1876 Copying Book: Superintendent's Letters, 2005.062.007

Letterpress Copying Book. Bound ledger of Superintendent's Correspondence, January 1, 1875 - December 14, 1878, pp. 1-709, including correspondence of James Lovering. Includes 2 separate letters: old colony railroad and invoice for copying ink.





Jany 24 [187]6

Joseph Collins Esq Gardener.

Dear Sir,

Oh and after Feb'y 1st, I shall expect you to keep the time of all men employed in your department. McDonald & Curtin will divide the Sunday work, once when extra men are needed the other men at greenhouses will divide it, also without any extra pay for Sundays, when the need stay only so long as may be necessary to take proper care of the plants.

None of the men on your book, will hereafter attend the gate or interments on Sundays, as I shall make other provision for that, and when the force is increased in the spring, you will allow no man except tho his greenhouse men McDonald & Curtin, and the gardener's teamster Mr. Collins, for any days when it is too wet to work except by special arrangement with me. I expect you to dismiss your men working in the grounds, whenever it is too wet to work for the advantage of the corporation, without regard to whether the other formen's men are working or not.

The weekly reports at the end of the month should show the same total number of days, which your time book shows, and you will be charged with as many days as are on your time book.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Thom Burns



unless you note on the foot of your weekly report the name of any man who has been away from you for a short time to assist either Mr. Barker or the foreman.

As a rule I do not care to have the man for the funerals taken from your department, and the section foreman should never be taken.

When the Spring opens a teamsters [will?] be appointed whom you can call on in case of need, the others I do not want taken from their work without orders from the foreman. If you have any doubt as to any of their arrangement please see me.

Yrs truly J. W. Lovering

Please see that the Sunday arrangement is understood as that all may be satisfied when payday comes.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Thom Burns



J.M. Spelman Esq Chair. Comm on Mounds

Dear Sir

Enclosed is a plan which I offer as a substitute for the present plan for laying out that part of the Stone Farm between Magnolia, Swan & Eagle Avenues and the Iron Fence.

A copy of the present laying out is in your posession or at the Boston office, and the proposed charges are shown on the enclosed plan in red.

I consider the advantage of the proposed plan to be that the laying out conforms more nearly with the natural surface, that the means of drainage will be better, and the curve & winding avenues will present a more pleasing appearance than long and straight ones.

As work is now underway which would be somewhat effected by this change. I should be glad to know the decision of the committee as soon as convenient.

Resfectfully J. W. Lovering Supt

Last edit over 2 years ago by Thom Burns



[diagram: Measurements of lot 2134, Asclepias Path]

LOT No 2134

Profile of Lot through the centre see line A B

Asclepias Path

Last edit over 2 years ago by Thom Burns



Clerk of the Selectmen of Watertown

Dear Sir

Please cause A. A. Barker Joseph Collins Edw.d Patchett Geo. E. S. Hutchins and E. F. Young to be apointed "special Policemen" all being employees of this Corporation

Very Respectfully J. W. Lovering Sup.t per Childs

Last edit over 2 years ago by Thom Burns
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