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woman you know nothing of But it is only the last year or two we have such poor luck But I hope & trust in you will get this & help me a little as I am telling you the truth But not making it as bad as it is I didn't believe you got my other letter for something tells me if you did you would surely send a little it would be a little to you But it would help me a whole lot now I [?] say any But if you dont want to help me please let me know you received my letter & I wont Bother you again I would be sorry if have displeased you by writing
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it is not a very easy task for me to Bring my self to But you being a Lady & I have heard so much about you that I dont feel so bad
Mrs Maria Moore
305 Montana Av
Victor Colorado
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Sutherland. Ky. Jan. 1902.
Mrs Leland Sanford [sic]
Dear madam: Having seen in the Youths companion where you had given the Leland Sanford [sic] University money & property to the value of Thirty Million Dollars I thought I would beg a great favor of you. I have five children two boys and three girls whom I would like to give and [sic] education but am too poor now to make a start hardly in that direction
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am known by at least 1.000 people in this Daviess Co Ky to the best business men of Owensboro Ky.
Hoping for an early aswer [sic]
I am yours obediently
B. F. Moseley
Daviess. Co. Ky.
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Buffalo N. Y.
Dec. 11, 1901.
Mrs. Jane Stanford
Dear Madam:
Observing in the daily papers your generous gift to an institution, I have reason to believe, that you will show a kindness to the writer of thie epistle I have been married, three months, owing to an opposition on the part of my