1895 2nd Edition







CRUEL PLANT. A beautiful Brazillian [Brazilian] climber with pure white deliciously scented blossoms borne in clusters. It derives the peculiar name of "Cruel Plant," or "Cruel Flower," because insects are attracted by its highly odoriferous perfume, and thus entrapped in the open flower, struggling as imprisoned by the sticky nectar until dead. As an outdoor summer climber it is a most excellent plant and during July, August and September is literally covered with white sweet-scented flowers, blooming from every eye or joint. Splendid winter bloomer. Each 25c.

[image] CRUEL PLANT.

COLEUS. The coleus is the best and cheapest ornamental leaved plant we have for ornamental bedding. A few dozen of these plants will make a beautiful bed. There is such an endless variety in their colors and markings that with a little taste in planting varieties, the most gratifying results can be obtained at a trifling cost. Doz. 75c, each 10c.

[image] COLEUS

CLEMATIS. JACKMANII.--Most magnificent and showy vine in existence; of strong, healthy growth, perfectly hardy and sure to succeed everywhere, but repays good treatment. Flowers 4 to 6 inches in diameter, of a rich, deep, velvety purple, distinctly veined; blooming continually from July until November, so profusely as to make a perfect screen. Our illustration simply shows the end of a branch. Strong plants, each 50c; large and extra strong, three years old, $1.00.

CALLA. ETHIOPIA.--(Lily of the Nile)--Fine house plant; flowers large, creamy white. Each 10c, extra large 25c. LITTLE GEM.--Miniature form of the calla. Very desirable for house culture. Each 30c, 3 for 75c. RICHARDIA MACULATA.--(Spotted Calla)--The foilage [foliage] resembles the calla in shape and is beautifully spotted white. Flowers are shaped like the Calla, pure white, shaded with violet inside. Each 15c.

CYCLAMEN. One of the finest plants in cultivation for winter blooming. A great variety of beautiful colors. Each 25c.

CARNATIONS. Fragrant flowers are always sought after, and the rich spicy odor of the carnation, positively delicious, combined with varied colors and handsome form, leaves but little to be desired. They are very easily grown, and bloom freely either as bedding plants in summer, or in the greenhouse, or window garden in winter. SILVER SPRAY.--This is a grand, pure white, early and free-flowering carnation, of healthy, vigorous growth; makes fine bushy plants and bears an abundance of flowers on long stems; never bursts; petals finely fringed and very fragrant; an excellent variety, and best of all the whites for general use. Each 15c. AMERICAN FLAG.--An immense, strong, vigorous grower and profuse bloomer. Very fragrant. The color is distinct from any other variety, being distinctly and regularly striped vivid scarlet and pure white, giving it a most novel and striking effect. Each 15c. GOV. RUSSELL.--A pure white with a large flower on a long stiff stem, and does not burst its calyx. It is beautifully shaped, and does finely as a pot plant; free bloomer and free from disease. Each 10c. PRESIDENT GARFIELD.--Deep red, fine large flowers of great substance. A very good variety. Each 10c. LIZZIE McGOWAN.--Color pure paper white; petals crisp and lasting; close-jointed, wiry stems, with very large, regular-formed flowers, almost like roses; a strong grower and very free flowering. Valuable all the year around. Each 15c. TIDAL WAVE.--Flowers very large and perfect in form; color bright rosy pink, changing to a beautiful soft pink with salmon shading when flowers are fully expanded. A very healthy grower and remarkably free bloomer. This we consider one of the best pink varieties and an excellent variety for pot culture. Each 15c.


GOLDEN GATE.--A beautiful new golden yellow carnation, with not a particle of stripe of foreign color; full and double; free, vigorous and healthy grower and continuous bloomer. Produces a great number of flowers, in fact the plant at times seems almost covered with them, and we are sure it will please all. Each 15c. EDNA CRAIG.--A beautiful light pink sort, very attractive and fragrant. Each 15c. CARNATION COLLECTION.--Ten varieties, all different, our selection, for $1.00.

CYPERUS. A splendid aquatic plant, throwing up stems surmounted at the top with a whorl of leaves diverging horizontally, giving it a very novel appearance. Fine for the center of vases or aquariums. Each 25c.

CUPHEA. PLATYCENTRA.--(Cigar Plant.)--A fine basket plant with scarlet pendulous flowers; constant bloomer. 10c.


Last edit 12 months ago by lelfrank




FUCHSIAS. These, when in full bloom, are the most graceful of all cultivated plants; nothing surpasses the beauty of well grown specimens. They delight in a light, rich soil, and may be grown either as pot plants or in a sheltered border. In either case they should be protected from the hot mid-day sun and from heavy currents of air. MRS. E. G. HILL.--This superb variety is undeniably the most perfect and beautiful double white fuchsia ever raised. The short tube and sepals are a bright, rich, reddish crimson color, corolla extra large, full and double; flower of the largest size; is of robust, upright growth, not coarse, but compact and very symmetrical. It has every qualification to recommend it, size, freedom of bloom, and constitution. Each 15c. BLACK PRINCE.--Tube and sepals bright waxy carmine, sepals large and broad, with pale green tips, large, open, pale, pink corolla. We have a plant of this variety in our greenhouse which is nine feet high, nearly twenty feet in circumference, and it had over 2,000 blossoms on at one time. They are easily grown in this tree form. Each 10c. TRAILING QUEEN.--Of a drooping habit, sometimes extending its branches downward three or four feet in length. Flowers borne in clusters. Corolla violet purple; sepals rosy scarlet. Each 15c.

[image] MRS. E. G. HILL FUCHSIA.

PHENOMENAL.--The largest flowered fuchsia in cultivation. This new sort, from its strong growth and enormous flowers, has created such a sensation that the demand far exceeded our supply of it. This year we have propagated a large stock and hope to fill all orders. The plant is a tall grower, branching like a tree; the leaves are dark, glossy green, with veins of dark crimson, giving the foliage a rich, ornamental appearance. The flowers are of enormous size, a single flower measuring three and a half inches across; sepals bright scarlet, with rich violet purple corolla, very double, flaked with red. It will attract universal attention in any collection, as it is one of the most beautiful and attractive sorts in existence. Each 15c. STORM KING.--As will be seen by the cut, this grand plant is of the most beautiful weeping habit. The buds for two weeks before they expand are balls of bright scarlet crimson. The flowers reach an enormous size. The sepals are glowing scarlet crimson, while the large double corolla is of delicate waxy whiteness, elegantly penciled with deep bright crimson. Each 15c.


AVALANCHE.--Large, double purple; yellow foliage. Each 10c. EARL OF BEACONSFIELD.--Three inches long, deep carmine, fine. Each 10c. SPECIOSA.--Sepals blush, corolla carmine. Each 10c. SNOW FAIRY.--Sepals crimson; double, pure white corolla. Each 10c. CARL HOLT.--White corolla striped crimson. Each 10c.

FUCHSIAS. A charming collection. One plant each of the above TEN VARIETIES for $1.00.

CUPHEA. NEW TRICOLOR.--The most profuse flowering and healthy variety we know of. Planted in the flower bed, open air, hanging basket or vase it will bloom profusely all summer long, after which it can be repotted for winter flowering. The foliage is distinct and handsome. The flowers are rich hued and stand out well from the foliage, having delicate rose-tinted, green tubes, the brilliant red petals winging out the tips, more like a bright, flying little creature than a flower. They are borne in profusion and are of lasting quality. Makes a splendid center piece for a vase or basket. Each l5c.

MANETTA. BICOLOR.--Possesses many real points of merit. Its remarkably continuous and profuse blooming qualities, the ease with which it can be grown, its attractive appearance, its adaptability for both pot culture and bedding, will all tend to make it indispensable for bay windows, vases, baskets, etc. It also succeeds well when bedded out, as it grows rapidly and blooms freely all summer. Not being hardy, it should be potted up in the autumn. It is especially adapted to winter blooming; a constant bloomer. Color vivid crimson scarlet, tipped with golden yellow. Each 10c.


FARFUGIUM. GRAND.--Leopard Plant. Each 20c.

FEVERFEW. DOUBLE WHITE.--Popular free-blooming plant. Each 10c, doz. 75c.

FERNS. These beautiful plants are now very generally cultivated. Their great diversity and gracefulness of foliage make them much valued as plants for vases, baskets or rock work, or as specimens for parlor or conservatory. Each 20c.


Last edit 12 months ago by lelfrank




SINGLE GERANIUMS. For constancy of bloom the geranium is unequaled. Small plants put out in May and June will completely fill a bed three or four weeks after planting, and will be a mass of flowers, and continually getting better until autumn. Unsurpassed for winter blooming in the house. SOUVENIR DE MIRANDE.--The finest geranium of late introduction, and the greatest novelty that has appeared in years. Entirely distinct from any other variety known. It has nicely formed round florets; upper petals cream white, with distinct salmon rose border; lower petals salmon rose, streaked with pure white; very free flowering and produces fine trusses of its magnificent blooms. The large engraving shows the peculiar striping. Each 15c. SCARLET CLOTH.--A most beautiful variety which is sure to please everyone. It is an immense flowered single variety, the separate florets of which are larger than a silver dollar. Trusses are large and the plant is almost covered with them. Color a most intense rich velvety scarlet. Each 15c. TROPHEE.--Trusses of the largest size; very pretty rosy flesh, tinted at the center with lilac, changing to dark lilac, a novel color. A fine variety all should have. Each 10c. QUEEN OGLA.--A most beautiful single variety. The petals are a brilliant deep pink, white at the base; the trusses are very large and perfect, and it is the freest flowering variety of its color; its strong growth and other good points make it invaluable. Each 10c.

BRIDAL WREATH.--Similar to Souvenir de Mirande, but colors opposite, being a pink body color with white edge. A compact grower, and fine for pots. Each 10c. BRUTUS.--Dark scarlet crimson; very large trusses sometimes 6 or 8 inches in diameter. Each 10c. PANSY GERANIUM.--This variety, though not new, is one of great merit. The flowers are of medium size, and have a white throat. Each petal is shaded toward the center with a rich lavender pink and a dark maroon blotch in the center. Each 25c.



I received my plants in good shape and they are doing fine. The violet goes right on blossoming and smells just lovely. I recommend them to my friends always. MRS. JAMES. LEVERICH, La Porte City, Ia.


QUEEN OF THE WEST.--Orange scarlet. Best bedding variety. Each 10c. LA GRANDE.--Large scarlet white eye. Each 10c. GEOFFERY.--The darkest single scarlet grown, fine. Each 10c. JEALOUSY.--Large orange yellow. Each 10c. CYGNET.--The best single white. Each 10c. PEACH BLOSSOM.--The color of a peach blossom exactly. Each 10c. FRANCIS ARAGO.--Flowers finely formed and produced in the greatest abundance on strong foot stalks; very distinct variety. Color silvery salmon shaded peach. Each 10c. MRS. A. BLANC.--Apricot red, veined darker, with center of vinous rose; florets of the first size and perfectly round. Each 15c. MAD. DU LAC.--Beautiful bright rose, upper petals blotched pure white. Large trusses of fine shaped single flowers. Each 15c. NEW LIFE.--The flowers are vivid scarlet, irregularly striped with salmon and white like a carnation; truss good, very free flowering; sports sometimes; no two flowers alike; very attractive and popular. See illustration. Each 10c. Any of above sorts, $1.00 per doz.


NEW DOUBLE GERANIUM. REMARKABLE.--As will be seen by our illustration, the habit of growth is dwarf and compact, making this variety one of the most desirable for pot culture. The novelty and merit, however, is principally in the perfect trusses of miniature rosebud florets, which are wonderfully attractive and pleasing. The color is the brightest possible scarlet crimson; the substance most lasting. A buttonhole bouquet of this variety will keep fresh longer than any other we know of, and then it is entirely unique, afterwards opening to a very handsome bright flower. This should not be confounded with the old Rosebud geranium. Imagine, if you can, a handsomely formed, bushy little plant, constantly covered with perfectly proportioned trusses of exquisitely brilliant rosebud flowers so intense in color that they appear to vibrate. Of hardy, vigorous, healthy habit of growth. Each 15c.

OUR SELECTION. Fifteen Geraniums, all different, $1.00.

[image] NEW LIFE.

Last edit 12 months ago by lelfrank



[image] BRUANTI.

DOUBLE GERANIUMS. S. A. NUTT.--The darkest and richest geranium grown. It is a very fine dark, deep, rich, velvety-maroon, an excellent bedder and a perfect pot plant. One that must find its way into every collection. Each 10c. MRS. E. G. HILL.--A most distinct and pleasing shade of salmon, with light shading at the center. Trusses are very large and composed of an immense number of florets. The finest salmon colored geranium to date. Each 10c. BLANCHE MOULAS.--A grand bedding variety of much merit. The flowers are large, salmon, beautifully bordered with white. A geranium of rare beauty. Each 10c. MARVEL.--Very large dark, velvety-scarlet. A glowing color, superior to S. A. Nutt. Each 10c. LEON SAY.--Large bold trusses of dark vermillion-red. Darkest of any geranium. Fine for bedding. Each 10c.

[image] S. A. NUTT.

GOLD FINDER.--A rich, golden orange shade, its large trusses opening freely, the habit being as free and robust as that of any other variety. The yellowest of all geraniums. Each 10c. GLORIE DE FRANCE.--A grand variety; flowers large and double; center distinct, dark salmon with large border of rosy white. Each 15c. GOLDEN DAWN.--The color, as the name would indicate, is of a decided golden orange shade; the flowers are of fine large size and perfect shape. The habit of the plant is all that could be desired. Each 15c. HARRIET THORPE.--Delicate blush, shaded with pearl pink; trusses large and well shaped; habit perfect. Each 10c.

BRUANTI.--The finest double bedding geranium in cultivation. The leafage is round, nicely zoned, having great texture and substance. The color of the flower is light vermillion-red of a most pleasing shade. The flowers are absolutely perfect shape, trusses exceptionally large and borne in immense spherical balls, often eight inches in diameter. Each 15c.

PELARGONIUMS. These are more commonly known as Lady Washington or Pansy geraniums. The flowers are large, with deep blotches on the upper petals and bright spots on the lower; they are very beautiful and ornamental, either as pot plants or in the garden. We have a very large assortment of these at 20c. each. MRS. ROBERT SANDIFORD.--(New)--This great double white variety is one of the finest novelties of the year. The flower is of large size, well doubled, beautifully ruffled along the edges of the petal and of glistening snow-white color. Its lasting qualities when cut are wonderful. Nothing finer of this class has ever been in this country. Each 25c. MADAM THIBAUT.--White, richly blotched and marbled with rose, the upper petals marked with crimson-maroon; large white center; immense trusses of large fine flowers with undulated petals. Each 25c.


ASA GRAY.--Orange salmon, extremely good bloomer. Each 10c. BISHOP WOOD.--Scarlet, shading to vermillion. Each 10c. LA FAVORITE.--This is the best double white geranium ever introduced. Many extra fine plants have some weakness--this has not--being a strong grower, profuse bloomer, and always coming perfect in color and substance. The trusses are very large, flowers beautifully formed and of the purest snowy-white, even when grown in the open ground. The plant is of close, compact habit, and remarkably free flowering. A specimen plant is well shown by our illustration. Each 15c.

Be Sure TO ORDER THE Rose Collection ILLUSTRATED ON Front Cover.

IVY LEAVED GERANIUMS. CHARLES TURNER.--Handsomest of any Ivy geranium. The flowers are very double, full and perfect in form; color rich deep pink. The plant is a strong grower, producing flowers at every joint. See above illustration. All should try it. Each 15c. JEAN DE ARCH.--Very large and finest white in existence. Each 10c. P. CROZY.--A grand hybrid between the Zonales and Ivies, having the foliage of the former, but very heavy in texture, and while the forms of truss and florets are found only among the ivies, the color is soft, bright scarlet with veinings of maroon. Habit of plant very dwarf and compact, and one of the most prolific flowering sorts in existence. Each 20c. Ten other choice varieties, Each 10c.

[image] LA FAVORITE.

GLECOMA. HEDARACEA.--(Variegated Ground Ivy)--The foliage of this charming novelty is a bright green, marked with pure white, and has a refreshing fragrance similar to mint. It grows very rapidly and is graceful and beautiful for hanging baskets or vases. It is also useful for planting in the open ground, and will be largely used in cemeteries, as it is entirely hardy, graceful and ornamental, and makes a close, dense mat on the ground. Each 15c.

GAZANIA. PEACOCK FLOWER.--Large, showy flowers; color a deep orange, with almost black center. Is very ornamental. Each 15c.

[image] GLECOMA.

Last edit 12 months ago by lelfrank



PASSION FLOWER. These beautiful climbers are so varied in the markings and colors of their flowers that it would be useless to attempt to describe them. They are very desirable for the house or conservatory, and succeed well with ordinary treatment. COERULEA.--A rapid climbing Passion vine, hardy, requiring only slight protection in winter; flowers azure blue, produced freely throughout the summer. Each, 15c. CONSTANCE ELLIOTT.--The new hardy white Passion Flower. A splendid climbing plant of great merit; now attracting much attention on account of its great beauty and desirability. Each, 20c. OXALIS.--Fine pot or basket plant; many sorts. Each, 10c. OTHONNA.--Good basket plants. Each, 10c. GRASS PINKS.--The hardy and pretty clover-scented flowers which our grandmothers loved. Each, 10c. OLEANDER.--Double pink or white. Each 25c. PETUNIA.--All the finest double fringed varieties. Each 10c. PRIMULAS.--(Chinese Primrose)--Of great value for the parlor or greenhouse; constantly in bloom. Each 20c.


PALMS. Now the most fashionable decorative house and window plants. They require but little care, no more than a geranium, beyond sponging the leaves once a week. Customers are advised to buy the larger plants, the effect is immediate, and if placed in a handsome jardiniere no more beautiful or ornamental plants can be found. In season for shipping all the year around. An elegant present for a plant-loving friend. We have a nice assortment. Mailing size, 35c each. Large, $3.00 to $5.00 each.

HOYA. CARNOSA (Wax Plant).--The well known house climber, with thick, fleshy leaves and curious waxy flowers, from which drop a sweet, honey-like juice. The blooms last a long time in perfection. It makes an excellent plant for a warm sitting room, as it grows well without light, standing the extreme heat and cold better than most plants. Each, 25c. VARIEGATED.--Mottled green, white and pink. Each, 30c.

MAURANDIA. Graceful climbers for window or conservatories, or for open ground in summer; admirable to hang from vases, cover stumps and low trellises, flowering freely. Each, 10c.


HELIOTROPE. General favorite on account of their delightful fragrance. No plant succeeds better for summer flowering and they are equally adapted for winter blooming, being constantly in bloom. No garden is complete without them. MAD. BLONAY.--The best nearly pure white heliotrope in cultivation. Dwarf; very free bloomer. Each, 10c. PRESIDENT GARFIELD.--Has fine large trusses of deep purple flowers. Each, 10c.

IVIES. ENGLISH.--No vine excels this. Each, 15c. GERMAN.--Grows very fast. Each, 10c. VARIEGATED ENGLISH.--Foliage very prettily marked with pure white on a dark green ground. Most reliable variegated plant we know as a pot plant in the window or for trailing from the edges of boxes or baskets. Each, 25c.


HYDRANGEA. Well known favorite plant with large heads of flowers; very desirable for bedding. HORTENSIS.--Bright pink. Each, 15c. THOMAS HOGG.--Pure white. Each, 10c. PANICULATA GRANDIFLORA.--Tens of thousands of these noble summer and autumn flowering shrubs have been sold the past few years and the demand is still good. They are absolutely hardy grown in any soil, and bloom the same year they are set out. They flower abundantly, bearing hundreds of immense panicles of bloom, white at first and turning to rose in autumn. To make a fine specimen, the soil should be as carefully prepared as for any fine shrub. An annual shortening of the branches tends to increase the size of the flowers. Each, 15c.

HIBISCUS. SINENSIS FULGIDIS.--The flowers are very large size, five inches in diameter, and of an intense carmine scarlet, paler and somewhat rose-tinted toward the base. Each, 15c. RUBRA, FL. PL.--A splendid double variety, having large bright red flowers. Blooms freely. Each, 15c.

[image] PALM.

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