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dolars if I could pay that I would be happy I am 56 years old today thaire is very littel hope of me working a nuf to pay so much as that I havent a nother det in the world I have prayed every day for the dear lord to lead me write and I think he will I have great fath in prays I can work good and make my living if I could just get out of det I wish you lived close that I could com to see you than I would feel more shure
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you would help this puts me in mind of a littel child writing to sandy clous before Crismas mow cind lady if you do nothin for me please say nothing about me writing to you some would think it was a aufel thing to do if it dont seem rite to you please excuse me from
Mrs. Mary E Mincer
mill hall
clinton Co
I am a widow for 20 yars
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Mrs Jane L. Stanford
San Francisco
I suppose you receive quite [a?] few requests for help but I want [no?] help for myself. Seeing in the [pa?]per of your gift to the university [I?] thought I would write to you. I [ha?]ve a boy 10 years old that would [lov?]e to have Santa Claus bring him [a?] locomotive that runs by steam [bu?]t they cost almost six dollars [an?]d I am unable to get him one.
Respectfully Yours,
Raymond D. Mill
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St. Paul Dec 11th 1901.
Mrs Jane L. Stanford
Dear Mrs Stanford
Having read with interest of your many endearing traits of character, being especially attracted by your devotion to education I feel you wll not consider it an intrusion if I send you a few lines, telling you
you for any favor shown
I remain sincerely
Philomena Morgan
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of my effort to get a start in the business world. At one time Papa was a wholesale Grocer in Omaha Nebr. but misfortune overtook him and we lost everything we possessed in the world, even our dear homestead. We came to St Paul to be near my brother, he and I being the only ones left out of a family of ten. It falls