1895 2nd Edition







Gem Collection of Bulbs. One strong bulb each of the following sorts for $1.00. APIOS, TUBEROSA.--This is one of the grandest and most beautiful climbing vines in cultivation. It grows very quickly and blooms profusely, bearing lovely clusters of rich, deep purple flowers, possessing a strong delicious violet fragrance. The bulbs are perfectly hardy and need not be taken up over winter. Each 5c, 3 for 10c, doz. 30c. CANNA.--Handsome tropical looking plants described on page 60. Bronze leaved. Each 10c, doz. $1.10. CALLA.--A very popular plant, growing rapidly and producing large, pure white flowers. Should have plenty of water. Each 15c, doz. $1.25. AMARYLLIS FORMOSISSIMI.--(Jacobean Lily.)--Dark velvety crimson. Bulbs may be potted any time in spring. They bloom year after year. Each 15c, 3 for 40c, doz. $1.25. HYACINTHUS CANDICANS.--Has a stem 3 or 4 feet high, which bears quantities of drooping, ivory white, bell-shaped flowers of delicate fragrance. Strong bulbs, giving two or more spikes; the number of flowers varies from 20 to 60 each. The appearance is like Giant Snowdrops. Very suitable for cemetery decorations. Each 5c, 3 for 12c, doz. 40c. AURATUM, OR JAPANESE GOLD BANDED LILY.--Decidedly the most beautiful of all lilies. The immense flowers are produced in the greatest profusion and are deliciously fragrant. The large white petals are thickly spotted with chocolate crimson, and have a bright golden band through the center of each. This magnificent lily succeeds well everywhere. Each 25c, 3 for 60c. EXCELSIOR PEARL TUBEROSE.--One of the most popular of bulbs, as it produces a great number of beautiful, pure white flowers of most delightful fragrance. See more complete description page 65. Each 5c, doz. 50c. MADERIA, OR MIGNONETTE VINE.--Ornamental climber of very rapid growth; thick, light green glossy leaves; flowers in long racemes similar to mignonette and has the same fragrance. Each 3c, doz. 30c, 100 by exp. $1.50. OXALIS MIXED.--Handsome little flowers for growing in hanging baskets, vases, etc. Each 5c, doz. 50c. OXALIS, DOUBLE YELLOW.--Each 8c, doz. 75c. CALADIUM, ESCULENTUM.--(Elephant's Ears.) A splendid tropical plant, growing 4 or 5 feet, with immense leaves beautifully veined and variegated with different shades of green. Very showy, leaves often growing 3 feet long. Of easy culture; roots can be stored in cellar in the fall, and grow larger and more showy each year. Medium sized bulbs 10c, 3 for 25c, very large 30c, 3 for 75c. MILLA BIFLORA.--(Mexican "Star of Bethlehem.") One of the lovliest [loveliest] and most desirable bulbs. Pure waxy white, of great substance; keeps for days when cut and placed in water. Each 10c, doz. 75c. TIGRIDIA.--(Shell Flower.) Beautiful summer flowering bulbs, producing large, gorgeous flowers of red, yellow and white, handsomely spotted with black. Each 5c, doz. 50c. TRITOMA.--(Red Hot Poker Plant.) Grows from four to six feet high, and the flowers measure 12 to 15 inches in length and 12 inches in circumference. Each 20c, 3 for 50c, doz. $1.50. One bulb each of the above fourteen varieties, amounting to $1.41, for only $1.00.

Last edit 12 months ago by lelfrank




AMARYLLIS. ATAMASCO.--The flowers are upright with broad petals, either pink or white. Each 10c. JOHNSONII.--Of strong, vigorous growth, bearing from three to six brilliant red flowers on each stem. The petals are striped with white, rendering the flower very attractive. Very fragrant. Each 50c.

TUBEROSE. EXCELSIOR PEARL.--A greatly improved variety, characterized by its short, robust stem and long spike filled with beautiful, large, perfectly double flowers of most delicious fragrance. Spikes frequently bear 30 to 50 flowers, remaining in bloom for a long time. They are always wax-like, pure white, and are unsurpassed for buttonhole bouquets. Don't fail to include a few in your order. Choice bulbs, postpaid, each 5c, doz. 50c. ALBINO.--This splendid novelty is very popular. It is a single pure white variety, well shown by our illustration, and the flowers are very fragrant. The spike is very large and evenly filled; flowers 30 days earlier than the old single variety, throwing from two to five flower stems from a single bulb, and these again are often branched, but its great merit above all other tuberoses is that it is entirely free from the brown tint common to the old sort on the back of the petals, the tube and expanded sepals being of the purest waxy white, making it one of the most valuable plants ever introduced for cut flowers. Each 10c, 3 for 25c, doz. 85c.

YUCCA FILAMENTOSA. (Adam's Needle.) A tropical looking plant, with long narrow leaves that remain green the entire year. This beautiful and interesting plant should be in every collection. So hardy that it is almost an evergreen. It grows in clumps and throws up a flower stalk from three to four feet in height, from which hang from one to two hundred creamy white, bell-shaped flowers. It remains in bloom a long time. Strong two year plants. Each 25c, 3 for 65c. One year plants, each 15c.


OXALIS. There are many varieties of this charming little plant which are used both for hanging baskets and outdoor bedding. DOUBLE YELLOW.--This handsome new variety is well shown in our engraving and makes a most attractive plant for hanging baskets, vases, etc. Bulbs are very small and several should be planted together, and will then make a grand showing. Each 8c, doz. 75c. DEIPII ALBA.--Nothing so valuable for edging the borders of walks or flower beds as the beautiful summer oxalis. Bulbs, when planted three inches apart, produce an unbroken row of elegant foliage and pure white flowers, and as they bloom very quickly after planting, they furnish a neat and attractive border the whole season. Doz. 10c, 100, 40c. DEIPII ROSEA.--Somewhat larger flowers and foliage than above. Leaves greatly resemble four-leaved clover; flowers rose color. Doz. 10c, 100, 50c. LASIANDRIA.--Leaves more finely cut than the Deipii, and flowers rosy pink. Doz. 10c, 100, 60c.

PAEONIES. These are very beautiful, showy and easily cultivated plants, blooming from the beginning of May to the end of July. They should have a place in every garden. A selection will give a continuous bloom for three months. We offer the best sorts varying from pure white, straw color, salmon, and flesh color to lilac and rose. Each 30c, 10 for $2.50.


SPIDER LILY. That this fine southern bulb has not become more popular before is only due to its former high price. Now that it can be obtained so cheaply, thousands are being sold. Strong bulbs, such as we offer, will send up many spikes, crowded with dozens of the most fragrant white flowers imaginable, which will expand daily for many weeks. A single spike cut off and placed in water when the first flowers begin to open will keep on blooming for two weeks and often longer, filling a room with their delightful fragrance. In mild localities the bulb is hardy. Each 20c, 3 for 50c.

The Chinese Sacred Lily bought of you was the finest I ever saw, having seven blooming spikes at one time. MRS. L. G. LEUTZ, Grand Junction, Iowa. The plants I received of you, also the Calla lily bulbs, are doing nicely. H. M. CROUSE, Pearl City, Ills. The plants and seeds from you are doing nicely, and I am specially well pleased with the Spider lily. MRS. EMMA KING, Morrison, Iowa. Plants came through all right and in good shape; they are growing nicely. Thanks for your promptness. JOHN M. BLUE, Van Horne, Iowa.


Winter Blooming Bulbs. Some of the most beautiful and fragrant of all the flowers grown belong to this class, and when potted in the house, they come in bloom just at the time when flowers are most wanted and most difficult to obtain. Our bulbs, which are grown by one of the best bulb growers in Holland, arrive in this country about September 15, and we usually have a good assortment of them for about two months. The best way is to order during spring or summer, then your order will be filled as soon as bulbs are received. We name only a few kinds here. You should send for fall catalogue, which contains a full descriptive list. HYACINTHS.--Either double or single mixed. Each 7c, doz. 75c. TULIPS.--Double or single mixed. Each 5c, doz. 40c. NARCISSUS OR DAFFODILS.--Mixed varieties. Each 5c, doz. 50c. CROCUS.--Mixed colors. Doz. 10c. SCILLA SIBERICA.--Each 4c, doz. 35c. SNOWDROPS.--Single--extra fine bulbs, 20c per doz. Double--extra fine bulbs, 30c per doz.

[image] SPIDER LILY.

Last edit 12 months ago by lelfrank



FLOWER PLANTS. We are now making a specialty of this branch of our business, and are devoting a large space to the growing of flower plants exclusively for the mail trade, as they require special culture for this purpose and must be hardy as well as strong, vigorous and healthy. Plants that have been pushed ahead and had a mushroom growth, such as is common in hothouses, are of but little value for mailing. This list contains many desirable novelties this year. We have adopted a new system of packing which is so very complete that plants arrive in almost as perfect a condition after traveling many hundreds of miles as they were when packed. At prices named we send the plants postpaid. When plants are ordered to be sent by express, we not only send larger plants, but also put in enough extras to cover the express charges, and where it is possible to do so, we would advise our customers to have their plants shipped in this way. When ordering in this department, please mark on order sheet about the date you would like the plants sent, otherwise we ship as quickly as possible or when weather permits. Size of Plant Orders. While we wish to be as accomodating [accommodating] as possible, we must decline to fill any plant order amounting to less than fifty cents. By our careful system of packing, it is impossible for us to pack an order at a cost of much less than twenty-five cents, no matter if the order is only for a single plant; consequently, it will readily be seen from this that all orders for less than fifty cents would have to be filled at a loss. Plant orders amounting to less than fifty cents are not desired, and will not be filled unless ten cents extra is sent to cover our extra cost of package and postage. In club orders it will make no difference as to the size of each one's order, provided they are all sent at one time to one address. Above applies to plant orders only. No matter how small a seed order, if only for a single packet, we are always glad to fill it. We call your attention to the following discounts, in addition to which we will put in one or two choice plants, our selection with each dollar's worth. No discount on special collections. DISCOUNTS. Purchasers sending us $1.00 may select plants amounting to $[1.1?] Purchasers sending us $2.00 may select plants amounting to $[2.2?] Purchasers sending us $3.00 may select plants amounting to $[3.5?] Purchasers sending us $5.00 may select plants amounting to $6.00.

AZALEA INDICA. This is one of the showiest and prettiest of all greenhouse shrubs, flowers are produced in great profusion and are of various colors, from pure white to dark crimson. There are also striped and double varieties. Plants should be plunged in some shady place through the summer. Fine imported plants in best named single and double varieties. Each 50c, large plants $1.00.

ABUTILONS. Rapid growing plants, blooming almost the entire year. Flowers pendulous and bell-shaped. LAYELION.--Bright golden yellow. Each 10c.


ECLIPSE.--An excellent plant for baskets or vases. Of trailing habit, with large foliage beautifully marked with deep green and yellow. Flowers bright yellow with crimson throat. Each 15c. SNOW BALL.--Pure white. Each 10c. THOMPSONII PLENA.--(Double)--The only double variety of its class. Flower, rich, deep orange, shaded and streaked crimson, foliage variegated; free flowering; good border plant. Each 15c.

ACHANIA. MALVAVISCUS.--A vigorous growing plant resembling abutilons in habit and growth. Valuable alike for bedding or pot culture; blooming profusely throughout the entire year, flowers brilliant scarlet. Each 10c.

ASPARAGUS. TENNISIMUS.--Beautiful species, of climbing habit. Remarkable for the delicate appearance of its foliage. The sprays are beautiful used with cut flowers and in the arrangement of bouquets. Each 15c. PLUMOSUS.--One of the handsomest of our foliage plants. The leaves are a bright green, gracefully arched, and as finely woven as the finest silken mesh. Each 25c.

[image] AZALEA.


AMPELOPSIS. VEITCHI.--(Boston Ivy)--This is one of the finest climbers we have for covering walls, as it cling firmly to the smoothest surface, covering it smoothly with overlapping leaves, which form a perfect mass of foliage. The color is a fresh, deep green in summer, changing to the brightest shade of crimson and yellow in autumn. It is quite hardy. Each 25c.

ACHILLEA. ALBA.--(The Pearl)--A new variety, originating in France. The flowers are large, forming a beautiful plant from eighteen inches to two feet in height. It is completely covered with pure white flowers from July until frost, is perfectly hardy, and will thrive in any soil or situation. Each 10c.

ALTERNANTHERAS. A very bright colored, dwarf growing foliage plant, largely used for carpet bedding, borders, etc. We grow several varieties. Each 10c, per doz. 75c.


Last edit 12 months ago by lelfrank




BEGONIAS. Each year these are becoming more popular, and we are glad to offer several most desirable new varieties this season, which we are sure our customers will be pleased with. VERNON.--This most remarkable novelty is of unusual value for bedding, as it will stand the hot summer sun. Comes into flower in June and continues to make a most striking effect in beds or borders throughout the entire summer. The flowers are of a brilliant deep red color, the foliage is very abundant, stiff and glossy, and of a fine green color, spotted and margined with bronze purple. Its bright foliage and brilliant flowers are equally as beautiful in the shade as in the sun. It thrives everywhere, and is equally good as a winter bloomer. It makes fine stocky plants, which are covered all winter with the beautiful crimson flowers, and so easily cared for everyone should have it. Each 15c. TUBEROUS ROOTED.--Don't fail to try them. See description in bulb department. Single flowered, 15c each. Per doz. $1.50. Double, 25c each, doz. $2.50.


LOUIS ERDODY.--This is an interesting and curiously handsome new variety which retains the general character of the Rex family as to growth, but is so distinct in form and peculiar leaf formation that it stands out unique and striking in all its individual beauty. Having a good stock, we are able to place this novelty within the reach of all. Each 35c. METALICA.--This elegant variety has very large, glossy leaves, shaded with green, crimson and olive, with a peculiar metalic [metallic] luster over all; flowers a clear pink, shaded white; a grand pot plant. Each 10c. RUBRA.--One of the finest; a constant bloomer, color scarlet rose. Each 10c.

SEMPER FLORENS GIGANTEA ROSEA.--A superb variety, strong upright growth, fine large flowers of clear, cardinal red, and the bud only exceeded in beauty by the open flower. Each 25c. ALBA PICTA.--The leaves are glossy, green, thickly spotted with silvery white, the spots graduating in size from the center toward the margin. Flowers white. Each 15c. RICINIFOLIA.--The leaf is very large--will average a foot or more in diameter, and is shaped like ricinus. Color a rich green, with reddish markings; surface velvety. In bloom it is magnificent; the panicle, composed of great numbers of individual pink blooms, is lifted high and spray-like, quite clear of the foliage. One of the best for winter bloom, besides being ornamental in foliage. Each 25c. THURSTONI.--This handsome new begonia is a cross between the Metalica and Sanguinea, having the bright red foliage and veinings underneath the leaves, and bright metalic [metallic] green shading to red in the younger growth on top, with the deep veinings of the Metalica, and smooth, glossy leaves and red stems of the Sanguinea. Flowers are a beautiful deep pink in bud, but when expanded become a beautiful shell pink. Each 35c.


REX.--A magnificent class of house plants, remarkable for the variety and beautiful markings of the foliage, is well adapted to vases and baskets in shaded situations. A large assortment. Each 25c. ARGENTEA GUTTATA.--Our illustration gives but a poor idea of this very desirable and beautiful new plant. It is a cross between Olbia and Alba Picta, having the silvery blotches of the Alba Picta and the grace and beauty of growth of Olbia. It has purple bronze leaves oblong in shape, with silvery markings, and is in every way a most beautiful begonia. It produces white flowers in bunches on ends of growth stems. It will be splendid for house culture. Each 15c.

ALOYSIA. CITRIODORA.--(Lemon Verbena)--Foliage delightfully fragrant; to simply brush against it is enough to perfume an entire room, with its delicious lemon odor. Each 15c.

ARTILLERY PLANT. A very neat and pretty plant, resembling some of the ferns in general appearance. Its graceful habit makes it very desirable for baskets and vases. Quite interesting and of easy culture. Two varieties. Each 10c.



BOUVARDIA. ALFRED NEUNER.--This magnificent and showy plant is especially valuable for winter blooming, and none should be without it. The flowers are produced in great profusion during the entire winter, the great clusters of double florets resembling nothing else in cultivation. They also bloom well during summer, commencing early in July. This double Bouvardia is one of the very choicest of florist's flowers. Of pure waxy white, resembling clusters of small tuberoses. Each 15c.

SANSEVIERA. ZELANICA.--A singular plant, eminently adapted for decorative purposes in parlors, etc. Dark green, beautifully striped crosswise with white flowers, creamy white. Each 25c.

COBOEA SCANDENS. A well known summer climber. Foliage green, with large, purple, bell-shaped flowers. Each 20c.

Guide to Floriculture. This new book will be warmly welcomed by every flower lover as it is full of information about growing flowers in the house and in the open ground. Very good and practical. Contains also a monthly calendar of operations which is of great value. Price 25c postpaid, or we will send a copy as a premium on any order for flower seeds, plants or bulbs amounting to $1.00 or more where no other premium or discount is asked for.


Last edit 12 months ago by lelfrank



[image] JESSICA.

CHRYSANTHEMUMS. These are now, and deservedly, the most fashionable of all autumn flowers. Their easy culture and freedom from insects and disease commend them to the most inexperienced cultivators, while the varied and gorgeous colors and fantastic shapes of many of the varieties make them the fashionable flower of autumn. JESSICA.--A most beautiful, clear pure white flower of spelendid shape. Plant a vigorous grower, and produces an early and abundant crop of flowers. Each 15c. LOUIS BOEHMER.--The splendid new Pink Ostrich Plume chrysanthemum. Grand flowers, extra large size, splendid globular form; petals broad and lasting and thickly covered with the fine, downy hairs so much admired, and from which the name Ostrich Plume is derived; color deep rich pink; solid and fine. Plant is strong and vigorous and blooms quickly and profusely. Each 20c. MAJOR BONNAFFON.--Soft, clear incurving yellow; full in the center, 6 to 7 inches in diameter, and nearly as deep. Habit, dwarf; keeping qualities excellent. Each 15c.


CHALLENGE.--Large variety; a perfect globe of the brightest gold, depth and width being equal; a very strong stem and good foliage. This is a magnificent new sort which cannot fail to please the most fastidious and will delight all flower lovers, as it is the greatest advance in yellow chrysanthemums that there has been for years. Plants are fairly loaded with flowers. Small rooted cuttings of this variety were worth last spring $9.00 per dozen wholesale, but we have grown a good stock and offer them at the low price of 25 cts. each. MRS. JOSEPH ROSSITER.--Japanese, very double, pearl white, of medium size, with straight petals, neatly rounded form. Stem perfect. Each 15c. THE QUEEN.--One of the very finest whites to date. The flower excels all in pure whiteness, extra large, petals heavy and thick. Each 20c.


CONSTELLATION.--The nearest to a true pink yet introduced. Good sized flowers with straight petals, forming almost a straight ball; with good stiff stem and handsome foliage; deeply cut; average three feet high. Each 15c. EUGENE DAILLEDOUZE.--Large, full double, glowing bright yellow, with magnificent foliage, free and easy grower; nothing clearer or brighter among yellows. Center petals folded and closed, outer ones broad and of great substance. Each 20c. JOANNA.--One of the very finest bronze to date. Extra large in size; of beautiful half globular form, with incurved shapely petals of solid build; carries flowers erect on stiff stem; heavy deep green foliage well up to the flower; show flower; late. Each 25c. MRS. A. J. DREXEL.--Finest of its color, a splendid crimson, without other shades; shape half spherical; petals long and arranged like rays; fully double, good grower. Each 15c. W. N. RUDD.--Color pale lavender pink of pleasing shade. Each 15c.


THE BARD.--Extremely double, reflexed variety of medium size. Color a rich crimson, with outer edges of petals tinged with gold. Vigorous grower, grand for exhibition. Each 15c. FIRST OF ALL.--Blooms in mid-summer, while other sorts don't begin blooming until October. The flower is of medium size, very full and double; color a light canary yellow fading to white. A charmmg variety, sure to become popular. Each 15c. STORM PETREL.--Another new chrysanthemum, different from all other sorts. Of dwarf trailing growth, with finely cut, fern-like foliage. The flowers are borne in great profusion at all times of the year; are large, double, and pure snow-white. As a pot plant it is superb, and in the garden it blooms all summer and fall. Frosts do not hurt it and it is full of bloom long after all other flowers have been killed. Hence its name, Storm Petrel. Each 15c. IVORY.--The flower is a perfect ball of the purest white, very double and of immense size, some being fully six inches in diameter. Each 15c.

10 Chrysanthemums, our choice of varieties $1

NIGHT-BLOOMING CEREUS. This gorgeous cactus, which usually opens at seven o'clock, evenings, attains its greatest beauty and perfection at twelve, bears abundant blossoms measuring twelve inches in diameter, and are of delicious fragrance. The sort we offer is very free blooming, requiring little care. Color, creamy white. Each 25c.

CACTUS. We have a great many varieties of these curious plants. Price 10 to 25 cents each, or a collection of 10 sorts for $1.00, postpaid.

CINERARIA. Magnificent flowering plants in winter and spring for windows and conservatories. The flowers of this large flowering type measure two inches across, are of white, blue, violet, crimson, etc., covering the plant with a sheet of blooms. Each 25c.


Last edit 12 months ago by lelfrank
Displaying pages 66 - 70 of 92 in total