Cake Stir to a cream a pound of powdered sugar white, seven ounces of butter, then add the whites of sixteen eggs beaten to a stiff froth roe water or lemon juices, stir in gradually a pound of sifted flour, bake immediately

Last edit 3 months ago by sabern
Needs Review


Cure for a cough A lump of alum the size of a hens egg put in a quart of Molasses [simmer?] in an earthen vessel till the alum is [bigger?] take a spoonfull 3 times a day

Last edit 3 months ago by sabern
Needs Review


3 cups of Dough very light 3 cups of Sugar 1 cup butter 3 eggs, 1 nutmeg [?] if you like 1 teaspoon saleratus, rub the butter + sugar together then add the eggs + spice - let it rise

Gingerbread 1 table spoon of ginger 1 to a 1/2 gill milk - 1 teaspoon saleratus dissolved in a tablespoon hot water put into the milk / 1 half pt of Molasses a small teacup butter 3 [pts?] of flour rub in the butter + ginger

Last edit 3 months ago by sabern
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