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Buffalo, N.Y.
Dec. 16, 1901
Dear Madam,_
Seeing your picture and reading of your wonderful generosity in giving away millions for a good cause. I can't resist writing and telling you my situation. Eight years ago I was left entirely alone on my
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own resources. In fact penniless. I have kept a private boarding house, had to go into debt for furniture and every thing to open my house with. And have barely made a living, have never been able to pay my debts. It is just wearing me out am on the verge of nervous prostration.
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Pardon me for addressin you in this manner, but all I can say is that you, like my self are a part of humanity.
Here is a list of names
Mr. L. J. Bennett, P. J. Lockie, F. Busch.
Hoping and praying this meets your approval. I am,
Very Respectfully -
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2112 W. 101st Place
Chicago, Cook Co Ill,
Dec 12/01
Mrs Leland Stanford
I take the liberty of asking you, what chance or opportunity there is for a boy when he leaves the Public Grammar Schools here in Chicago for a Practical business Education in the great University which bears your name, I have a boy we call "Stanford" bet. 10 & 11 & as soon as he is out of the Grammar School here I would like to give him a brief practical Education as I cant afford nor can he afford to wait much longer than 14 to 15 years