(seq. 47)


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68 revisions
Ardilla at Jan 25, 2023 09:06 AM

(seq. 47)

Canine Madness

This is Occasioned by the Bite of a Mad

Baldness to prevent

Lenimentum Crinificum
Rx Gm Labdanum zvj. Ol. Ursi zij.
Mel. Zss. Lig. Mericies pulv. ziij. Ol.
Nucis Moschat zj. Bals. peruv. zij.
M. f. a. Rub the Head over with an Onion
then apply the Linimentum Repeat them
thrice a Day

(seq. 47)

Canine Madness

This is Occasioned by the Bite of a Mad

Baldness to prevent

Lenimentum Crinificum
Rx Gm Labdanum zvj. Ol. Ursi zij.
Mel. Zss. Lig. Mericies pulv. ziij. Ol.
Nucis Moschat zj. Bals. peruv. zij.
M. f. a. Rub the Head over with an Onion
then apply the Linimentum Repeat them
thrice a