1895 2nd Edition







PLUMS. Iowa is the home of the best plums for the northwest. The varieties we offer have been thoroughly tested , and we only grow those that experience has shown us to be the best. ABUNDANCE.--This is unlike any other plum. It is exceedingly hardy. Its propensity for early bearing is such that it loads in the nursery row, bending the limb with the weight of the great ropes of fruit until they sometimes break, and this is the case every year. Many who have grown it claim that the curculio has no effect upon it, the eggs failing to hatch and produce the destructive grub. Sometimes even little one-year-old saplings, only 2 feet high, are white with bloom and set heavily with large fine plums. The fruit is large, showy and beautiful. Amber, turning to a rich bright cherry color, with a decided white bloom. Flesh light yellow, exceedingly juicy and tender, and of a delicious sweetness. Each 60c, 10 for $5.00. STODDART.--The largest and finest native plum known. Although a new variety, it has been tested in northeastern Iowa for about ten years, and for large size, hardiness of tree, good quality and abundant bearing, we think it has no competitor. Many specimens measure 6 1/2 inches and upward. It is the most profitable native plum known. Each 75c. SIMONS' PLUM.--(Also called Prunus Simoni)--The leaves and bark look like the peach, while the fruit resembles an apricot. Perfectly hardy. Has a peculiar aromatic flavor not found in any other plum. DE SOTO.--Medium size, good quality; has proved profitable wherever planted. WOLF.--This fine plum is very large, nearly freestone, and one of the best. WEAVER.--An old, well known and favorite sort. WYANT.--This fine new native plum is considered by Prof. Budd as one of the best. FOREST GARDEN.--Large, of good quality, and the best very early variety. ROLLINGSTONE.--Not so large as some, but of the very highest quality, and covered with such a deep bloom that it looks to be a "blue" plum. HAWKEYE.--Very large. Certainly one of the best. COMFORT.--We are the introducers of this fine large plum, and with us it has proved one of the best. Any of the above, except Abundance and Stoddart, 4 to 6 feet, each 40c, 10 for $3.50.

PEACHES. The following varieties of peaches are all hardy, and succeed well as far north as central Iowa, and there is a growing demand for them. ELBERTA.--Large size, beautiful color, yellow and red, delicious quality, a vigorous grower, one of the most productive on all soils; a good shipper. Each 40c, 10 for $3.50. TONG PA.--A large freestone white peach. Perfectly hardy. BOKARA.--The most hardy of all varieties. Has stood 28° below zero near Des Moines and borne a crop every year. Fruit grown on our place was shown at the World's Fair, and measured seven inches in circumference and were in good condition after having been picked for a month. It is a freestone variety, flesh of good quality, skin tough, color yellow with red cheek. Each 60c, 10 for $5.00.


CHAMPION.--Hardy, and should head every list for Iowa growers. Large size, handsome, luscious fruit; skin creamy white with red cheek. Originated at Nakomis, Ills. Price, except where noted, 3 to 5 feet, each 50c, 10 for $4.00.

CHERRIES. THE WRAGG.--Sturdy grower and immense bearer of large, handsome, dark colored fruit. The original trees of the Wragg cherry are still growing in Dallas county, Iowa, and are thirty years old, still bearing fair crops of fruit. Is undoubtedly the most profitable late cherry introduced for Minnesota, Wisconsin and the northwest. It is a large, dark colored fruit, and should not be picked till fully ripe. By covering our trees with netting to protect from birds, we have had fresh fruit on till the first week in September, for the past three years. It is highly recommended by the State Horticultural Society. You cannot afford to do without at least a few trees. 5 to 6 feet, each 75c, 10 for $6.00; 4 to 5 feet, each 60c, 10 for $5.00. EARLY RICHMOND.--The best early, medium size, dark red, juicy and sprightly acid. ENGLISH MORELLO.--Blackish red, rich, acid, quite productive. MONTMORENCY.--Large, bright red, acid. PRICES.--Above three varieties are strong trees. 5 to 6 feet, each 50c, 10 for $4.50; 3 to 4 feet, each 30c, 10 for $2.50. RUSSIAN CHERRIES--From the long list of Russian cherries we have only selected those that were best adapted to our soil and climate. The following list we recommend are those that we have thoroughly tested. Russian Ostheim Lutovka, Orel 24, Bessarabian, Bruseler, Braune, Griote Precoce, 4 to 5 feet, each 60c, 10 for $5.00.

PEARS. Pears can be grown in Iowa. We know of some in this city which were set out simply as shade trees, and now they produce good crops of fruit. Many of the varieties, however, grown in the east are not hardy enough for this climate. BESSEMIANKA.--Famous seedless pear of Russia. Medium size, russetted, very sweet, tender, juicy, delicious. Hardy. KIEFFER'S HYBRID.--It is a fair dessert fruit and one of the very best for canning and preserving. Its large size and handsome appearance always causes it to sell well on the market. Its freedom from blight, early bearing, productiveness, vigorous growth and handsome appearance indicate it has come to stay. Season, October and November. IDAHO.--Is very large and handsome; core small; skin golden yellow, with russety spots; flesh melting, juicy, with a sprightly, vinous, delicious flavor. Season, September and October. 4 to 6 feet, each 75c, 10 for $6.00. FLEMISH BEAUTY.--Large, juicy, rich flavored. September and October. BARTLETT.--Very popular, large clear yellow, rich, juicy, high flavored, great bearer. Any of the above, except Idaho, 4 to 6 feet, each 60c, 10 for $5.00.


Notice Our Cheap $1.00 Collections and Wholesale Prices of Nursery Stock on Page 84.

Last edit 12 months ago by lelfrank




CURRANTS. One of the most prominent horticulturists in the country recently informed us that he made more money from his crop of currants than from any other source. They are a most profitable crop if well cared for, for the market is never overstocked. Our plants are fine and large. If by mail, add 10c per 10; 50c per 100. NORTH STAR.--This new seedling currant is very vigorous, perfectly hardy, and seldom affected by the borer. The bunches are long and well filled with fruit, and borne in the greatest profusion, as shown in our illustration which is, of course, greatly reduced in size, as the berries are about half an inch in diameter. The fruit is of superior quality, very sweet and rich, desirable for market, and as a dessert or for jelly it is unsurpassed. The most rapid grower and prolific sort we know of. Each 25c, 10 for $2.00.


FAY'S PROLIFIC.--Has been widely planted and given [general?] satisfaction. It is a strong [grower,] wonderfully prolific and bears [illegible]. Fruit large, bright red [illegible], good flavor and very uniform [in?] size. It is the berry for market or [illegible] gardens and you cannot afford to [illegible] it from your list. Each 20c, 10 for [illegible]. CRANDALL.--A new black [currant?] and by many considered one of the [most?] valuable novelties of recent [introduction?]. Grows six to eight feet high [in?] tree form; is perfectly and [absolutely?] proof against currant worms and insects. Enormously productive and [generally?] produces fruit same season [planted?]. Fruit sometimes as large as [the?] Concord grape. Excellent flavor. Try [it?]. Each 25c, 10 for $2.00.


WHITE GRAPE.--Largest, best white sort; very handsome, sweet, and productive. CHERRY.--Is sometimes one-half inch in diameter. Is productive if on good soil. RED DUTCH.--An excellent and well known old sort. WHITE DUTCH.--Same, except color. Each 15c, 10 for 80c.

Japanese Wineberry. One of the most widely advertised fruits and very popular in some parts of of the country. Resembles the raspberry. Fruit round, deep red, glossy and handsome. Of luscious flavor, and makes a rich wine. Vine hardy and productive. Each 25c, 10 for $1.75.

BUFFALO BERRY. A novelty from Wyoming. It is a tree-like shrub attaining a height of ten feet when well grown, of symmetrical, bushy habit, and would form a striking ornament on any lawn. The fruit resembles in size, form and color the cultivated red currant, but the bunches are more compact and the fruit remains on the bush all winter, and the freezing really improves the flavor. Excellent for pies, jellies and preserves, or dried. Very hardy. Strong plants, each 40c.

RUSSIAN MULBERRY. A valuable tree of vigorous growth and hardiness. Quite desirable for windbreaks and for feeding silk worms. Fruit of medium size, pleasant and palatable. 2 to 3 ft., each 15c; 10 for $1.00. 3 to 4 ft., each 20c; 10 for $1.50.

DWARF ROCKY MOUNTAIN CHERRY. This new fruit was discovered growing in the mountains of Larimer county Colorado, and promises to be a valuable addition to our cultivated fruits, as it has now been grown in the nursery several years. Our illustration was made from a photograph of a branch and shows its great productiveness. It begins bearing very young, and sixteen quarts have been picked from a three-year-old plant. The fruit is jet black when ripe, and averages somewhat larger in size than the English Morello cherry, and it is late in ripening. In flavor it resembles the sweet cherries. It is dwarf, growing to a height of about four feet, and when covered with its mass of white flowers it would grace any lawn. Large size, each 75c; small size, by mail, each 40c.

GOOSEBERRIES. One of the most popular fruits in England, and is now beginning to receive more attention here. Plant three or four feet apart each way, manure well and remove old canes after fruit is gathered. Does well if grown in partial shade. Should have rich soil. If by mail add 15 cents per 10. INDUSTRY.--The best English sort yet introduced in this country. Berries are very large, one to one and one-half inches in diameter, of most excellent flavor, both pleasant and rich. Color dark red when fully ripe. Under favorable conditions it bears immense crops. A northern exposure and partial shade are desirable for it. Each 35c, 10 for $3.00. DOWNING.--Best of the American sorts. Fruit large, pale green, and of excellent quality, both for cooking and table use. Bushes stocky, hardy, vigorous and very prolific. Strong two year plants. Each 15c, 10 for $1.25. HOUGHTON.--Fruit of medium size; skin smooth; pale red; flesh tender and good. Each 10c, 10 for 75c.

DEWBERRIES. Larger, sweeter, and by some considered superior to the blackberries. If by mail, add 15c per 10, 60c per 100. LUCRETIA.--Decidedly the best of all the dewberries. It is a superb fruit, large, handsome, shining jet black, melting and delicious quality. Earlier than the blackberries. Each 15c, 10 for $1.00.


Last edit 12 months ago by lelfrank




GRAPES. There is scarcely a yard so small, either in country or city, that room for one to a dozen or more grape vines cannot be found. They do admirably trained up by the side of any building, or along the garden fences, occupying but little room, furnishing an abundance of the healthiest fruits. They are a most satisfactory fruit, and can be as easily grown as potatoes. Make the soil mellow, and plant the vines somewhat deeper than they stood in the nursery. All kinds listed are perfectly hardy, but the Agawam should have some winter protection. If to be mailed add 15c for 10. MOORE'S DIAMOND.--A vigorous grower, with dark, healthy foliage, entirely free from mildew. A prolific bearer; bunches large, handsome and compact, slightly shouldered; color delicate, greenish-white, with rich, yellow tinge when fully ripe. Skin smooth and free from specks; pulp tender, juicy and nearly transparent, with very few seeds. Berry about the size of Concord. Quality best; rich, sprightly and sweet. Ripens about two weeks before Concord. Each 25c, 10 for $2.00. MOORE'S EARLY.--A most profitable black variety. Vine is even more hardy than its parent, Concord, while it ripens fully two weeks earlier, thus obtaining the advantage of larger price ruling at the time, and being more sure to ripen its entire crop in a short season. Fruit is well shown in our illustration, the berry being much larger than Concord and quality almost identical. Claimed by some to be exempt from mildew or disease. Each 25c, 10 for $2.00.


COTTAGE.--This is the grape of all others for those who only have space for a few vines and grow them for their own use. It will be fouud [found] to adapt itself to a very wide range of soils from deep black loam to clay, and is a strong vigorous grower everywhere. It is perfectly hardy, and is undoubtedly the best grape for arbors or covering verandas in the whole list. The foliage is of a bright pleasing green, while the underside of leaf is a beautiful golden yellow. The bunch is medium to large, berry larger than Concord and ripens earlier. Very productive, juicy, tender and delicious. It is a long keeper. The berries seldom burst open. Can be kept until Christmas in good condition. Each 20c, 10 for $1.50. AGAWAM.--A fine, large, red berry, and cluster of good size. Quality excellent, decidedly aromatic flavor, very vigorous grower and productive. We consider the Agawam superior in flavor to any other variety that we grow. Each, 20c, 10 for $1.50. GOLDEN POCKLINGTON.--The vine is thoroughly hardy; strong grower, never mildews in vine or foliage. Called a white grape, but the fruit is a light golden yellow, clear, juicy and sweet to the center, with little or no pulp; bunches very large; sometimes shouldered. Each 20c, 10 for $1.50.

WORDEN.--In brief, an improved Concord, both bunch and berry being larger, handsomer, earlier and better quality. Our stock is true. Strong 2-year-roots, each 20c, 10 for $1.25. CONCORD.--So popular that it needs no description. Either one or two year old vines, each 15c, 10 for $1.00. BRIGHTON.--A cross between Concord and Diana Hamburg. Resembles Catawba in color, size and form of bunch and berry. Flesh rich, sweet and of the best quality. Ripens earlier than Delaware. Vine vigorous and very hardy. This variety has now been thoroughly tested, and it may now be truly said to be without an equal among early red grapes. Each 20c, 10 for $1.50. NIAGARA.--Bunch medium to large; berry large; skin thin and tough; slightly pulpy, tender, sweet. Vine vigorous, healthy and very productive. All things considered probably the most valuable white grape in cultivation. Each 20c, 10 for $1.50. GRAPE COLLECTION. One vine each of the above nine unexcelled varieties (four black, two red, two white and one golden sort), making a splendid assortment for any private family, for only $1.25.

RASPBERRIES. Any good corn ground is suitable for them, and they like it rich. Set in rows five feet apart, and three feet apart in row. If by mail add 10c per 10, 50c per 100. REDFIELD.--See description of this splendid novelty on second page of cover. Each 50c, 10 for $4.00. KANSAS.--Ripens just after Souhegan; berries as large or larger than the Gregg, jet black, firm, handsome and of the best quality. Very vigorous growth which continues through the season; holds its foliage until frost, stands drought and cold, exceedingly productive. Fruit firm, carries well to and presents a handsome appearance in market. Each 15c, 10 for $1.25. SOUHEGAN, OR TYLER.--Large, black, without bloom and of medium quality. Plant very hardy and a great bearer, ripens a little before Ohio. Each 15c, 10 for $1.00. OLDER.--This new variety bids fair to become one of our leading berries; fruit large, black, firm; a strong grower. Each 15c, 10 for $1.25. SHAFFER'S COLOSSAL.--A cross between the red and black raspberry. Popular and immensely productive and vigorous. Berries largest of all. More extensively grown for canning establishments than any other variety, growers being able to sell far below the price of the red varieties and reap a handsome profit. One grower reports having picked 6,839 quarts from less than one acre and a half. Each 10c, 10 for 75c.


OHIO.--Early, hardy and productive; black. Each 10c, 10 for 75c. CUTHBERT.--Dark crimson. Each 10c, ten 75c. GREGG.--Popular late black sort. Each 10c, 10 for 75c. NEW GOLDEN QUEEN.--Beautiful clear amber color, firm and of delicious flavor. Is of very vigorous, strong growth, hardy, and in productiveness simply marvelous. No home garden is complete without it. Each 15c, 10 for $1.00.


MUSKINGUM.--A new variety bearing an enormous purple red berry, the juice of which is the richest ruby color. It is enormously prolific, notwithstanding its large size, and on account of its rich color and flavor it is particularly valuable for canning and preserving. It has more flesh to the quantity of seed than any other. It is perfectly hardy and a strong, robust grower. Each 15c, 10 for $1.00.

RASPBERRY COLLECTION. One plant each of the above ten varieties, making an unequaled assortment, for only $1.25.

Last edit 12 months ago by lelfrank



STRAWBERRIES. The first maturing, most beautiful, delicious, wholesome and appetizing of fruits is the strawberry, and no matter how small the garden, you cannot afford to do without a small bed of them. Plant in March, April, May, September or October, in rows three feet apart and fifteen inches in the row for field culture, or fifteen inches apart each way for garden, leaving a path every third row. Those marked (p.) have imperfect flowers, and a few plants of some perfect-flowering variety must be planted near them to fertilize them. See special prices by the thousand. If desired by mail, add 25c. per 100 for postage.

[image] WARFIELD.

WARFIELD.--(p.)--Is taking the lead for market variety. A vigorous grower, tough and hardy, and astonishingly productive. Fruit is large, dark, glossy red, and it holds its color and form a long time after being picked. It has an agreeable, sprightly flavor, and it ripens early. Per 10, 35c; per 100, $1.25. BUBACH.--(p.)--A most wonderful berry in vigor of plant and yield of fruit, even under careless culture. The fruit is, in many instances, enormous, and the average is large and handsome. Per 10 35c, per 100 $1.50.

[image] BUBACH.

GREENVILLE.--(p.)--Is a strong competitor of the Bubach. The plants make a stronger growth and are quite as productive. The berries average a little smaller than Bubach, but are more uniform in size and regular in outline, and of finer texture and better shippers. Per 10, 60c, 100 $2.00. TIMBRELL.--(p.)--Pronounced by many the "gem of strawberries." It is a new variety, of large, average size, excellent flavor, very productive and healthy. Almost entitled to the name "frostproof." Per 10, $1.00.


BEDERWOOD.--A valuable early sort of quite recent introduction, but has proved a vigorous grower and very productive. Quality excellent. Per 10, 35c; per 100 $1.50. PARKER EARLE.--The best variety for family use in the whole list, as it is a perfect-flowered sort and bears immensely. The plant is robust, free from disease, stooling heavily. Berry regular, uniformly large, conical, with a neck glossy scarlet crimson, no hollow core, quality excellent, fruit borne in greatest profusion, the rate of fifteen thousand qts. to the acre having been gathered. Season is medium to very late. Per 10, 60c; per 100 $3.00.


HAVERLAND.--Ripens early and continues to fruit throughout the season. Large, uniform bright red. Per 10, 35c; per 100 $1.50. JESSIE.--Is especially desirable on new timber soil, and grows to such an immense size that seven will fill an ordinary quart box. One of the best fertilizers for the imperfect-flowered sorts. Per 10, 35c; per 100 $1.25. CRESCENT SEEDLING.--(p.)--Has for years been the standard market sort. Per 10, 30c; per 100 $1.25. SHUCKLESS.--A new variety creating much attention in some localities, although it was not a success on our place this year. Per 10, 75c; per 100 $3.50.



BLACKBERRIES. This is the king of small fruits, perfectly hardy. Plant in rows six or seven feet apart, three to five feet in the row. If by mail add 10c. per 10, 50c. per 100. OHMER.--A new variety from the same source as the Gregg raspberry; the success of which should be a guarantee of the worth of any other introduction of its disseminator. He describes it as a very strong grower, productive and hardy; berries very large, firm, and of sweet, fine flavor. We strongly recommend it for trial. Ripens late. Each 25c, 10 for $2.00. ERIE.--Many claim this to be the best of all kinds and on some soils the canes are of iron clad hardiness, and of the strongest growth, quite free from rust and all other diseases, and wonderfully productive, bending the robust canes to the ground with the weight of fruit. This berry is of the very largest size, excellent quality, handsome and firm. Shape is well shown by our illustration. It is the berry for both market and home. Each 20c, 10 for $1.50. SNYDER.--More grown than any other in this latitude because of its extreme hardiness. Medium size. Each 10c, 10 for 75c. STONE'S HARDY.--Upright, vigorous grower. Berries are a glossy black and of a delicious flavor, later than Snyder. Each 15c, 10 for $1.00.


Evergreens. These we make a specialty of, and all are strong and sure to grow with ordinary care. We will be glad to figure with you if you want a large number for hedge or windbreak. SIBERIAN ARBOR VITAE.--Hardy, conical form, compact and symmetrical; foliage dense and of a very peculiar dark green color. An ornamental and useful variety. It has a richer and more velvety tone of color than the American. 12 to 18 inches, each 25c. AMERICAN ARBOR VITAE.--8 to 12 inches, per 10 75c; 12 to 18 inches, each 15c, per 10 $1.00; 2 1/2 to 3 feet, each 35c. SCOTCH PINE.--8 to 12 inches, per 10 $1.00; 12 to 18 inches, per 10 $1.25. WHITE PINE.--8 to 12 inches, per 10 $1.00; 12 to 18 inches, per 10 $1.25. SAVIN.--18 to 24 inches, each 30c. BALSAM FIR.--12 to 18 inches, each 15c; per 10 $1.25. 18 to 24 inches, each 25c, per 10 $2.00. JUNIPER.--8 to 12 inches, per 10, 75c. GLOBE ARBOR VITAE.--12 to 15 inches, each 35c. HEMLOCK.--18 to 24 inches, each 35c, per 10 $2.50. TRAILING YEW.--12 to 18 inches, each 25c.


NORWAY SPRUCE.--A lofty and one of the best evergreens for hedges and windbreak. 8 to 12 inches per 10 75c; 12 to 18 inches, per 10 $1.00; 24 to 36 inches, per 10 $2.00. WHITE SPRUCE.--12 to 18 inches, per 10 $1.50; 18 to 24 inches, per 10 $2.00; 24 to 36 inches, per 10 $3.00. A great variety of other evergreens at low prices. Ask for list.

Ornamental Trees. CATALPA SPECIOSA.--4 to 6 feet, each 25c, per 10 $2.00. MOUNTAIN ASH.--6 to 8 feet, each 50c, per 10 $4.00. CUT-LEAVED WEEPING BIRCH.--4 to 6 feet, each 75c. POPULOUS BOLLEANA.--4 to 5 feet, each 50c. OLEASTOR.--4 to 6 feet, each 50c.

Apricot. CHINESE.--This is said to be as fine fruit as California apricots. It was brought from Northwest China, and is perfectly hardy. It is very scarce as yet, No. 1 trees. Each 50c, 10 for $4.00.

Last edit 12 months ago by lelfrank




Mammoth Vegetable Collection. (Col. No. 11.) One packet each of Marblehead Mammoth cabbage, Yard Long beans, Dignity mangel, Astro cucumber, Shumway's Giant musk melon, Prizetaker onion, King of Mammoths pumpkin, Mammoth Chili squash, Ponderosa tomato. In all, nine packets, worth 65c., for 45c.

Curious Vegetable Collection. (Col. No. 12.) One packet each of Snake cucumber, Improved ground cherry, Purple Husk tomato, garden lemon, White Velvet okra, Ornamental pomegranate, Orange water melon, peanuts, chufas, cotton, Chinese tea, lentils and coffee berry. In all, 13 packets, worth 95c., for 75c.

OSAGE HEDGE PLANTS. The introduction of barbed wire for fences has stopped the sale of hedge plants for a number of years, but of late they are growing in favor again, and all will admit that a nicely trimmed hedge is much handsomer, as well as a better protection, than almost any kind of fence that can be put up. The expense of making it is trifling, as a thousand plants will make 31 rods of hedge, when set six inches apart. They do not injure live stock as barbed wire does, and will soon save their cost in that particular. They also make good divisions for city lots. By express or freight, per 100, 50c; per 1000, $2.50; 5000 for $10.00.

I got 2000 osage plants of you 4 years ago, and I believe this spring I have a hedge that a rabbit can't get through. J. H. OSBORN, Hopkins, Mo.

ORNAMENTAL VINES AND CREEPERS. Don't omit to ask for a few vines with your order. Smaller plants of any of the following, (except Clematis Jack.) 25 cents each, by mail, postpaid. VIRGIN'S BOWER.--A very handsome variety of the Clematis, growing to a height of twenty feet and making a nice shade for porches, arbors, etc. The first season the plant grows ten to twelve feet and is literally covered with thousands of pure white flowers which are delightfully fragrant, and blooms continually from July to September. The foliage is dense, trifoliate pointed leaves. The beauty of the flowers is equaled, if not excelled, by the clusters of silvery-white seed balls, which are covered apparently with white silk hair and will keep nicely for decorations. The vine is perfectly hardy, rapid growing and graceful, and will succeed everywhere. It is free from insect enemies, and we know of no vine which will give more universal satisfaction. Each 25c, 5 for $1.00, postpaid. TRUMPET FLOWER.--Of rapid growth, with large, showy, trumpet-shaped scarlet flowers and pretty foliage. Each 40c. AMPELOPSIS-VEITCHII.--(Boston Ivy.)--This is one of the finest climbers we know of for covering walls, as it clings firmly to the smoothest surface. Each 40c. CHINESE WISTARIA.--A very rapid grower, and one of the most beautiful of all climbers. It is perfectly hardy, climbing to a height of fifty feet, and when covered with bloom is truly magnificent. Color blue. Each 40c. VIRGINIA CREEPER OR AMERICAN IVY.--Each 40c. HONEYSUCKLE. Red Coral or Scarlet Trumpet.--A strong, rapid grower, with an abundance of bright scarlet flowers. This is probably the most beautiful honeysuckle in cultivation, and blooms almost without ceasing. Each 40c. Yellow Trumpet.--Like above, only yellow. Each 40c. Monthly Fragrant.--Showy flowers of most delightful fragrance. Each 40c. CLEMATIS, Jackmanii.--Flowers large and in such masses as to form a cloud of bloom of intense violet-purple, having the appearance of velvet, and remarkably rich. Large, fine three-year-old plants, only $1.00.

HARDY FLOWERING SHRUBS. There is nothing which so quickly, and for so little cost, adds so much to the beauty, cheerfulness and homelike appearance of a place as an assortment of hardy shrubs. The following varieties are all hardy. Prices are for large, strong plants, to be sent by express or freight at the expense of purchaser; but, if desired, we can furnish smaller plants of any of them at 25 cents each, postpaid. DEUTZIA.--A very desirable shrub of strong, hardy growth, bearing an abundance of beautiful racemes of double, pure white flowers. Must be seen to be appreciated. Every one of our customers should have at least one of these choice shrubs in their yard, and we have made the prices so low that all can purchase. Strong plants. Each 25c. EXOCHORDIA GRANDIFLORA.--Bears a great profusion of beautiful pure white flowers, and the buds, before opening, greatly resemble clusters of rarely fine pearls. Each 50c. JAPAN QUINCE.--A popular, beautiful and valuable shrub, which very early in the spring is covered profusely with large red blossoms and beautiful glossy leaves, making a dazzling sight. Fine for hedges. Each 40c. SNOWBALL.--A well known and popular shrub, which grows to large size, covered with dense spherical clusters of white flowers, which gives it its name. Each 25c. LILAC. Purple.--A well known strong growing shrub, bearing large, fragrant clusters of flowers early in spring. Each 40c. LILAC. White.--Like above, but has white flowers, which makes it more desirable to some. Each 40c. TREE HONEYSUCKLE.--A very beautiful shrub loaded with pink flowers early in spring. Each 40c. HARDY ROSES.--Large nursery-grown quick-blooming plants. We have such as Prairie Queen, Baltimore Belle, General Washington, etc. Each 35c, 3 for $1.00. HYDRANGEA--Paniculata Grandifiora.--Each 40c. SPIREA.--One of the most charming and beautiful of shrubs. Assorted varieties. Each 40c. SYRINGA OR MOCK ORANGE.--Each 40c.

[image] DEUTZIA.

$1.00 ONE DOLLAR COLLECTIONS! $1.00 Any one of these collections sent postpaid for $1.00, or six for $5.00. These low priced collections cannot be changed or divided. There is no discounts on these, except that we will send any six collections for $5.00. Unless named in collection, the choice of varieties must be left with us. Everything will be plainly labeled, and nothing but strong, well rooted one-year stock will be sent. When ordering name the number of collection only. $1.00 each.

SET No. 21.--Fourteen apple trees, 7 sorts. Set No. 22.--Four pear trees and 4 apple trees all different. SET No. 23.--Three cherry trees and 3 pear trees, all different. SET No. 24--One pear, 1 cherry, 1 apricot, 1 plum, 2 peach, 2 apple. SET No. 25.--Twelve grape vines, two each of Brighton, Concord, Agawam, Pocklington, Worden and Niagara. SET No. 26.--Fifteen Concord grape vines or 13, entirely our choice, in 4 varieties. SET No. 27.--Forty-two raspberries, 6 each of Souhegan, Gregg, Cuthbert, Shaffers, Golden Queen, Turner, Ohio. SET No. 28.--Twenty currants, 5 each of Red Dutch, Cherry, Victoria and White Grape. SET No. 29.--Forty strawberries, 10 each of Warfield, Parker Earle, Bubach, Haverland. SET No. 30.--Two grape vines, two currants, 5 raspberries, 5 blackberries, 2 gooseberries. SET. No. 31.--One Idaho pear, 1 Abundance plum, 1 Champion peach, 1 Diamond grape. SET No. 32.--One Norway Spruce, 1 American Arbor Vitae, 1 Scotch Pine, 1 Pyramidal Arbor Vitae, 1 Irish Juniper, 1 Hemlock. SET No. 33.--Two Downing gooseberries, 2 Red Dutch currants, and 1 each of Golden Queen, Cuthbert, Shaffer's Colossal, and Ohio raspberries. SET No. 34.--Ten hardy Catalpa (12 to 18 inch), 5 Russian Mulberry, and 1 each of Red, White and Pink Spirea. SET No. 35.--One Pink Lilac, 1 Rose Acacia, 1 Deutzia, 1 Spirea, and 1 Japan quince. SET No. 36.--One Trumpet vine, 1 Red Honey Suckle, 1 Wistaria, 1 Syringa, 1 Spirea. SET No. 37.--Six hardy shrubs, our selection. SET No. 38.--Six hardy climbing vines, our selection of varieties. SET No. 39.--Two Norway Spruce, 2 Scotch Pine, 1 White Pine and 1 White Spruce. SET No. 40.--Five Norway Spruce, 5 Scotch Pine and 5 European Larch. SET No. 41.--One Scotch Pine, 1 White Pine, 1 Norway Spruce, 1 White Spruce, 1 Red Cedar, 1 Arbor Vitae, and 1 Balsam Fir.

Last edit 12 months ago by lelfrank
Displaying pages 81 - 85 of 92 in total